— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 114 - ] Comment quote №25262
he: Hi, I'm dating your sister, can you add friends?
You will soon have to set up a separate group.

[ + 56 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25261
The Cat_Bantom
Can you translate the text from human to human?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №25260
From the news:
Doctors at Birmingham City Hospital say covering the head is dangerous to life. Wearing a head cap significantly increases the risk of accidents with cyclists and pedestrians.

Kenny’s phenomenon is uncovered! =) is

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №25259
Q: Do you have a notebook on applied mechanics?
WOW: No, I lost it... who gave it and who I don’t remember... I don’t know what to do now.
Q: Are you really talking about the notebook?

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25258
Great and powerful Russian language, and not to use anyone

[ + 30 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25257
I am deaf to music, but very responsive. From childhood. I love singing, but I don’t listen. "Oh frost, frost" in my performance produces an indelible impression and is remembered forever. It was discovered long ago. I only went to second grade when my parents came to mind to give me a musical education. My uncle, who graduated from the Conservatory, taught, and then, for some time, even was a director at a local music school, listening to me, stood by the horn, but gave in to the pressure of his older brother and I was counted. My uncle, who felt some responsibility for his future disciple, gave me an old mandolin and a kind of fist in which a small violin could be recognized by the joint attached.
I have to say that the gifts interested me little and only from the point of view of the design and all kinds of screws, called for some reason crocks. At that time I was much more occupied by the two books held from my father’s library.
"Sambo system - martial arts" Harlampiyev, with very interesting pictures of captures and throws and a thick textbook of Glinka's chemistry with incomprehensible, but fascinating words. And another hamster.
This red bastard once again bitten his cage and ran out of the closet. Feeling the child's responsibility for the beast, and having spent a day for his excavation from under the closet, I repaired the cage. The Wire. As a wire, strings from mandolin and violins, bitten from there by boxers, were exclusively suited. So that no one would notice, I pulled into the place of the strings an ordinary paper spat. Once upon a time, all kinds of cakes and cakes were wrapped in the shops. After trying the result and not noticing any difference in the sound, I immediately forgot about the instruments and started testing Harlampiev on the roller from the couch.
My father liked the cell. I would probably have been praised, but my uncle, deeply indignated by my barbaric attitude toward the Mandolini, complained to his father and his work remained invaluable. My father, thank God, has a wise man and the punishment he has invented has completely arranged me. I was banned from doing music.
You will think, what a matter, - you can sing and learn from the plates, - I decided, - I got out of my mom's closet the favorite disc with Barina and thus the frost on the other side. After a week of exercises, the couch roll broke on the seam, patiently my grandmother began to tie her head with a puffy cloth, covering her ears with two layers of it, and the hamster lost appetite and the desire to get out of the cage. But I learned the song about the cold without any music school. There was only one thing that bothered me: the complete absence of listeners. The grandmother referred to sudden migraines, the mother to fatigue and out-of-the-box control MOPIs. Krupskaya, my father went on a new trip, and all my friends considered singing a completely "deffchish" thing. The only listener was a hamster, who, as I now understand, had no other way out of the cage. I am lucky in life. It is always good in large quantities.
Not a couple of days passed, as the doors of our class opened and in them, interrupting the lesson, flew our new singing teacher - a very young girl in a fashionable mini shirt. We got up and sat down. After whispering a little with our class lady, she announced the following: the concert of the school choir and solo performers planned for tomorrow is under threat of disruption. All performers and half the choir fell down with angina, eating ice cream, after singing out in a neighboring school. And if the choir still sings somehow in a semi-composition and is already rehearsing, then solo singers can only knock in the palms at home. Need a replacement urgently. Can any of us sing a Russian folk song?
“Well, I can,” I stood up and turned red of embarrassment, proudly looking around.
My classmates just learned one. The singer’s name is.
Sitting next to Kolka twisted his finger at the whisker, and the uneducated Lecha just grabbed. But the cute Marinka turned around, shaking her beads, and smiled interested. I had to red even more.
Do you know, dear friend, the notes? asked unexpectedly.
the initiative from below a beautiful lady, - and how many times to you repeat that
Is it inappropriate for adults to “mortalize”?
- Well, I know, - without blinking my eye, I lied, without seeing the way back, -
My uncle is the director of the music school.
The iron argument was impressive.
- After the lessons go to the music class, - said the singing teacher and
He joyfully walked away with a beautiful pop.
Lord, how naive our teachers were, how they believed the children, I think now. Now that I am thirty years older than the then seventeen-year-old singing teacher with the humiliating nickname “singer.”
And then, I barely finished the remaining lesson and went to the third floor of the school, where such a little entrance was usually ordered. Well, unless you are dragged into the teacher's room for disassembly, for smoking in the toilet, a broken friend's nose, a removed glass, or some kind of innocent childhood nonsense, such as "smoke-ups" from the roof.
I was waiting in the music class.
“Stand up next to me,” said the singer, sitting behind the piano and moving away.
The Fingers. I heard unfamiliar music.
Probably going off, I understood.
Does the pace suit you? The singer asked.
What is the rhythm, if not the music? I thought, she was on.
Bayonne must be played like a record, and the piano here is not on any side.
It turned.
Looking for the eyes and waiting a little, I still decided not to give up:
A normal pace, but this is the tone.
What is tonality? The teacher was a bit upset, I was always like that.
- But I would add minorities, - I broke it, giving out the unknown to me.
The words I heard from my uncle. And softened, pointing with his fingers,
A little bit.
Luckily, our classes were interrupted by a school technician.
Anyone who crashed into the cabinet with a shovel and a cane.
“Everyone, Galka, turn out,” she whispered as she began to clean up, “again before
The brands gathered. Go now, do not hinder work. Boy to Home
Just try not to do anything. We know them. Nothing to him.
To rehearse, he tormented the whole entrance with his songs.
This is the truth: I could have lost something on the road. Aunt Luba lived in a neighboring apartment, was friends with my grandmother and knew me as a polished person since birth. And we went home.
Before the beginning of the concert, all performers crowded behind the scenes of the acting hall and worried before the performance in anticipation of the crowd.
Under the feet of the speakers was a school ball. The ball is not a ball, but a dog and a universal pet. Thin and furry in his species, he lived at the dining room, was fed up to a spherical state, as a result of which, was good to madness and cared for unhealthy child loves with the patience of a plush dog. The concert finally began.
I acted second. Waiting for my announcement, I went out on stage, worshipped the audience, put my right leg forward and graciously nodded the taper in the face of the singer:
Let’s go, or the people have waited.
She played, I sang without getting in touch, but penetratingly loudly and very, as I thought, mentally.
The people in the hall moved, sitting next to Marinka Leha (which is good) applauded, and I continued my tragic song, taking a little higher.
Among the spectators there were rare approving, as I thought, laughter.
And I sang with as much feeling as I could. When I arrived at my
The women in the room were not only laughing, but also crying. I wanted to rejoice in the reaction of the audience as they started singing behind me. Without interrupting the songs, I turned around: just to the left of me, on the stage, Sharik sat and swung, shaking his head. He didn’t get any quieter than me, but in the tactic he got better.
“The parasite,” I thought and sang, “cannot come out earlier.
In the room, listening to the sad sound, everyone cried. My thoughts were interrupted by the angry voice of the director:
“Who let this cattle on the stage,” asked the director, “take it away.”
and immediately.
Physruck, geographer and labourer - all the school men rushed to follow the instructions. The music ended, but I sang to the end, not paying attention to the run behind my back. I don’t know how Balliku, but I’ve never been beaten like that again.
But one question still plagues me: why did neither the physician, nor the geographer, nor the laborer have any doubts about what cattle the director meant. Maybe he pointed his finger? This is unfair to students.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №25256
A Jew, having arrived at home by taxi, silently exits the car and begins to ball in his pockets, and under his nose cries:
The car’s wallet is broken out.
Hearing this, the taxi driver presses on the gas and stumbles. A Jew, looking behind a taxi, says:
And Rabinovich doesn’t lie, it really works.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №25255
The name of the departments: toys for boys, toys for girls, all for the smallest...and a mysterious department called "bags".

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №25254
Fuck, do you remember the photo on my 16th year old I’m rolling in the bathroom? Who took the photo, how to find it now? No one has...
Yyy: bull in the deputies, she will find you =)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №25253
Fidel Castro: He barely drowned! In short, a neighbor (young boy, aged 28-29) did the repair. The second day something hard drilled, ddrelled, and perforated... I touched him in the aska, I said: "Neighbor, you are my born! I understand everything, of course, but you’re crazy for #ball to perforate!". After a minute, I hear from his apartment a real popper of such an alt-metal, an alt-metal, through which the sound of the perforator is barely heard. I see the messaging in the aska coming from him: "and so better?"

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №25252
All men are goats.
Thank you Olive.
You are not men, you are my friends with whores.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №25251
If you are swallowing, chew more carefully. Blessing is heavy. ( by

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №25250
I do advertising. I send the text for the radio video for coordination to the director...Then I call.
Have you read the text of the roll?
What kind of rabbit?? to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №25249
How to determine whether a chicken is ready or not?
If it moves, it’s not ready yet.

[ + 78 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25248
Letter to class:
Hello dearly respected Natalia Vladimirovna! Most of all, I ask forgiveness and forgiveness for not being at the school today because the alarm was enslaved by evil spirits and it did not work for me for an apparent reason. I’m a good, poor boy and it’s not my fault, it’s all evil spirits!

And her answer:
My good and poor boy, by this order I notify you:
Once again your faithful, little slave, in the common people called the "wake-up," will deceive you - I myself will turn to the evil spirits. Be thou then a "star" boy, from the word "get the stars".
I wait for you in the royal mansions at number 113, at 8:45 (until noon). Otherwise I will impose terrible curses.

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №25247
M: I need to go to bed... are you going?
I started to wear my pants.)
M: mmm and cool))
A: the button comes out a little tightly, the fingers touch the lightning, the hand moves handily, it stretches, and I get rid of my pants.
I’m throwing them off the shirt, it’s time to get the shirt done.
Even if you stay, now you are ;)
M: removed and threw out the socks in the middle of the room))))
and the men :(

[ + 111 - ] Comment quote №25246
xxx: describe yourself
Tagged: brunette
XXX is AHA. And the eyes?
YYY: there is

[ + 88 - ] Comment quote №25245
ARTOX (16:00:03 24/01/2010)
What about the Prince?

Yeltsin (16:00:32 24/01/2010)

ARTOX (16:00:49 24/01/2010)
A lonely wolf?

Yeltsin (16:00:58 24/01/2010)
The Horsed Horse

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №25244
on the site of broadcasts video first in the list by popularity - from the erotic section:

Nippon is not visible. Sweaters in the back.
The white cat is dragging there.

In the chat messages of the genre:
Show the ass.
Kids in the Camera
Put her rack.

Next Post: Don’t take the cat away! My cat is shaking. thanks

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №25243
From ASI.

EvilBird (22:14:10 24/01/2010)
The shoe?

DeaTh_NOte (22:14:22 24/01/2010)
The Study)

EvilBird (22:14:27 24/01/2010)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna