— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №123757
to this:
What was the name of a book in which the power in the country has been seized by a gangster, all the newspapers are lying, people are so accustomed to lying that they call a cat a dog, and those who try to tell the truth are caught by the police?

Gianni Rodari, The Magical Voice of Jelsomino. Very relevant in modern realities.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №123756
TS: There are adequate SMS services, it is still the easiest way to pay. Everyone has mobile phones, but no electronic money.

Per I am now collecting downsides...I didn’t believe my eyes until I saw it myself. Some temples collect donations through SMS copies. And it turns out that you donate 40 percent of the commission to your cellular operator.)

In what ways do temples differ from fraudsters?

Yyy: You cannot engage under any circumstances.

Zzz: You know, maybe not in the topic, but now I remembered. I once saw a picture-call with the inscription "Let's rob the temples and give money to the poor!" and a comment-response "Why? They will bring them back.”

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №123755
I liked a girl at school. She fought with the boys, taught me to smoke, to drink alcohol, could lubricate my nose. One day a maniac came to her on the street, after 5 minutes the maniac remained with a broken leg lying on the asphalt. I thought she would grow up, what would happen to her?

I met yesterday. He works as a rheumatologist of SMP.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №123754
He recently opened his recording studio. Opened a VKontakte group, and slowly began to rise" customers. And then one of those days a client calls me and agrees to record a song. He assigned her a date and time and discussed the cost of recording a song per hour.

The recording day came, a cute 19-year-old brunette arrived and we started the session.

For the first two hours, nothing clear came out, as she sang gently speaking badly (this is, of course, corrected thanks to the correction of false notes, equalization, compression and many other clever words :) After 4 hours, she still did not like everything that came out, and she changed her mind to record this song, and wanted to record another, another 3 hours and nothing good came out of it. Then our wise young woman said

Thank you, nothing works and the desire to record is gone.

When I decided to calculate her by studio price, she said a wonderful thing.

So I didn’t get a ready song, I won’t pay, and so on. and etc.

The long talk that it’s not my fault that you don’t get it didn’t convince her. She called her dad and said I was blackmailing her money. Not an hour passed as the father came angry and angry at the "discussions" with me, explaining to him the situation, he silently got the wallet paid, and told the daughter to quickly climb into the car, apologized and left.

My friends, that is all. I wish you more good customers and less bad ones ;)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123753
It is easy!

Here everyone is very helpful to remember the title of the book, help me, plz. Once I read the book, I don't remember what, tell the author and the title!

Horalik Linor, “How to learn to read what is written.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123752
Vasily, I thought Makarevich was a virgin

Basil: Why is it?

He’s so sad constantly and he’s cooking himself.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123751
Evening conversation with my husband. He is "educating me":
Goethe is a common name for the disadvantaged areas of the United States.
I am curious... I ask:
So what is a ghetto?
Not what, but who! This is the name of the philosopher. Faust of Ghetto!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123750
In short, considering all of the above, the only person who has a chance is the educator of a colony for minors. He understands the psychology of medieval semi-animals, knows how to control it and has all the chances to end his days in old age, on the throne of a great empire. By way of introducing several basic techniques of scientific knowledge of the world, and there they will learn to do paper themselves. Even the toilet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №123749
Stesh was terribly worried about how his brother was taken out of his stomach. I show the seam from Caesarean and explain what was cut, taken, sewn.
Stella in horror: "What are the straight lines? Nets and needles!! What a nightmare... it’s Scottish!! Well, or glue some...."
In her understanding it is apparently terrifying and in general "the Stone Age"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №123748
If you are kind to a goat, it will jump on your neck.

[ + 38 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №123747
Admiral Kolchak, once occupying the next city, said: "Do not touch artists, prostitutes and cowboys. They serve every power.”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №123746
But how good is now the Americans who took a mortgage loan in rubles.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №123745
The husband is fascinated by world of tanks, the son (8 years) supports him.
My husband, you know, I already have a second wife.
I am what???? to
Put my hand on my shoulder in the game, Mom. It is in the game...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №123744
A neighbor of the upper class with friends painted the elevator and the walls of the entrance with the logo of his companion. He did not realize that it was his own entrance. And he was very surprised, probably, when his father gave him a cloth, a bottle of gasoline, and said he would not let him in until he washed all the walls from top to bottom. The old baby cried and cried until the evening, as a result of which the breast brain began to gradually break.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №123743
by misha_makferson:
There was a small dog in the yard without a leash. And so that it is not lost in the dark (small, and also dark) with the dog on the collar lamp. There were street dogs doing their business. When they saw it, their mouths read “Mother of God!” What is it?" However, the mimic of dogs is quite expressive.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №123742
Amur bit Timor because he bit him. Typical family situation.
Amur and Timur - fin de l'Amour?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123741
Feridnew: I am new here) I also want to earn:) I know 4 languages How can I earn here please help (
leadwar: 4 languages?))
feridnew: Yes Azerbaijani 100% Turkish 100% Anglican somewhere 80-85% Russian 90-95%

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №123740
I woke up on weekends because of the neighbors for various reasons, who drilled, who knocked, who played / listened to music, who cried, who robbed the furniture, and who will knock the door.
Today I was awakened by the sound of a matrix printer.
Who and why needed a matrix printer at home, I do not understand.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №123739
- And yes, here a friend of the FSB is interested in how you got to Egypt?
Return to a more familiar transportation.
Yes, you are extreme.
What can you do for an Egyptian magnet in the refrigerator?! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №123738
Neradence: Daddy, as always, is fairy. Looking at the battery (new, on plastic tubes).
"No," he says, "I don’t like her. The boy. How to hold hostages? They will run out and flee..."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna