— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №108465
Wintersun: $%&@#!!! to
Wintersun: repaired the pants - stinged himself for the egg...
Wintersun: The Sugar
Castor: I had the same yesterday.
Wintersun: Nahera made them so painful
Castor: Shob Berog

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108464
XX: translates as God puts on the soul
There is no God! 1! to
xxx: * translates how singularity on the metaphysical conception of the mind
xxx: fixtures

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108463
Stanis Tikhonovskiy – “the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians see it (Ukraine) precisely unitary, not federal.”
The overwhelming majority of Ukrainians don’t even know what differentiates the unitary from the federal.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108462
Vegan-violent dystrophy is a consequence of mortgage))))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №108461
No, experimenting to please a loved one is good! But...if you close your eyes to the stitched floor, the plate and the deadly fried dishes, then everything will be fine too. After all, men really do not notice dirt and garbage until they are locked up.
She almost divorced her, until he convinced me that he was really dumb, there is dust in the corners or not, and that washing the floor for 2 hours in the same room until the glow is a perversion. It’s more important for him that I’m fun, playful and inclined to sex. And the dishes in the washing machine stand, stood and will stand! until his mother comes, demonstrably will not rub the plate and will not convince his son that it is impossible to live with such a mess!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №108460
Red beard: We have a hygienic fingers moisturizer on the admin table of the FOV network. by Bikovsky.
(We are on this table, acts and other accounting)
Every guest, every bitch, every person. Takes, turns, turns back, opens the lid, puts the fingers (not always clean), swings, closes, puts in place.
The red beard! I found them in charge!
Stalker (Vitaly) is a scrapper? The superclay? Beating a man?
Red beard: Now the calligraphic inscription "Creme for the buttocks"", article.....
Stalker: You are evil!
Red beard: Take, turn, put back sharply!
Profit to!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №108459
“I consider it morally justified to remove abortion operations from the system of compulsory medical insurance, which is supported at the expense of taxpayers, including those who categorically refuse abortion,” he said.

I support a reasonable and thoughtful proposal. I also propose to withdraw the RPC from television and other public institutions supported by taxpayers, including those who categorically do not accept the RPC.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108458
From the INSTALL.BAT file in the Denwer installation:

What did you forget, let me ask you?
< a lot of empty lines>
Before you change anything, think twenty times.
< a lot of empty lines>
Once you have decided, you will have to learn to read DOS-coding.
<commands and comments to them (in DOS coding, yes)>
Here we will deal with the mistakes (tfu-tfu).
<more teams>
< a lot of empty lines>
So you got here too? Incredible perseverance...
<Teams >

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №108457
Palich: It was a long time ago. I have a friend. I gave him a Vietcong toy. There is a level where you have to crawl through dark tunnels and beat out the insidious Vietnamese. About the fact that the lamp is turned on by the L button, a friend did not know. Picture with oil! In the deep night his wife sees such horror. Her husband sits behind the compound in the headphones, watches in the square of Malevich and nervously rolls on the chair, swinging with the mouse. Her first thought was: "It’s done! It is time to talk". She approached him, placed her hand on her shoulder... screams were on the whole entrance! My friend postponed the brick inexorably. The most interesting thing is that he this level then so without the lamp and passed. and stubborn.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №108456
Teacher in Practice:
I don’t like good guys very much. They will come once you understand, they will all give up and go, we will never see each other again. But with the twins on the fourth edition, you can already talk about the meaning of life.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №108455
And here the miner includes TV, and there: Sechin’s 25-year-old son was awarded the Order for many years of conscientious work. And the miner is like this: Obama, shit, monkey!

I’ll go and drink vodka and wood at the reactor in Podkin.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №108454
I have seen a real fighter for moral bases once in my life. About the decline of morals in our time he told, lying naked in my bed and interrupted when my wife called on the cell phone. Given that he lied to me that he was divorced, the scene was unpleasant. Since then, it is even unpleasant to admit that I have some moral attitudes, suddenly they will think that I am the same.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108453
By the way, for artificial fertilization, sperm is given by masturbation, and fertilization occurs under a microscope thanks to doctors. That is, it turns out, the child from the test tube is the most real handmade.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108452
Anastasia: Fuck, I want to go to this movie, but the way it’s broken up – it’s a desire (
Marina: Why is it?
Anastasia: "here are all the bodies going to porn in the movie"
Anastasia: bad reputation, shorter
Marina: What is it
Marina: And I'll go, because when I'll watch porn on the big screen again
Marina: on such a big screen

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108451
here here :

Thro my life, I have been taught to put dirty socks in the laundry by my father, my mother, my girlfriend, my wife... And the cat taught me, because if he does it, I have to go to the store for new ones.

— — —
I was also taught to put dirty socks in my laundry, but I only managed to put them on.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108450
xxx: where in this dumb contact status "stricken, I’m looking for five mulats"?
This is what they call "all is difficult". And also truth. Finding five mutants is very difficult.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №108449
From the news:

Conchita Wurst intends to dispel the negative perception of the Russians about her and travel with a tour of the cities of Russia. The Russian Foreign Ministry has already warned Conchita that she may not return from this tour.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108448
I wrote a children's journal without delivery (fuck it!), today received a notification of his arrival, after working on the mail, once fell even, a small one at home, waiting for the magazine. There is no line! by YES! I extend the notice. A woman, an employee of the post office, looked at the notice:
Oh, I will not give it to you!
– and?!!! to
I don’t know where this all lies! Come here tomorrow at 9am.
and gone!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108447
Battled with their dogs! This is a cat resource! Admin, cat and shredder!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108446
From Habr:
"There are more bacteria in the phone than in the toilet!", "There are more bacteria in the kitchen than in the toilet!", "There are more bacteria in the chair than in the toilet!", "There are more bacteria on the keyboard than in the toilet!"
Why do they continue to compare everything in a row to such an apparently sterile place as the toilet? Why have we not moved to permanent residence in public toilets yet?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna