— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13691
<Legioner>: What’s new about you?
Steel_rat: Do you remember Artema Linux? Well you called him schizophrenic when I introduced you)))
<Legioner>: You will always remind me now? I have been learned that Linux is subtle matter, and that a simple mortal like me will never understand it! Should I come and apologize again???? to
Steel_rat: Wait until you apologize! That week he was taken somewhere... It turned out to be schizophrenia O_o

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №13690
From the Auto Forum:

Lexter: Nine in price/quality is a great car! To its creation attached a hand even specialists from Porsche!
Tender: Oh, it’s a pity, but everyone else, as usual, applied the shit!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13689
The year 2006. World Championship in Football. Start of the broadcast of the match of the 1/4 final Ukraine-Italy. The national anthem of Ukraine is performed and the camera slips on the faces of the players. We sit with the whole family in front of the TV and our hearts are filled with pride. The wife says looking at the players: "Ears!". I clarify: "Socks!" A 5-year-old son looking at the screen with interest gives his verdict: "Dyatly!"

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13688
Talk to your girlfriend:
She says: quit smoking!
I: I will grow and I will not be beautiful
Then do the sport!
I: I'm going to be going to be going.
Fuck with you chicken.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13687
R-Ser (00:11:24 14/01/2009)
In September, a lot of people

R-Ser (00:11:29 14/01/2009)
Do you know what it means?)

kamaz (00:11:37 14/01/2009)

R-Ser (00:11:53 14/01/2009)
Someone had a good time for the New Year.

R-Ser (00:11:53 14/01/2009)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13686
I put the anti-spam question 1 + 2 + 3 +... + 100 =?
All guests are divided into three categories:
c) The smart
b) hard work
c) The programmers

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №13685
YYY: How did you blink with the light yesterday?
YYY: Sitting up a cage? :D
XXX: Aha
She said she was ready to break up with her life because of me.
XXX is true!
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY! Or the light? Are you chasing?
No, seriously, she said it was better to drown in the bathroom than to meet me!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13684
Day as day. I read Bach. I got a funny quote, and I laughed a little, went out to smoke in the entrance. The mood is good, I smoke and quietly chick, remembering the quote. The grandmothers at the entrance strangely touched me. In the poem...
In an hour the door rings. I open – menta, and next to them one of the entrance grandmothers. The dialogue:
Myth is he?
Grandma: Yeah he is! Smoking and Hichikal.
Myth: The young man. Please show the cigarettes you smoked.
And I was on the melli and the third day smoked whiteworm. And the situation was finally worsened by the fact that I began to ride on the floor and roast like a horse on a hemp field.
c) MaratMS

How did it end??? I die of curiosity.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13683
I realized that I would have an official boss already at the interview - when I saw him on the table in the scraper's department a well-proclaimed pipette!!!! x_x

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №13682
You have to be able to appear effectively and quietly disappear.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13681
Our general surname is Tsarev, and the underground name is natural.

The King. Before the New Year he gave us a naked salary (customers complaining about

difficult times did not translate the grandmother), however, promised later

to compensate.

And today, he gathers us all together (on the table of a pack of sweaters).

The envelope, and he says:

I’ve given you the bonuses before the NHG, you know why. I am my own

I hold my word, you get it now. So that you may know that you are my way, and I

I will never give you twice as much as I promised. I hope you are

Be careful and don’t leave me in difficult times.

For a few seconds, there was a stunned silence in the office, and here

At the end of the day, the trembling voice of our

Technical Engineer Yaris:

Lord, keep the king, keep the king, keep the king.

I wanted to catch up, but I couldn’t laugh.)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №13680
To whom you do not go on the New Year's Eve, all tables are broken from the financial

The Crisis.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №13679
And I would have opened champagne with my teeth today, if I knew that this would be the best.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №13678
Alex(10:33:19 14/01/2009)
The happiness of the prey is noted and we have one girl in the group, and the prey of her speaks you straight in the raspberries, and she answers her, not in the banana!
@Zek@ (10:33:38 14/01/2009)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13677
The Night with Dima Bilan is worth $1 million

The elite prostitute, the bullet ))))

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13676
Junonova: I will never forget today's trip to a Korean restaurant for a business lunch, when a loud "Myayaawowu" from the kitchen was spread in a semi-empty bar)))))

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13675
Answer to:
Why, hell, every man who proudly calls himself a lone wolf becomes a sociopath?

Apparently, for the same reason that every woman who covetously calls herself a cat turns out to be a frigid outer.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13674
Sablina: I got a text message: "Night at the grandmother, don’t worry". I sit, I think: son or husband?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13673
xxx: Does anyone know a meaningful word from some consonants that contains at least four letters?
***zzz is now on #channel
Zzzz: Ghbdtn
Xxx: Genius O_o

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13672
And have you noticed that in the USSR, the theme of Ukraine, gas, national anger is scattered more and more through the joke-add-on?
You see, they are not fools.

And now think, WHY as soon as our-yours have reconciled, agreed that all the brothers and do not let the Slavs crack, in the Abyss is immediately sent another gossip quote of the "Moskali Kozli", "Hey you our gas" and so on?? to

Do not forget that BASH is gradually transforming into the media, shaping public opinion. The United States could not fail to react to this.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna