— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13631
Maxim (21:18:56 11/01/2009)
In the morning, the gunfire started.

Maxim (21:19:48 11/01/2009)
He got up from the bed, grabbed his hose, hit his face at the table, then the same face at the chair and on the floor stumbled on the fork.

Maxim (21:19:59 11/01/2009)
Fatality is fucking.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №13630
X: I tried to measure the depth of the crust, I almost lost it, but I didn’t get to the hard surface. The little boy made a mess, said he would tell his dad and put me in the corner. I think 1.5 meters exactly.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №13629
Why, when someone wants to fuck me, does he do it in the brain? I have at least three more crazy places!!! to

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13628
XXX is
One of us came home drunk, went to bed, wanted to blush, got on the rosette, something there crumbled, a bench burned and his bed burned.

XXX is
He has won the "Declaration of the Year"

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13627
I sit with a friend, her mother is cooking toasts in the kitchen. The younger brother (6 years old) is playing something.
Girlfriend lazy from the couch to get up and she so complains to brother "Kool, and I want so toxic"
The one, not breaking off the screen "Well, happiness to you, health..."

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13626
In college, the curator liked to send reviews to parents by mail. He did this in a pair demonstratively whipping every envelope with his tongue. Obviously, the envelopes from the home addresses each brought by himself. Someone of the boys submitted the idea of “sweeping” with a member on the envelope the place where the tongue is sprinkled.
There was a grave silence in the audience when the curator took the first envelope into his hands... And suddenly he threw it on the first party to the guys with the words "Cleave!!!". That poor man began to spit on his finger and smash the envelope, and the curator loudly condemned "Yes, work your tongue!!!". 29 people were crying from laughter, and one had not laughed for a long time.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №13625
There are no queens around, no normal grandmothers.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13624
Families in the house have a speaking cat and a speaking cat.

Kesha is. When the cat is hungry, it comes to the kitchen and starts.

Asking for food. The housewife tells the children, “Anyone, feed them.”

She does not have time to do this and the function of feeding Khushita.

It lies on children. One day about Xusha all forgot, everyone was not before her,

No one fed her, and the cat, remembering his hunting instincts, decided

Catch Kesha sitting in a cage. In a cage with a yagup,

Xusha pushed her leg between the sticks and tried to catch the proud bird.

The poor bird stumbled into the furthest corner of the cage and cried hysterically.

The whole apartment: “Feed the baby!!! Whoever – feed the baby!“!”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №13623
Types of бройlers:

They were killed in the flourishing of forces.

First, they killed me so that I’t suffer.

Second, we have not been able to...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №13622
Wife yesterday issued, "Who are you such men, if not what you have between your legs you would not need us, but in order to eat we would have also taught another creature... "

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13621
In the group "Fantasy" got a picture with such a small dragon - 10 cm long, sitting on the palm...

Two or three comments from the girls, in the spirit of what a nice...

And the first comment from the guy: "Can you smoke from him?"

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №13620
Q: Why is it so evil?? to
Let’s argue again...
XXX: Again because of the comp?? to
YYY : No. her monthly for 2 weeks delayed, well, I stuck to her for a night with a rubber grandmother. It seemed to be too harsh for her...

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №13619
I missed it (

by Bender:
I too, ppt

by Bender:
Without you, straight as without cowards, all seems normal and even free as that, and all the way what is not so.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №13618
by ASIA :
I read the biology notes in the notebook.
by ASIA :
Lessons in the presence of the teacher
by ASIA :
of UW. The parents! Your daughter doesn't know how to control her behavior - at a biology class she took a cactus and laughed
by ASIA :
He refuses to say what kind of bones he has.
by ASIA :
Watering a neighbor with cherry juice
The word "cheese" is crushed and added by my hand "orange!"
by ASIA :
Parents, feed the child, Anastasia chews my flowers in class
by ASIA :
I laughed and answered the test questions.
by ASIA :
Refusing to take drugs with the human liver.
by ASIA :
The teacher asked the question "What is the name of human reproduction".
by ASIA :
I went to school without clothes.
Cradle of Satan:
I want to go back to school xD

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №13617
xxxh: Something cynical in Doshiraka to find a scanword, when unraveling which the word "student"... =(

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №13616
Who asked for the GTA4 phone number:
843 555 01 24

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №13615
On the telecast a shorter cat is shown, with the norm figure. He there first swallowed the heater and broke, then the guide started to crack. Lena (my girlfriend) sits looking at him, saliva leaves.
I grind to her: “Yes, Lena, am I worse than anything?”
Then I add: go, take the prejudices! Show me the class!
It is me (seriously so): will you break or break?

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №13614
[ 34 ] added 2009-01-09 23:18
It is ridiculous when Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusian brothers write while we don’t know who our neighbors are on the entrance, we get scorned and rude in public transport, when we are scorned in shops, when we see millions of scorned faces on the streets, when we see how no one will help a fallen person, although around hundreds of people...

We are all brothers at a distance, all enemies nearby.

I am guys. I’m not rude to anyone, even if I’m on public transport. I don’t argue with neighbors even if somebody is melting or doing repairs. On the contrary, I always greet you politely.
I even, O HORROR, greet our Tajik palace...
Maybe we should start with ourselves? And all men will become brothers, not enemies.

p.s Sorry for supporting off-top :)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №13613
The kids are dogs!! to
A representative of dogs.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №13612
How to get your hamac
My_0pini0n: died a week ago=((
Yulko: Totally Cholly
My_0pini0n: No, fucking a bit!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna