— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №13571
Table on the fence: “Be careful, the evil dog has eaten Viagra!”

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №13570
<Exp3rT> I don’t know how to live next...
<Exp3rT> Last night I missed a call from an unknown number
<Exp3rT> In the morning I write text: "Who is this?"
<Exp3rT> What is the answer?
<Exp3rT> "Where?and "

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №13569
<alexoy05>There is such a Russian folk tradition
<alexoy05>During the session to measure...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №13568
It is ridiculous when Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusian brothers write while we don’t know who our neighbors are on the entrance, we get scorned and rude in public transport, when we are scorned in shops, when we see millions of scorned faces on the streets, when we see how no one will help a fallen person, although around hundreds of people...

We are all brothers at a distance, all enemies nearby.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №13567
“The power of Russia can only be undermined by the separation of Ukraine from it... it is necessary not only to separate, but also to oppose Ukraine to Russia, to crush two parts of a single people and to watch how a brother will kill a brother. To do this, it is only necessary to find and raise traitors among the national elite and with their help to change the self-consciousness of one part of the great people to such an extent that they will hate all Russian, hate their own race, without realizing it. Everything else is a matter of time.” Otto von Bismarck

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №13566
Sun, you are beautiful
xxx: 0_o pasib))), so nice to hear from you this, or you say compliments only when you are in shit))
Avaddon: I don’t want to upset you, but I’m in the shit now.
Fuck my wife, 7 a.m.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №13565

She: and I see the Petrograd TV tower from the window 😉 Oh, we were there yesterday...

He: Cruelty:) and I see the sudgorob from the window...I was there also in the night of 31 on 1

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №13564
Ppanter: Blin, the computer brakes and hangs, what to do?
SDR: Put Kaspersky
Ppanter: It’s worth it
SDR: then removed

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №13563
42814 (saved 2009-01-08 at 22:15)
I am Russian, and I consider Ukrainians to be my brothers. I think they have a fucking government.
Respect Brother, I am Ukrainian and I consider it analogous :)

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13562
by Ophigete. have survived. In Basha began to fast bats with Basha... >__<

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №13561
and xxx:
They have a girl in the village, had a date with a guy, made him a murder, now the whole village humiliates her and nobody ever marries her.

and xxx:
A man at work told us that she was the only girl in the whole village to be married.


[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №13560
Only the rude, untouched people can find sadistic pleasure in grabbing the Cats for their skin and dragging them over and over. Cats are supposed to be taken with two hands under a soft, thick belly and carried around the apartment, gently calling it "a mild animal", "a thoughtful beast" or "a good cat".
Young, unweighted cats can be launched. The Cat’s launch is done by giving the Cat acceleration in a horizontal direction approximately a meter above the bed. Launched, the Cat flies for a while, placing his legs like a white-flying, after which it lands with a soft sound, beautifully springs and immediately in horror rushing to knock.
A stunned cat can easily be tricked back by starting to make scratching or scratching sounds. After hearing such sounds, the Cat immediately returns back in the hope of catching the mouse. A deceived cat can immediately start again.
Being in a bad mood, the Cat is able to scratch you with a lap. Some, poorly educated Cats at the same time release nails and apply scratches. Real Cat nails against the owners never releases and very pleasantly lulls with a soft foot. Angry, the Cat presses his ears to his head and squeezes his foot with all his strength, which is very difficult.
© vv ® kaktyz

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №13559
Thank you very much to those who are on different websites.

by BashOrgRu
by Bash1234

Let us support this together. I think everyone is killed by registering to download one file. It will be comfortable for everyone! On how many resources I did not go, everywhere this login suited) Continue!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13558
Broadcast on REN-TV
22:40 – 00:30 And in the morning they woke up.
00:30 – 01:00 Naked and funny [REN TV]
01:00 – 02:50 Emmanuel and the Aliens [REN TV]

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №13557
3 months ago: Daddy's disc was rolled by the comp
Today I decided to see what was there.
There was a sea of reggae and Rastaman fairy tales :)
Q: I don’t think I know anything about him.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №13556
Going to Jigsaw? Only after you, Mr Prime Minister! and ;)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №13555
XXX: Is she living with you?
xxx what?
YYY: I thought so...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №13554
Lestat ‎(15:02):
Are we familiar?
Dаshа ‎(15:02):
No is
Dash ‎(15:03):
I want to meet.
Lestat ‎(15:04):
Do you understand that, Daesh?
Lestat ‎(15:04):
Where did you get my ass number?
Dash ‎(15:04):
Lestat ‎(15:06):
You tell me, but I do not communicate with little-known people in ICQ, especially with those who do not fill out the profile ^_~
Dаshа ‎(15:06):
Tell me about yourself.
Lestat ‎(15:08):
Lentya is prone to: debility, debility, alcohol, violence and constant failures in memory
Lestat ‎(15:09):
I’m still on LineAge 2, do you know what it is? xd
Dashah ‎(15:10)
No is
Lestat ‎(15:11):
to tell?
Dashah ‎(15:12)
Lestat ‎(15:15)
Imagine a young man, about 20-21 years old, 3 o'clock in the night, shaved for 3 weeks, with red eyes, partial dystrophy and erectile problems, who is watching the screen for 18 hours and walking killing cockroaches, zombies bears and other shit (you can't even imagine how a person at this time is self-affirming), and he does it all just to "climb" somebody in the virtual world, as in Real life from behind the lines he hasn't played for 4 years, here.
Lestat ‎(15:17):
Do you want to know more about me?
Dash ‎(15:17)
without sps

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №13553

by BOO
Can you explain?

by BOO
How does a man divorce a girl for sex?

Hi to
Hi to
and sex?
Yes Yes

Schedule 2

Hi to
Hi to
As a matter
- the norm
and sex?
Yes Yes

Scheme 3 is complicated. I will not describe her.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №13552
She: I’ve been trying to hear three words from you for almost a month.
He says, go to the fucking!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna