— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №108045
Rinat Salihov > cocoa is made from cocoa beans. Beans of vegetables. Sugar from cabbage. Beets are also vegetables. So chocolate is a vegetable xD and vegetables are useful)) and my 1.5 kilograms of chocolate I have already eaten =)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108044

to this:

We had a woman with a beautiful bust. Such appetizing hemispheres, splashing a hill out of the cut - do not take away the eyes! And here somehow we change clothes after work, and some disconnect with the underwear happened to her, she removed it... it turned out that it was just two long flat ribbons hanging really up to the belt. She wrecked them with roulette! So, right for you here, guys, they said - don't give the underwear - you risk getting them on the mouth.

The story is terrible and exciting. One unrelated, a underwear lady has the right to give only the one who sleeps with her, and he, you understand, will surely be aware of the problems with her breasts.
But if you just know a girl unwittingly present such a gift, then yes, there is a chance and a moustache.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108043
Before the arrival of the guests, I put on the shelf books demonstrating my comprehensively developed personality: on self-development, programming, poetry of Yevtushenko, books in other languages. Inutile - all attracted "Wake up colour with a duck" 0+, in which pages change colour when wet.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108042
What is the problem with giving a certificate to a underwear store? And your money will be spent for the purpose, and the lady will pick up exactly what will fit her in all respects.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №108041
Lucrecia: So if I had not dressed my warm coat green today on the occasion of the frost, then I would never know that this is, it turns out, a switch of the trendy color this season.
Lucrecia: The last time I was so surprised when I found out that the coffeeshop I’ve been wrapping in at work for the last ten years was a stylish youth cardigan.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108040
A: Uncle Scrooge comes to his store, and there is Smaug.
B: And who is who?
A: Look at the new year.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108039
Several centuries ago, the Namai people living in South Africa used especially intelligent pavians as shepherds of goats. They treated the work very responsibly, did not let the animals get away from the herd and warned about the danger in a timely manner, seeing predators. Sometimes the Pavian picked the largest goat and ran on it. This practice was also adopted by some European farmers who settled on these lands – the last case described in the press of the female pavian named Ala working on a farm in Namibia dates back to 1961.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №108038
Some people like big breasts, others small. Those who don’t have an opinion think it’s big.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108037
Overcoming the paradox:

It has no analogues in the world and at the same time cheaper than foreign analogues.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108036
With this foolish fashion of making software installers so that the user loads only the naked exe-shnik, and the rest of the resources pulled out of the network separately, I am working with this dumb yopta remember the time when the Dial-up was used.

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №108035
Administrators, do you read what you say? A total of approved.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108034
About the bustlers. Men, do not worry.
1st Go to a decent store.
2nd See how much the most expensive brush cost.
Three Buy a gift card from the store for this amount.
4 is Profit to!! to

[ + 12 - ] Comment quote №108033
In the wood there is pollen with aerosol bottle, into which Anushka has already poured lean oil. and Voland.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №108032
I will write about wood.

I am mentally healthy!
But chasing luck...
of the trees that I have broken,
I would easily build a dacha!
c) I. Guberman

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108031
Does he have the right to enter a cage with a hungry tiger? Yes he has!
Should only the tiger be blamed for the consequences? This is the second question.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №108030
Write the title first with your quote.
for example; "About wood" or "About children"Well what if not to be distracted and not to read this whole story.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №108029
There is a version of why people with sexual disabilities were banned from driving.
Just some official came late to a meeting with a big boss, and on the question 'why was he late?' replied 'because there were too many p***races on the roads.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №108028
and systemic.

If the word wood is traditionally replaced by the word driver, then a quite readable resource is obtained.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №108027
In the fire of the wood:
An ancient joke.
Somebody came up with a man from the oak to throw. The man thought and placed a sign:"In one strawberries poison!". He came in the morning and it was signed:"Now they are two!".
And of course, my rules and my rules. I want to make meal, I want to mine, not your business, don’t go down. No complaints – do not complain.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №108026
Juridically competent experts in their speeches about wood forgot one thing that "crime" with the damaging of the oven / health will happen to the thief of the house, which side of the owner of wood to this case will attract them why they are silent.
But the police in my furnace burned, I threw the wood of the siders and the Ivanov into it, find out which of them and plant them. Will it be yours? And enough of the telecoms to look at the mentions will calculate / investigate / and sit on the agas. If the miner will not scream on the whole village that the furnace has scattered from his wood to his neighbor, then nothing will happen to him.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna