— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №24662
and Sisodmines on their birthday cook a large pellet with candles

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №24661
to this:

Why don’t you ask about the dog? Do you fool him?
2: Do not

wowahahahah) thank you to the author! so the mood raised )))on the background of "Dear, Father Christmas...""I am one such?" and "... bring to the best" you are just God shuffleO) thank you, friend!I was sitting in such a pre-examination depression shirt!)

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №24660
CBP: Jurassic Park
CBP: girl "This is a UNIX system, I will do it"
CBP: There were times!
CBP: Here's how to drop Microsoft in high-budget movies

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №24659
xxx: "matan I read: "S - a closed, limited multitude Rn"...bla, so sorry it became"

[ + 113 - ] Comment quote №24658
No, I, of course, saw a lot, but putting the cell phone on charge to wish him a pleasant appetite...

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №24657
And again with you I meet the dawn, and the night with you, the fucking internet!!!! to

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24656
Christ has risen
Or not today?and :)
Just don't say you painted the eggs :D

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №24655
Did you not notice that the Buyer is very similar to one of the characters "clava give"?and :)

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №24654
A brother came to my wife. The city is small, so in the evening I talk to my friend:
D: Listen, I saw your wife today... With some man...
Oh, it is Sergei.
Q: Are you so calm?? to
I: Why should I worry? Is he sick? He also gave us a TV.

The friend almost did not go away with the whistle.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №24653
Forum on Children
A 9-year-old child says that synonyms were held at school. Homework: Create synonyms for words. Begemot – the hippopotam, for example. So this is a miracle of nature on "red" writes: #ff0000. In vain, we probably let him sit at the computer for so much time.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №24652
You posted a message, as I shot your phone in the subway, calling you a bulldozer.
R.S. And you don’t need to send me to dating sites.No one reads them.Tell me if it’s not the last.

[ + 95 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24651
Probably in the next life when I become a cat.
I will only eat and sleep.
Eating, fucking and sleeping.
I will be the happiest creature in the universe.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №24650
It happened to my friend after celebrating the New Year.
Immediately after the next day of drunkenness he came home in the morning and went to sleep, awakened his phone call.
and allo.
Do you go to the catch?
After how much?
In 20 minutes.
No, I won’t be home now.
At the other end of the pause.
I call you at home.
Friend is shaken. He looks side by side, looks at the phone, realizes that he is really at home.

[ + 138 - ] Comment quote №24649
to this:
to this:
Yesterday, a girl and I lie on the couch, we try to squeeze and here she suddenly gives:
You’re so upset that you’re taking the floor of the couch!! to
I could not sleep for a long time, thinking how much hell I should take in her opinion of the place if we sleep together((((
and AAAA!! Shit it! <I beat my head on the wall> They’re all the same!!! I am not the only one! and :)

They are still seeds, gentlemen. My ex (45 kg) managed to squeeze me at night (100 kg) from a double bed to the floor... Then still woke up from the deaf blow of my body and complained that I hindered her sleep with my falls...

[ + 118 - ] Comment quote №24648
The guy whose "Piracy" Black Lightning is now on the Web. Medical students are concerned about you. every hour and a half, you periodically make sounds in your throat that resemble the cough of a patient with tuberculosis.
Check it out! Otherwise, you may not survive the sequel!

Demon, the dresser, who

[ + 62 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24647
S: To the fact that if you knock with dignity on the textbook – you give up for 5, comrades, what do I do? I am a girl!and ((

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №24646
to this:
A friend said:
He had his numbers removed. To eat, he took a taxi. He drove all night, picked up the money, went home, thought about drinking tea and sleeping. There is no tea or sugar. He followed them and went to a store in a neighborhood.
It runs past the park, and through the bushes you can see, the goats stand all stop. A bunch of cars.
Well, I said, I didn’t think for a long time, turned on the mode "stels"(light lights off). Quietly turned, and went home (the lights never turned on).
I go, I am glad. Well, I, the fool, the smart, well I, the fool, the good.
Almost did it when a flash blinked to him from behind, too, in the mode of stealth.

So then what happened? The penalty? It is interesting!!! to

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №24645
to this:
to this:
You, when in contact you go to the page of a cute girl and find in the column "Family status:"There is a friend", you also start to inspect the wall of this beautiful woman and try to analyze, who is the last to register this, fool, friend? And go to him on the page to make sure he’s fucked?

At the point man!! to

It hasn’t been roasting for a long time :-)

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №24644
Are you sure you are living well?
Invite your mother. She will tell you how low you fell.
Warning: it is better to immediately remove vodka, Gandons and cigarettes from the system. The sisters of the mother are afraid and go there to clean up in the last line.
and Arsenicum.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №24643
to this

Banal of course, but...
Loneliness is when January 6th ends for me to shave.

Aahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah The foam for the shaving post quotes!!!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna