— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №24582
There is only one country in the world where your observance of law, morality and conscience threatens your existence.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №24581
The Absolutely Horrible Hot Trail (History of Christmas)

I wanted to tell this story for a long time, but I didn’t get my hand. Suddenly I realized that it was directly related to the New Year and the
Christmas and what to tell about it today.

I was taken to Tel Aviv for my birthday to a former classmate.
It turned out that a fellow student lives in a beautiful green neighborhood with beautiful houses, as I was told, in the style of "bidermeier". Look at the photo on and fix if I am confused. We have not seen each other for 20 years. They stumbled on each other’s shoulders and watched a tremendous change. In the meantime, a man of low growth approaches us. The name asks:
Do you remember Lulu? I looked – really Cole – and immediately remembered.

To enter the University of Kharkiv, Kolya came from a very deaf province, from a tiny town in Sumy, and from the village. I entered and settled in the dormitory. He had no problems with his studies. But neither with the hostels nor with the locals. Although in different ways, but both of them were for him, a serious man, a breakdown. But he co-worked with Vietnamese students who lived in the same hostel. In classes, in the library and on the street, the Vietnamese always held a group. Cole with them. He was not very outstanding on the outside - just as small and subtle. When he began to praise the fried silk, the public understood that the matter went a long way, but how far nobody guessed.

Vietnamese comrades had a wonderful custom. Once a week they held a meeting and, among other things, alternately told about their bad actions over the past period. At one such gathering, a young Vietnamese woman accused her not only of falling in love with Kolya, but also of giving in to his harassment. She told frankly and without distant circumstances how Uncle Ho taught the youth. The details were as intricate as the surrounding life. It all happened during the New Year’s Eve, in an empty audience, on a wide window. Asked why she went there, the girl explained that they wanted to admire the snowed square of Dzerzhinsky from the thirteenth floor. The square was really beautiful. The rest happened as if by itself.

The Vietnamese were immediately expelled home. Colla was immediately expelled from the Vietnamese community. But the case was not limited to this. Whenever Kohl was in the sight of the Vietnamese, they stopped, stretched out their pointing fingers toward the tempting serpent, and cried out loudly, "How embarrassing! It is no shame!” Then Cole disappeared. I heard from someone that he was transferred to Dnipropetrovsk University.

Therefore, shaking Colin’s hand, I could only ask:
How are you? Recognizing the guilt? Not ashamed?
Cole was still a serious man. He did not even smile. He looked at me disapprovingly and said:
I’m not ashamed, I’m married to her. And he called, Lin, come
Please come to us!
A weak, intelligent Vietnamese woman arrived. Colin introduced us to each other. We exchanged some official words. I could hardly wait until we stayed together and asked:
You are not joking?
What a joke. It was fun for you, and I was occupied by the KGB. Shiley
The division of the socialist camp. They threatened me and wanted me to knock.
I went home to my mother, and she said, “My father, and your grandfather like you.”
Many old Bolsheviks were married to a Jewish woman. I am a Jew and you.
The Jew. Go to Israel, there you will not be rested. shall be
As my grandfather did. I have gone. I was sent to study Hebrew in Ulpan.
Kfar Geladi in northern Israel. I came there as I remember now.
In the evening of January 6. I go to dinner. Everything is foreign and all foreign. I entered
I eat and see Lin. Isn’t it a miracle? Her story was something.
Similar to mine. Her grandfather once travelled around the world with his father.
his best friend, Nguyen, who later became more known as
Comrade Ho Chi Minh. In America, a grandfather managed to marry a Jewish woman.
of course a fierce communist, and took her to Vietnam. She gave him a bunch.
Vietnamese Jews, and they gave birth to grandchildren and among them Lin. after
After the scandalous return of Lin, the whole prominent Vietnamese family gathered.
decided what to do. Initially, he was sent to re-education.
The village. The grandmother said, “Let’s send her to my sister.
of Israel. The climate is awful, surrounded by enemies. Let me know the pound.
The risk. Well, she didn’t say it exactly, but in a sense. You understand. This is so
We met and in a month we got married. Now we have three children.
The big ones?
The younger is still in the army, and the oldest is already a Khashid rabbi. He is
He knows Vietnamese, so he was sent to Ho Chi Minh to return to Vietnam.
The origins of local Jews. He tried not to complain, but the Jews were not there.
and thick. Other than relatives, I can say no. When he left,
He was green and naive. I remember he arrived there on Friday morning, after
On Saturday, he went out to the city and called us the next night.
The work, he says, is an unfinished end. All the windows are burning.
There are no candles and no synagogues in the city. He could not imagine what
The city can turn off electricity. This is how we live, concluded Cole.
Better to drink. This is called “doing leahim”, but the essence of
This does not change.

We drank and repeated. Then Cole invited me to the best in Tel
Avive absolutely cosher fried silk.” And I had to refuse because I left early in the morning. The next time I come, I will definitely take advantage of this invitation.

by Abrp722

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №24580
Mass freezing ended the rally against global warming.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №24579
of Western Siberia. January 7, about 2 or 3 o'clock at night. 30 degrees cold on the street. From the car that approached the store, four people run out in one towel and go to the window of the 24-hour store to buy a sprite.
The image is nothing, thirst is all =))))
P.S. I'll see the best - I'll post the video on the titub =)
P.S. of S. The seller was not in a hurry.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №24578
I gently but confidently hold her hand, she’s already mine... I quietly reveal her... I lick her with my hand, I gently look at her, she’s all flowing... I can’t hold myself anymore... and I drink in her with my lips, I want her all... a little more... and we fuse in the sweetest ecstasy... her divine juice flows on my lips... and there’s nothing but us two... ah, what a mandarine! :DDD


[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №24577
Fuck, I read a book.

Word of Course


Tagged - Merluška

Fuck it clearer.

Wicked (22:26:05 6/01/2010)

[ + 154 - ] Comment quote №24576
I put the baby's nipple next to the gas plate, it melted and froze. Entered in Yandex: How to remove a nipple. I forgot what I wanted...

[ + 123 - ] Comment quote №24575
We have a corner in the universe with such body structure that it occupies a third of the corridor. One day in a couple he said:
Olya, who hurt you? Tell me I’ll fall on it"

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №24574
thistle ‎(23:08):
Probably loud
Tagged assembly

Real_programming_problem_not used
(Dedicated to Remembrance)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №24573
I read the newspaper. It is said that if a child plays a designer, he will become a programmer or an admin. I understood that I should not be sad - I still had no choice.

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №24572
I walk through the corridor of the universe, I talk on the phone, I do not touch anyone, you can even say I steal, and here, from the corner, a crowd of first-school girls will jump out!! Let me go around with some cries!
I ask: what do you do, dear people, why do you take me off the phone? And they sing to me collies - Christmas on the nose, they ask for a quote in Latin.
The first thing that came to mind: I give you 10 minutes, write me a collar in Latin, you will be counted.
The girl swallowed like the wind.

It passes 10 minutes. knock on the door of the department, this mighty bunch comes in, and how let me sing in Latin on the motif of Gaudeamus! It was impossible to resist...

[ + 86 - ] Comment quote №24571
The People! For 5 years I have been talking to a girl who considers me a friend, and I love her the most in the world! cross your fingers for me, tomorrow I will go, I will talk to her and I will resolve everything finally, the new year, miracles happen, help me, let luck smile! thank you!

[ + 74 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24570
News: In Chile, a tiger gave birth to five white tigers at once, although usually not more than three.
Prorok67: The Year of the Tiger is the increase in the population of white tigers +2 for all factions.

[ + 94 - ] Comment quote №24569
My wife asked me to run to the kitchen to bring a cake. When I got to the kitchen, I realized that it was very sleepy in the toilet. After eating the sandwich, he ran to the toilet. At this time, the wife heard the cotton door of the toilet on the way back from the kitchen was very surprised, and painting in imagination a picture of how I hold the cake with one hand, and the other stretch the width, approached the toilet door and quietly asked.
Can you give me a cake now?
I laugh with my mouth full and say I don’t have them.
What are you chewing there? 0 - O
I didn’t even know what was worse, drowning or not getting in.

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №24568
I picked up the word "crossover" in the search engine. The first reference was a link to Wikipedia, to the article "Translation". I broke and broke the browser. I read the abbreviated title in the curved page:"Translation - Wikipedia"

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №24567
XXX: How are you there after yesterday?
Yyy: like the norm, shaved his beard drunk! And you?
Oh yeah yes. Stop to! You didn’t have a beard!
Wow, that’s what I’ve broken you up.)
Fuck to Fuck!!You are shit!! to

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №24566
LenKo (00:17:10 7/01/2010)
Guess on the needle:
They baked the needle in the bread and if it hit the girl with a blade on the tongue - to marry.

LenKo (00:17:24 7/01/2010)
What if I cut it in the throat to death?

[ + 94 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24565
In addition to:

to this:
From the "workers" workplace. While it is cold and winter, water the cactus with sugar at work. And not tea, but just sweetened water, so as not to burn. Given that the cactus is usually watered 2-3 times a month, 4-5 months should be enough. In the summer, when the thermometer is over 30, or just the cactus is heated in the sun, the resulting syrup will be frozen on the window, and if the cactus has no external damage, the cactus will rvane evenly across the entire surface of the cabinet.
I sat at work one day... I went to water the cactus in the chief’s office
Watch in the summer: on all the TV channels mysterious news, why the cactus exploded in all the offices of Russia?

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №24564
ACX (23:43:43 6/01/2010)
When will you become director?

Robert360 (23:44:40 6/01/2010)
When the director of the family ends...

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №24563
Trailer to the film:
She fell from the ninth floor. See also! On the first!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna