— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107925
Refusal to marry always ruins the relationship between a man and a woman.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №107924
I go in an aeroexpress, and in front of me a young family couple explores the relationship. A quarrel on all the rules: here is the whistling by the phone (to a man), and the pulling out of the bags (to a woman), and a light mess (to the two), and screaming on the whole car: “Dumb... goat... you went... I will go and take my son...” (women), and tears (women), and a mournful silence (male). In general, the usual scene, average after a long vacation between tired people, one of whom is in an existential PMS crisis.
I was talking on the phone at this time and the interlocutor, hearing all these cries, asks what is happening.

And I answer him loudly, that is literally in my eyes becomes one free man more, you imagine... here is literally 5 minutes and all, well, plus 2 months for divorce... and I am here so first in line, ah... no, I don’t know about their property... yeah, the child is, one... yeah, it’s not scary, it’s only 25% of alimony from p/p... yeah, cute... yeah, like...

The couple stopped and watched me. I said this and smiled at the man. And the man smiled to me in response, and when he moved from his wife to another row, he turned to me a couple of times and we still smiled to each other. His wife cried a little more, stood up, nodded to me in contempt and moved to her husband, where something began to gently whistle and kiss him in the neck. When they came out of the car, she held him firmly under her arm and looked at me a couple of times.

I am a fairy. I saved a couple from divorce.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №107923
A priest who came to a small village asked the boy how to get to the church, where he would read a sermon in the evening.
After the boy showed him the way, the priest proposed:
Come here tonight and bring all your friends.
Why Why? The boy asked.
“I will tell you how to get to heaven,” the priest replied.
You are joking! The boy laughed. You didn’t even know how to go to church.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №107922
From the discussion of the film "Computer"
Why is all the fiction, which is filmed in Russia and before, in the USSR looks the same - the guys in the fire slaves of Zaitsev are joking about some landfill with suffering grains?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107921
I heard Harry Potter cat. How could they carry a stick in their pockets? 12 inches is 30 cm! And there were more genuine what? How is it to wear pants in your pocket, to sit behind the roof and not to break? The pencil to wear very uncomfortable, I tried. Or were there special pockets under sticks in the mantle? What about the knives?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107920
XXX: How did you meet the New Year?
YYY: salads, watch salads and sleep...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №107919
Yes, the cat on the book should only put them in this way, wondering why did she not do it?

of elementary!
It is a cat! She was just lazy - to bet on someone, to run for someone... Not food, not a threat, even a toy - well, and let it go slowly...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №107918
If the parent is forced to explain to the child the dirty, it means all the previous years he has grown livestock from it.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №107917
Author of Neologism:
The girl wrote about a child with a tablet and outright nothing about the sound from the tablet.

Obsequently! The root, the root salutation!! to
The class!! to
I will use "obsolute" instead of "violet".
"I am very happy"
Thanks for the unknown!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №107916
Doing a pregnancy test is the most powerful means of calling monthly.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107915
If you do what you know well and like, but not for money, but for people to try, then in a year in your hairdresser for a month will be recorded, right.
====== is
This applies to any case.
It is a pity that such behavior is very rare.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №107914
Visits to ancestors. I went into the kitchen, my wife and my mother quietly cuddled under Futurama.
I remembered how my wife, then my girlfriend, who was very cautious about the future mother-in-law, for some reason went into the kitchen and found my mother crying for the cutting of vegetables under the series about the dog Fry. They then cried together and now do not spill water :-)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107913
Una: (after flying) And I suffer - I need to sleep - and I have that time in my head (

Offline: Do you know what to do? In short, such a thing, you lie down, close your eyes, and it’s as if you look up and down, they quickly get tired, and this deceives the body, causing it to think that it’s tired too.

One: I will try it.

Offline: At the same time, you can think of some completely illogical and outrageously stupid hernia, like a turquoise elephant sitting on high-voltage wires and playing a saxophone. You can imagine such nonsense. The fiction is that this usually happens to your brain in a dream and it adjusts to it very quickly.

Offline: Truth is a minus... First dumb rushing over a turquoise elephant, fucking he, orb, on the wire, could play on the ground. and :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №107912
Talk to a friend who is constantly nursing his nephew:
Damn, all children have sex, but you don’t have it because of children.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №107911
Bad mood, depression, no appetite.
I will help you with your appetite. Say three magical words: "I am on a diet". Verified many times...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №107910
I got a cat and finally realized I’t have children.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107909
On the community wall a photo of the hydra (not mythical) and the first comment "Heil hydra"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №107908
Carl gives Clara a vibrator.
What if Clara swallowed in Carl’s clarinet?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №107907
My husband decided to help me with homework: he started to smooth curtains.

It turned out that I have a smoothing board not that design, it should be transparent from the bottom (!!!) And the iron!!Therefore, on my board the heat does not go down, but remains in the board and the curtains will not be smooth.

Then he burned, burned, and burned.
I needed a superclay. "A piece has flown away from the straw and it will soon fix everything"
The super glue was not opened, the instructions to it were small fonts.
But with the help of super glue, mattresses and pincet to pinch the eyebrows, taken from the manicure set, a rough Chelyabinsky man glued the oatmeal, put it to dry and, with a sense of duty, sat to forge the computer.
Uttug came to smell the cat, shaved, slid, she was thrown into the bathroom "wash the glasses". From the bathroom for a long time, the screams of the wounded leopard were spread half by half.
Then two of them laid battle wounds on the couch.

I am afraid to hang curtains.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №107906
There are a lot of "Girls"
I appeal to the girls who have read the posts of the guys with the end "I marry!".
A girl should be kind, gentle, caring, able to cook, understand and listen, and only then a little (!) and fucking. The condition, of course, is necessary but not sufficient. If you understand the meaning of the last sentence, I will marry!
– – – – –
Do you seriously think that some interesting, non-standard thinking, independent girl on your first wife is rushing after you in the ZAGS, losing your heels? Be kind, announce the list that you will give in exchange for kindness, tenderness, care, tasting to your taste, understanding and willingness to listen to your tours on the wheels at a convenient time. Are your eyes like the cat of Shrek? Then the words "should be" do not fit in at all.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna