— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №157014
The lower your social responsibility, the higher your social status.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157013
My mother was a friend of a married man from whom I was born.

I remember as a child, we had no permanent housing, we wandered and rented apartments all the time.

When I was five, my mother met another man and wanted to be with him, but he set her a condition that she would take her if she was alone.

It was easy and simple to change this man to his son. She just brought me to my father and gave me all the necessary documents. She knocked on the door of his apartment, heard the sound of the opening of the castle and fled. And I remained standing.

My father opened the door and looked forward to seeing me. He knew who I was and went into the apartment.

His wife received me well, as did their children, daughter and son. My father wanted to send me to the shelter first, but his wife did not allow me to do so, saying I was not at fault. Just a holy woman.

At first I waited for my mother, thinking that she would soon come back for me. Then he stopped, and began to call his father’s wife his mother.
My father-in-law had no warm feelings for any of his children, let alone for me. He considered me an unnecessary mouth, but continued to contain me, as did the rest of the family.

He was a rather despotic man. When he came home, we locked ourselves together in the child’s room and tried not to get him in the eye. His wife could not leave his powerful husband, and he would not give her children out of principle. For years, I have endured all his walks and attacks of anger. She learned to avoid him and, when necessary, to suppress his anger, to protect us from scandals and screams. There was silence in the house, we knew the schedule and did not annoy my father. Most importantly, we didn’t need anything, and my mother gave us love and affection for both.

And when he went to another young mistress, we all breathed with relief. At that time we were almost adults. My sister and brother finished school. By coincidence, we were peers, so I also prepared for graduation exams at school. Three of the graduates. We helped each other by pulling up objects.

Everyone wants to go to a prestigious institute. Father, although he was not with us grace, but to pay for the school promised and kept his word. We entered and learned, getting the specialties we dreamed of.

Then it happened that my father died. There is a good inheritance after him.
His last mistress didn’t get anything — she just didn’t have time to marry him for herself. Well, we all became full owners of his firm and money accounts.

We continued to develop business. Then came the moment when I had to go abroad and open a new branch. I decided that I would be the head of the branch.
I proposed to take our mother with me — she was like no one else, deserved to go to a warm country. My sister and brother supported my idea.

And then came the moment when we had to leave. Then suddenly my mother painted. I recognized her immediately. My childhood memory has captured her image for many years.
She decided to suddenly remember me when she learned that I was leaving:
“Son, I am your real mother. Have you forgotten me? You have become such an adult.
I missed and worried about how you lived. Let’s finally live together!”
I was stunned by her boldness:
“Of course I remember you! I remember how you ran out of the door, leaving me still very young.
You are not my mother. My mother is now leaving with me. I don’t even want to know you.”
He turned and left. I do not regret a drop of it.

My mother is the one who was not afraid to take her husband's child from a strange woman, who raised me in love and affection. She sat with me when I was sick, she was there when my heart was broken for the first time, she reassured me after a quarrel with friends, she taught me, she forgave me nonsense and nonsense, she endured my caprices as a teenager, she never reminded me that I was not her. For her I became a son, for me she became a mother. I have no other!

We went to another country with her. There I met my future wife, my mother liked it and they had a good relationship. My mother was not an obstacle to my personal life, she dared to arrange her own life. She met a nice man, I was just for. She deserved her happiness! My mother travels a lot and often visits her children and grandchildren. I look into her joyful eyes and I understand – I’m glad that she’s in my life. She is my guardian angel!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №157012
VCIOM conducted a national survey to find out which city is the second largest in Russia. The results were as follows:
Residents of Novosibirsk replied - Novosibirsk
Residents of Yekaterinburg answered - Yekaterinburg
Residents of Kazan responded - Kazan
Residents of St. Petersburg responded - Moscow

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №157011
Gas prices in Europe have fallen after Putin’s announcement.

Could Vladimir Vladimirovich speak about the prices for forests, household services and products, further on the list?

Not just in Europe?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №157010
I control the time my two daughters use the phone (9 and 11 years old).
Two hours a day all the apps in the phone work, after 10 p.m. - goes to brick mode (through parental control), only the call and Whatsapp (yes and right, you need to sleep, and not do anything).
The children strike and are very upset:
Dad, it is not fair. Sometimes you are sitting on your phone and no one limits you. And then on the computer!
I laughed and asked:
Do you want justice, just as your dad?
Children of the Choir:
and yes!
Are you sure? Not to complain afterwards.
and yes! Yes to! Yes to!
“Well,” I said and picked up their phones. I will give you your phones at 20 years old. That was when I got my first mobile phone.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №157009
Net profit of Roscosmos for 2020 - 300 million rubles (42 times less than in 2019).
Rogozin's earnings for 2020 - 83 million RUB (two times more than in 2019).
That is, the entire Roscosmos can pull only four Rogozins, and one of them will have to starve a little.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157008
xxx: Definitely a couple of administrators of hotels, restaurants, etc. will respond to the "System Administrator" job.

YYY: Well, I’ll just work as an administrator for you, and then until the system grows.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №157007
If you don’t have offshore accounts, it doesn’t mean you’re an honest person, you’re just a poor person.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157006
When the children were younger, we gathered together in the evening with several families to Halloween, turning off the lights and telling terrible stories in turn. Who is scary about the black hand from childhood, who from books, and who from life. One comrade told me.

They returned from fishing in the autumn. Somewhere in Ukraine. There were no navigators. To cut, they turned to an unknown ground and lost themselves. It has darkened, the car is carried through the forest, a truck without rear lights is winding in front of it, the headlights are picking out of the darkness the crude pine, the bush, like a ghost, it is not clear what.

There is something big and winged flying in front of me. Whether it is a bird or a flying mouse, but strange, the body is too fat for such a wing span. Then another one. The next with a loud knock breaks the front glass, leaving a bloody spot on the glass. And one more, and yet, the whole forehead in bloody flooding, it seems the next to break the glass, it is hard to see where to go. Then the bodies of these birds begin to get on the road, more and more often, they are already so many that the driver has no time to get around, they crack under the wheels, the car drives. The driver stops, tries to get out, slides onto a dead bird and falls with a scream of horror. The rest jump out of the car, run into the forest, but the storyteller, overcoming fear and disgust, stops and raises one bird for the wings to look closer.

They were not birds. It was a rotten beetle that came out of the truck. In the darkness, the boat looked like wings.

Do not fear anything. All our fears eventually turn into a rotten beetle.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №157005
The chief physician of "Communarchy" Procenko said that the development of the situation with the coronavirus is not predictable. But millions of "sofa virologists" for some reason managed to accurately predict in six months that about the coronavirus before the "elections" nothing will be heard, and after the announcement of their results we will be tormented by another "wave".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157004
Stupid decisions are made - simple, fast and do not require justification!
But here is their cancellation... It’s difficult, long and with enough justification!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157003
Grandma grows a red burning pepper on the window. My cat, a lover of climbing the windows and biting the leaves on all the flowers, decided to bite the pepper. We watched the cat sitting, chewing, and then running around the apartment at the speed of light with the mouth open for ten minutes. It goes nowhere anymore. never ever. for nothing.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №157002
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram: we have failures at work, our services have fallen.
Pornhub: There is nothing wrong with us.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157001
Sometimes the best store is charged.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №157000
In the U.S., it’s not so easy to find an unoccupied niche in business, especially if you’re a recent immigrant. Yesterday I met a man who did it. He is an automaker, but repairs only cars hit by the city. Usually such machines are rubbed, aligned capes and roofs and repainted. It costs 5-7 thousand dollars. The majority is paid by insurance, but the owner must pay from his pocket a dedactile (franchise), $ 500 or a thousand.

David learned how to correct the wreaths from the gardens without damaging the paint. Insurance costs twice as much, it does not take anything from the customer and can even make him a small gift. He monitors the news on the Internet and if he sees that in some area of the United States has passed a strong town, then takes a suitcase with the tool, flies there, leases some carpet at the crossroads of major roads and starts working. To live safely all year, he has to repair about 40 cars per season.

With this business model, the most difficult thing is to find these 40 customers in an unknown place. A huge badge over the barracks, ads in local newspapers and the Internet, a fee for distributing its business cards in crowded places help, but not always. Let me tell you the words of David himself.

“Five years ago there was a dead season, for all spring and summer no decent city. Finally, in mid-August one passed in the depths of Texas. I am flying. Around the prairie, from my sarai to the nearest supermarket, an hour and a half drive. People are harsh, do not like strangers, do not read newspapers, do not go to the internet. I sit a day, two, three – no one customer. Finally, one flyer appeared. I drove his car from the top to the bottom, and he too. On Sunday morning he came for the car, I say: let’s note the repair in a good restaurant, I’m catering. He is:
I can’t, I need to go to church.
Then I give him $500 and I say:
Sacrifice for the church in my name.

In the evening he comes: the pastor wants to see you. I say I can’t go to church, I’m a Jew. I really don’t want to leave the workshop. The next day the pastor comes:
You have done a good thing, we will feed a few hungry families with your money. How to thank you? I can write your name on a bench in a church, or plant a tree in your honor, or mention you in a sermon.

I say :
Preaching is good, it is good. Only, please, do not just say “some David,” but “David, who works on such a crossroads and makes cars beaten by the city.”

The Pastor:
Do you repair cars after the city? Only heaven has sent you. The cursed town passed during the Sunday service, all the cars that stood near the church were affected. I will tell about you to all the guests.

The next day I had 37 customers. I made their cars for another month and a half and then for a whole year I didn’t know the grief.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156999
The buyer! Remember to! By buying an advertised product, it is you who pay for this annoying advertisement that has tainted you!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156998
Yesterday I talked to a friend who works in sales. He told an interesting story:

When metal badges were introduced for staff, everyone was outraged. Benefits, that is, from them - the customer always knows who is sitting in front of him and from the call by name - sales grow.

So here. Posidel thought and issued an order for HRs that name badges would be issued only for good sales and a similar KPI. Gradually, everyone started to walk with the badges, and yesterday the new ones asked HR when they would be honored to wear the badge. The psychology of her mother.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156997
I had a sad story when I was a student. Before the Revolution of the Wall. Created the website of Santa Claus. For me, it was just a fun game at first... More than a thousand people joined me. And so, without adding people wrote. It was then that I realized how many unhappy people of different ages. I corresponded with everyone, listened to people’s problems, their failures and sorrows. They all made me wishes for the new year. And these desires were not in the style of “I want a car” etc. And in the spirit of “to become happy”, “not to be lonely”, “to cry less”. I got enough for a few months, lost appetite, started to sleep badly. He weakened greatly. Just morally did not get out of this, everyone wanted to help, to support. But I just left that page and left. What could I? Just say that everything will definitely go well, believe in your wishes and they will definitely come true. The Pizzeria. I still remember it with bitterness. Pizdjuk decided to just joke, and stumbled upon a terrible reality. In short, a lot of people are just in wild despair. For various reasons. People are all different, someone one situation will not touch absolutely, and someone, the same situation will drive in the corner. And in despair, I want to believe at least in something, be it a guess or Santa Claus. Something that gives a little bit of hope. These are sad things.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156996
There will be no labor tolerance in the Gorbat West until the Black Panther and Pocahontas are played by a white bearded natural!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156995
I mean, I’ve gotten an octavila nac c bpatom na dache. Octavian c deo. He had to go to the deals. We were 8 years old. Thou shalt go, thou shalt go, thou shalt go. The Grandfather Goop:

and Cpi. Path to Path. Shut up at nine.

We are in Babylon. Gone at midnight. Dad wakes up at 8:30:

Shut up at nine.

Aha, my grandfather...

and cpa further. We are at 11. C to C to C to C to C to C. My grandfather’s keys are in the cabin. Five years ago, Five years ago, Five years ago, Five years ago, Five years ago.

Grandpa and Zafira?

Shut up at nine.

I think, I think, I think, and I think.

Grandfather, we are on the pitch.

and idol. Dinner at CHAC.

have gone. I pissed in pollution. Catch it up.

The grandfather?

Dinner at the cellar.

Pocle shopping in the pech to wait for oxota, až kapul. Unfortunately, they haven’t even swallowed. Capae was caught up. There were two bunkers with a clavicle. Such a wt. Two wocymilettex pacana eli maclo palcami from banok.

I have chats. We’re going to go with CTO. My grandfather is in Mickey Mouse. I make an ecstasy. Khao Khao Khao:

Father, I am not like that. I am a puppy delayer.

Father, keep silent, ask for myth:

Shut up at nine.

“No, Dad, don’t kill me. I am cae.

On the next day, we woke up at nine. That is what I ask. of cuts. Without pics, notations and puppy pics.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna