— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153123
Increase the salary!
It is done!
Fuck me, not myself.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153122
It was in the late 1990s, at the time I was about 5-6 years old. My parents, as I think, and everyone at the time, were strictly forbidden to open the door to strangers. Every morning they went to work and said, “Don’t open it to anyone until we come in the evening and open it to you.” I was an obedient companion in this regard to such an extent that one day my grandmother decided to come to us, but naturally I did not let her be afraid to get a whisper from her parents for not fulfilling the order. Grandma, by the way, acted with understanding and said that she would come in tonight. One day, my grandfather decided to come. Naturally, I did not let him go, too, for which I was sent three letters and the door opened with the key he had. Despite the fact that it was my grandfather, I was so scared that somebody would enter the apartment that I, as a guerrilla, stood forward in the passage and started screaming that he would be killed away, because his parents did not allow anyone to let go! Naturally, my grandfather answered me with a weary lust, left the bags from the country in the kitchen and quietly left, closing the door behind me, leaving me stuck and reconciled to the defeat in the hallway. When the parents came, they laughed so and did not understand my childhood outrage, but made amendments to the rule that grandfather and grandmother can go home.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153121
He was on a business trip at the factory, in a press office. The press more or less

civilians, but one... An enormous unknown of what gathered swamp,

dirty (or covered by God knows what), thundering like the Victoria Falls and

It creates a cloud of dust around it. The Industrial Masterpiece

end of the 19th century.

The local workers and engineers called this press briefly and gently.

My mother Mia. The etymology of the name: a few years before it came to them

the Italian to install on the press programs purchased by the factory for his

The Firm. When he saw this terrible press, he could only say, “O mom.

by Mia...”

And it all happened on the same day!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153120
Ordinary travel in electric. The most different people. Everyone tries to do something during the trip. A grandmother and granddaughter sit in front of me. Small five or six years. We touched, we went.

Like all the children of his age, the boy has questions:

Grandma, how many stops are there?

"Look out the window of Mish (I will call it so), we will not pass by.

How long do we have to go?

for a long time. Take an apple and try it better.

And all in that spirit. Grandma tries to guess the scanwords, and the little one clearly distracts her, distracting her with questions. I try to read. And then, forty minutes later, the boy suddenly asks a question quite unexpectedly:

Was Lenin an Indian?

My grandmother was not prepared for such a turn. I thought at first what I thought. Grandma asks, suddenly he heard, and the little girl repeats her question:

Is Lenin an Indian?

I was stressed. Why an Indian? I began to listen more carefully.

What did you do, Misha?

What if he was the leader?

It is right, the leader. You don’t have to be an Indian in this case. He was the leader of the proletariat.

“He was the leader of the Red Army,” parishes Misha.

Okay the red. The pale faces. The grandmother explains, adding even more color to the understanding of who Lenin is.

Was he the leader of the pale faces? Was he an Indian from the Blind Faces tribe?

No, it is not right. He was the leader of ordinary white people, but only red people.

The little one thought. He obviously could not understand how it was. And white and red and the leader, but not the Indian.

Red or white? The boy asks again.

“White,” the grandmother answers, and thinks. No, the white were enemies, says the grandmother out loud.

Lenin is an Indian. It summarizes Misha.”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153119
I am working as an admin. Testing for 80 years. Surprised how you can make money sitting at the computer, "There are the same fools sitting"


Test for 80 years.

For a moment I thought of the “Huaja job” period.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153118
Do not confuse the command spirit with the herd instinct.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153117
I call a work colleague who is at home to discuss work issues. She is heard badly, because everyone covers children's screams and whispers - she has two daughters. Finally she says:
Wait a minute, I’ll solve the noise problem.
After a while, we continued the conversation without noise. I tell her:
How obedient your daughters are.
Hey... not so at all. I am in the closet.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153116
“Oleg was trying to get me a new shirt if I guess why he called me Ella...
Probably not Ellie, but Ellie.
How do you know?!! to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153115
I walked through the park home yesterday. I have a family of three people. Father, mother and daughter 3-4 years old. They walk. The further dialogue:

Daddy, take me on the neck!

P: It is busy!

D: Well Dad! There is no one there!

Q: Your mother has been sitting there for the fifth year.

M: * Smooth shrinkage on the hair*

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153114
For women, a husband is a part of the body because they have towels for their head, face, hands, body, legs, and husband.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153113
Greta Thunberg and everything you need to know about environmental activism.

Because Greta is an environmental activist, she publicly refused to fly to New York. The official public reason, spoken to the media: the aircraft has too much "carbon footprint": this type of transport is not ecological, corrupts the atmosphere, destroys the ozone layer, develops global warming, etc. Greta does not fly on airplanes. never ever.

Therefore, from Sweden to New York, she arrived on a yacht "Malice II", previously called "Edmond de Rothschild". The first name is due to the fact that the buyer of the yacht was the head of the French branch of the Rothschilds, the former employer of Emmanuel Macron, Benjamin de Rothschild. At Malice II during the Atlantic crossing, at the request of Greta, a diesel engine was sealed, which must be on each such vessel for safety purposes.

The network has already been able to discuss the topic of the fact that the production of the yacht itself from carbon plastic leaves no less, but even a larger "carbon footprint". But the matter is not even that. The yacht allegedly has solar cells and submarine turbines to generate electricity (the engine is silent), but that’s not the case either.

Ladies and gentlemen, stand up. Now it will be the worst:

Gretta and her companions crossed the Atlantic on a 20-meter racing yacht with a sealed diesel engine, that is, under a sailing. The journey took about 20 days.

The crew of the yacht (excluding passengers), necessary for the yacht to arrive somewhere in general - 5 sailors.

Upon her arrival in New York, Greta rested for a few days, then spoke at the United Nations. Some time after the performance she will still spend in New York, then the same way back home to Sweden.

The sailors who dragged the yacht with Greta to New York came down to the shore and flew home by plane. They are replaced by five other sailors who will take Greta back to Sweden for another 20 days on the same yacht.

Gretta refused to fly over the ocean with her dad. Therefore, ten people cross the same ocean on a non-ecological plane to protect the environment. 10 air tickets instead of 4 air tickets, leaving the same "carbon footprint".

This is actually all you need to know about environmental activism.

Taken from a commentary on YouTube. The data checked. There are confirmations on the network, you can swipe.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153112
It is said that Kiselev and Soloviev even argued between themselves who of them was the larger evening bell.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153111
I call a work colleague who is at home to discuss work issues. She is badly heard because everyone covers the child’s screams and she has two daughters. Finally she says:

Wait a minute, I’ll solve the noise problem.

After a while, we continued the conversation without noise. I tell her:

How obedient your daughters are.

Hey... not so at all. I am in the closet.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №153110
Eating snacks from the bar table, don’t call it a joint meal.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153109
She painted her eyebrows herself, made the a-la natural, thick. It was hernia. The husband came from work, said nothing about it, but all night "for fun", kisses, hugs. I thought he liked me like that. And before going to bed he says to me, "Good night, Brezhnev Leonid Ilyich. “Let’s kiss?”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153108
Putin has complained about “lying about Ukraine on all channels”.
He has not yet seen a “direct line” with the president.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №153107
Money has already ruined so many people that it is unclear how it has not been banned so far.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №153106
Sofas and Germans

As an epigraph, a replica of a resident of Bavaria.
“And I also met in Ukraine “Bavarian” bread. It is delicious. With nuts and grey nuts. We don’t have such a niche in Bavaria.” (End of the Quote)
At the dawn of the restructuring, when after the “big bang” there was still nothing, but there was only faith in a bright tomorrow, we bought a Dresden sofa. There their whole series was - sofas from Urupinsk with German names. Cologne, I remember Berlin, there’s something else. We looked at Dresden.

I do not know why the marketers of the furniture factory decided to give their products the names of precisely German cities, in retaliation for the occupation in the years of war, but the fact remains a fact - more terrible and inhumane products of the furniture industry I have not met before or after.

To dismantle the couch into a sleeping state, it took six healthy, sober, non-old and stupid men. I do not shrink. If, for example, there were five men, and the role of the sixth person was played by a woman, then the couch could get upset and stumble anyone. Or shoot with a sprint. In short, a miracle, not furniture.

We bought it as a guest. Guests in those years went a lot, who eat, who, on the contrary, drink, who just so. Moscow is a transit city. Guests also need to sleep. So here. With all its disadvantages, the sofa had one undeniable positive property. Those who once stayed there never visited us again.

Once a friend from Germany brought us two Germans on the stand. For what purpose these Germans came to us, I don’t remember, they just had to stop somewhere. But in the conversation it turned out that the Germans were not from anywhere, but from Dresden.

When we joyfully told them the name of the couch on which they slept, the Germans cried and vowed that it was not true.

And we never saw them again.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153105
Only a weak woman is to blame a man for everything.
He is strong and punished.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №153104
How I see spiders in ordinary life:

After waking up in the morning, and realizing that he was asleep, and 98 seconds before the start of the working day, the ranner jumped out of bed, landing 47 centimeters from the closet, thus avoiding the process of sewing. The morning script breaks, which allows you to pass the phase of brushing your teeth. Furthermore, making a jump in the direction of the closet, he is hit by a small left foot in a leap, thus activating the shirt clothing trigger. Then, making a leap from the wall toward the kitchen, he enters the batin soup, thus skipping the screenshot with the morning talk. Sagraving Batty on himself, he launches the script for opening the entrance door. Having received a pedal-bust from the bat, the ranner reaches the car in 2.5 seconds. Going to work is not necessary. After all, if you have time to open and close the door in two thousand seconds, the car will think that it has already arrived and will take you straight to the office. This moment is the most difficult in execution, as you can accidentally move to the country.

Going into the office, and having received a pedal-bust from the cleaner, the spider-trainer flies in the direction of the coffee machine. Hit a coffee machine with your head can get a little damage, but break the script of drinking coffee. Thus, the body thinking that it has received a dose of caffeine triggers a thought process. And the ranner remains only to make a triple saldo towards the workplace, to realize that today is Sunday.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna