— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145523
Life is a complicated thing: I gave a little spleen, and here you already have the browser "Amigo" and Yandex-bar.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №145522
A colleague brought a quadrocopter to the department. We are five in the department: 27, 34, 38, 51 and 55. A whole day of boom. It is only transmitted “by air”. There was a girl from the department:
Are you normal guys?! to
And why?
She found nothing to answer and left quietly.
That’s all you need to know about our department ?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №145521
I work as a master in the repair of all household appliances (washers, plates, refrigerators). I saw everything in 15 years. Let’s start in order. The order came - the washing machine does not melt, the usual problem is not trouble to fix I thought I came to the address, I was met by a nice woman with my husband and showed the front of work, then the washing machine was removed. Discovering the filter of the washing machine, I found a stuck bone from the bustle, in the common people, this was the cause of the malfunction. With a sense of fulfillment of duty, I call the hostess showing the cause of the breakdown. After listening to me, I was complained within 5 minutes about the fact that I was faking it myself. The reason for the outrage I understood by looking closer at the woman, if someone has the first size, then she did not have the size at all and she did not need a bra in principle. During this dialogue, the husband, whispering something about the rubbish, quietly disappeared from the apartment. After our arguments, the woman compared some facts and the rapid evaporation of her husband from the apartment, rushed after him. In the process of collecting tools from the staircase cage, ringing shots and loud beats were heard, it turns out to be an anecdote, the wife was on a business trip, and the husband brought the mistress who decided to wash the bone from the underwear and fell.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145520
From the discussion of the article, whether it is worth buying a new iPhone:

XXX: And I like the apple trolls of loyal users.

Apple headphones fit into the Apple iPhone, but do not fit into the Apple MacBook.

Normal human headphones fit into an Apple MacBook, but don’t fit into an Apple iPhone.

Apple iPhones fit into any normal computer except Apple MacBook.

The universality! The Unity! The ecosystem!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №145519
You walk around Istanbul, and a brush falls in front of the shoe cleaner going in front of you. The cleaner does not notice this. You, like a good man, take it, catch up with the cleaner and give it with the words "You have fallen." He starts type oh thanks so help me let me clean your shoes. And then (from the words of other tourists) they talk to you 50 liras (12-14 euros) and start scandalizing). I didn’t buy it for the first time because I was wearing clothes. And then I understood the wrong thing when in 3 hours 4 brushes fell.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №145518
He worked in a corner-copy company in his hometown (million). for 15 thousand rubles. In connection with the crisis, the salary is cut to 12 thousand and lunch is reduced by 15 minutes. Those who disagree with it go out. Well, I have gone.

I found a job in a week. At 17 thousand, then a friend changed to Peter, at 30 thousand. After six months, he was sent to the Czech Republic to work on a welding robot. Now the salary with prizes and bonuses is 60-65 thousand.

And then these clowns from the first job call - they say, come back, we have returned the salary of 15 thousand.

I told them I was sleeping and bombarded. Why be upset by such good people? It is :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №145517
One day in our office, a mouse appeared.

The director said that we are civilized people and we will do what the law requires. That is, we call the deratizers who are at the seashore.

The entire office read the treaty and the ahali, where it was detailed how carefully and humanly it would be caught and then where to go, whether a painless injection, whether to release in the reserve.

In general, a ruble of rubles is worth it all.

Serious people came and put a trap. The mouse was found alive and uninjured.

The next morning, the girl arrived, brought an act of work and a protocol.

Take a trap and a mouse.

I stand with a cup of coffee, I look in the window, I rejoice in the sun, I look through this lady and I observe the picture:

He goes out of the cane, shakes the mouse in a bag, knocks it a couple of times on the asphalt and throws it next to the urn.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145516
If the Earth is flat, is Nibiru also flat?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №145515
My neighbor was studying at the SSO (Public Relations), when I asked what it was and who they were teaching, he replied - professional pitchball. Tom was cut off.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145514
news about a new heater-miner, which is able to melt 18 tires in months (at the current rate)
The first comment:
Well finally! Here is life, like a fairy tale.
You sit on the oven and the money goes to you.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145513
All cat lovers created an independent state and declared their independence.

The colony rolls!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №145512
Here’s what I like about employers – it’s the ability to instantly switch from "you’re obliged to "T" to "I’m obliged to do everything that’s written there" and vice versa.

Past work (state office on a federal scale).

We work alternately (from eight in the morning to lunch or from lunch to midnight) and on a sliding schedule, but the contract is written "from nine to five and five days", because otherwise you will have to give extra days of leave and calculate the salary differently, and the bosses do not like it.

But as soon as the employee comes to ask for a walk away - it immediately turns out that the law is not required and in general he was overwhelmed.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №145511
and their

"I have created a shit! But I am an artist, I see it!" said the artist...
“I’m not an artist, but I see that there’s something in this shit because I’ve been paid for it,” said the critic.
"I don’t know what kind of shit it is, but if it sells..." said the Investor...
"Let it be shit, but dear" said the Collector...
"What a deep shame" - noted at the exhibition...
"What kind of shit is this? Even for such bad money?The man was surprised and went to a normal museum.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145510
From boring learning on project management
Are there financiers?
The voice from the hall: No, only Titans and Stoics!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №145509
From an interview with the server:
In Costa Rica, many surfers suffered from crocodiles, and by foolishness: for example, they crossed the river in the wrong place.

And we are rarely even fined for moving in the wrong place.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №145508
Tagged with: wings

If the Earth is flat, is Nibiru also flat?

That is great, gentlemen. It’s so beautiful that I just don’t have words.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №145507
A smart home could have a video blog to make money on YouTube – but it’s more profitable to add home videos to porn.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №145506
I have a client, the owner of a small printing company. He is out of vacation today, comes into our office, laughs. The point is this: one and a half years ago, they gave him a beautiful large stake, he placed it on the receipt of orders and glued on it the explanation: "To the Tea Operator." During this time, none of the clients put a penny there. And here, while the owner of the printing room was on vacation, the operator changed the explanation to: "The operator for all kinds of inappropriate needs," and in two weeks the treasury filled to the edges.

I wanted to come up with a clever conclusion, but I couldn’t.

But there was a toast: "So let’s drink for literate marketing!"

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №145505
A middle-aged (third-grade) calls from school: Mom, I got five with a minus for a verse! But I corrected the minus to the plus... I say you, it can’t! Why is? - Well, it's a lie, and for lying you are punished... - You're going to punish me for a fifth?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №145504
A fairy tale city, a dream city... Of course, it’s not about Tobolsk. Tobolsk is a city-fortress, a city of exiles and criminals, a city of contrasts. The spiritual capital, speaking matte from early childhood; the city of copnics and decembrists. There, on the central cemetery, their graves are side by side: Kühelbeker, Baryatinsky, and local "brothers". The city, in which the first stone Kremlin after the Urals was built - and still one of the most beautiful and majestic structures of its kind, and in which today the last groves are cut, in order to build another commercial structure of the sarai type.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna