— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71478
The question that has tormented me since childhood: where do people get a soft sign in the word sausage?? to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №71477
Yesterday by the Earth passed an asteroid the size of a 10-storey house, Kerzhakov scored a goal, Ronaldo - no, Russia defeated Portugal... The end is near!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №71476
... and after the match Kerzhakov comforted the Portuguese: “No one will believe me anyway!”".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №71475
My neighbor bought a chicken. He stands over her with a knife, smiles and says, “Chicken, let’s make friends?”
I am afraid of it >_<

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71474
Gasoline "XYZ-Oil" - Good gasoline. In the 70-liter tank, in which there were still 5-7, they managed to pour another 74 liters!!! To my question: how is this possible? They smiled, and I am proud of our fans!! to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №71473
Talk about catching a baseball ball by fans:

What do these balls give? The power of the earth? Or what?
A good souvenir from the match. In hockey also take a squad for memory. In football, no one is allowed to beat the ball. =) is
Zzzz: You joked about hockey. The main thing is to catch your neighbor.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №71472
XHH: You know why they simplified the passage. Inspecting the car?
WOW : Why?
xxh: They say that because of the Lada Grants...)))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №71471
Commentary on the game:
X: What about the Russian disclosure?
Y: You don’t need...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №71470
If I call you after 12 o’clock, don’t take the phone. It is neither I nor I, but none!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №71469
xxx: I work in production in the shop, operator pk
xxx: Comes the master, with a TV magazine, asks to schedule
I’m him, why do I need a security technician, I’m still a computer worker.
xxx: And he: "And suddenly your finger in the keyboard will be stuck!"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №71468
I walk in the street, I don’t touch anyone. I'm passing by two walking, barely standing on the feet of the alkashi, and at this moment one of them throws a bottle of 10 meters into a small urn and, attention, FALLS! His companion wept the journey even more than me and said, "And if I'm looking for one more, you too. Will you fall? ?

XHH: Alkashi 85 lvl))

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №71467
My young man sometimes asks the typical female question of me: “Why do I think so seriously, looking somewhere in the distance, and then calmly and meaningfully says: “Because” and it is said so thoroughly that I even immediately understand – this is a clear, thorough and serious male answer.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71466
>>> It was paid with a banknote of 500 rubles, less was not easy. The pharmacist with an unwavering look took it, broke it halfway, gave me the delivery and the goods.

It is in the bank that they change large banknotes for small things - the bank is obliged to exchange damaged banknotes, and the bank does not want to exchange small things.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №71465
My client's computer.. the guy is stuck, uses only Internet Explorer, which did not start.. no one wants to switch to either Mozilla or Chrome.. I feel it was a single case of downloading IE9 through Mozilla..

[ + 38 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71464
The rhythm labled wild treach metal, in the fucking buoy bassist, the non-popad played a different song at all, the drummer all the time broke down on the break-bit and the rest of the members of the group were all the time obsessed with him, the solo guitar is not heard, although it can be seen that the guy is trying. The keyboard was at zero. He cut off somewhere in the middle of the second song and the march blinked the synthesizer, the vocalist (also the buchy) simultaneously chanted and sang, all the time forgetting the words and plus all in a variety of orals mat. I’ll definitely go to your next show, guys. As a musical group they are of course fucking, but we haven’t roasted so long!

What was this group?! to

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71463
What could be worse than night work?
yyy: Vermouth "Bouquet of Moldova" red

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №71462
XXX: I play in Dishonored. I have reached the point when I get magical powers and the man tells me that he brings me back to my reality and will watch me. Here my computer is broken.
XXX: I’m not at all right now.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №71461
XXX: I was thrown out of the hole.
And I was just fucking fucked by the current that I saw the spark in front of my eyes.
Not my day.
YYY: How did you get stuck?
I restarted the router with wet hands.
I was fucking so, I splashed into the chair.
Is it stupid to touch devices with wet hands?
XXX: Yeah, they were a bit wet.
But yes, I am a fool.
A few drops literally and all.
I am alive
Will I have any abilities now? :DDDD
MB Brain will appear

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №71460
A neighbor chased her husband on the staircase with cries:

Get out of the house, man. Your place at work!


[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №71459
Scientists have created magnets that kill cancer
Unfortunately, these 10 tonne units are still killing cancer along with the patient. Scientists are working on this...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna