— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №22700
Victoria: And I was ordered to go on a diet...He bites me at night crying or very sad
Volkodav: Vick, you give him a bone: he will not eat much, and in the morning you will wake up without a bite =)
The good one... He’ll beat me! Confused He woke up one night, smashed me, and so persuasively said, “Give me meat!”! to
I am not what meat, a bit of oak did not give.

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22699
Something stunned when the matana teacher in the middle of the control declared that her hero is Dr. House, he is very cute and she wants to be like him O_o

[ + 108 - ] Comment quote №22698
I’m going to sit down with the cat. He will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick – I will lick. He squeezed and started licking :(

What exactly does the author regret?! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №22697
Meeting on one forum))) topics forums

How to get sex on a first date 16-10-2009 17:20
How to get sex on a second date 17-10-2009 20:21
How to get sex on 3 dates 18-10-2009 17:23

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №22696
Dasha: Freud’s first work was on the topic of sexual reproduction.

And then there was Ostapa.)

[ + 93 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22695
Girls, cute, well what you don’t want to go into engineers, in the specialty "Information Processing Systems Automation", we have a group of 24 sad men, 1 scared girl =(

[ + 99 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22694
It seems to me that the idea of introducing 10 ruble coins will collapse. I have a persistent feeling that I am not going to collect them alone instead of putting them back into circulation. They are so round, so beautiful, so valuable, my preelieieessssssssssss.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №22693
Today in the morning news talk about the benefits of the Internet for schoolchildren (about the possibility of learning through VEB-conferences, online encyclopedias and more). First grade girl says:
- We had a topic on natural science "The structure of the human body". A lot of this issue remains unclear to me, but I went to the Internet and learned so much interesting about this topic!!! to

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №22692
Prehistory is this:
My sister, well, a very clever girl, sat in the archives with documentation from the 16th to 18th centuries,
He issued today:
Remember the 16th century joke?

I remember it, milla!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №22691
Money is the sixth sense, without it you can’t use the other five.
(c) Somerset Moam "The burden of human passions"

[ + 109 - ] Comment quote №22690
I didn’t have a week...Pizdez...I write to admin
Is it there with Innocent?
We do
I- and when this process will move to the stage "ura.bla paulchilo"?
CA- this stage was before the stage " fucking fucking that I did?" And it all burned up nahuy

[ + 47 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22689
I don’t understand, it’s just that my cat doesn’t do anything funny.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №22688
Wife : MDA
Wife: Just my daughter (1 year) broke a box with beans!!!! As long as we gathered her child was delighted all!!!! When will I get used to it all?? to
I: What was I happy about?
Wife: Well, so many small details are scattered around the kitchen and Mom like a loophole collects!!! She gets out of the box and throws it back on the floor.
** by
I feel like a maid. She gave her a bottle and a bean...syaïidite folds the beans in a bottle)))

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №22687
If your loved one starts on you continuously while preparing for the wedding that you don’t have a taste, you don’t understand anything about serving the table, that she’s ashamed of your relatives and friends – run, guy, run. This is just the beginning!!! to

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №22686
At 7 a.m. at the stop:
Fuck, I barely slept.
WOW : Why?
Okay, what do you do when you discover at 2 o’clock at night that the neighbors on top have connected Wi-Fi and haven’t protected it with a password?
I would watch porn.
HH: It is...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №22685
The disadvantage of all schools is one: they don’t teach to learn.

[ + 72 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22684
A few days ago I saw an ad about Subaru cars on TV, and it reminded me of a story from my life.
I then lived in Washington, I worked in Maryland, and my wife was in Washington.
and Georgetown. Georgetown is the same Washington Arbat with its surroundings.
The area is extremely noble and fashionable. Fig only where you will find a parking place there on a working day. I had to go to work with my wife. Luckily, almost in front of her building, a free place on the parking meter was found. I am there, of course, right away. But here, there are no small things with you. I turned my eyes, like no punitive suppositories. Papers with cash in the wallet spoke, and right across the road - a mobile barracks with nipples. Well, I’m there: “Friend!” – I say to the black boy-seller of clearly Ethiopian origin – “Change, oh, I need to feed the parking meter!” – I exchanged three dollars without questions, and I ran back.

Fucking there, I didn’t have time. I crossed the road, and my
"Corsica" has already made the ash, and the child is broader, the penalty is issued.

I immediately told him:

No need for a penalty! I’m parking now, here’s the day.
Swapping through the road!

What there. This two-cent African-American miracle wasn’t something I couldn’t answer, it didn’t even look at me. He looked through me and continued to write out the penalty.

Yes, I was not upset, well, the fine and the penalty. What do you do with the coins, put them in your pocket now, right? Looking around, I see five cars standing with a red flag on the parking meter. Well, I jump to her. By this time, the storm parking driver had already finished spelling over my car, struck my penalty ticket under the yard, crashed into his three-wheeled ashes (how didn’t I just squeeze it?) I spit to the next victim. Only I managed to catch him before, and this strange parking meter fed the quarters. This is where the penitent finally noticed me. Well, it’s gently said, what I noticed, in fact. He even stunned me from my arrogance. I looked around, his mouth shaken and asked (children, his harsh black... well, you know which, slang I in Russian will not pass, of course, but it sounded like this):

Are you a man, is it your car?
Uncle, not my own! And I smile to him in response like a fool.
I look at the sides.

Exactly, in fifteen meters another unnourished car driver stands. And I run to her. It was earlier than that fool. When he rolled up, I just struck three coins, and, without giving the man his mouth open, ran to the next potential victim. And I put her coin in the parking meter, and I smile to my ears. Guys, you would see a penalty in this moment. No, if it wasn’t in Georgetown, and it wasn’t in the daylight, I’t be afraid, but what? I sit, smile and wait for what he says.
I heard at his address about the following:

“You, sir, you are what you are, man, you are what you are, I’m here at work, sir.
Who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you, who are you?

My brother’s brains were cursed.

“I am walking here, uncle,” I say, “and I’m helping you work, coins.”
I put it in the parking lot so you don’t get overworked.

The man of his three-wheeled ashes tears, and very harshly ordered me:

“Stand here,” he said, and let him drum on the radio station.
The commander, no other.

I stand, of course, I am interested. At this time, the penalty man on his rod is about the following dialogue (sorry, I hardly heard the answers):

Jordan, I have a situation. A gentleman prevents me from working.
He throws coins into all unpaid parking spaces.
and beaver! Sheshshshshsh! Who is Shish? Shash... Shash...
He was fined for delayed parking.
The number of his car... the number of his car... the number of his car... the number of his car... the number of his car... the number of his car... the number of his car...
This is something, what to do next?
Shish... spoo... nahu... shish, right beevevevev...

The officer turns to me:

You have your rights, sir.
- What right, uncle, I am not driving now, but you why?
I have to make a report, you are preventing me from working sir. Your name!
“Vova,” I say, “my name is Vova, and I will not give you the right, maybe you will give them the right.”
Steal from me. You are not a policeman.
I will call the police now!
– Uncle, call, of course, it’s boring or...

I don’t know how long this foolish conversation would have continued, but then the girl, whispering, ran straight to us, more precisely to her car. In the situation she did not immediately understand, so rushed with requests to this, to the big:

Sorry, I’m leaving now, I’m just a minute late.
Don’t write out the penalty, please, I’m throwing the coin now.

And the girl was funny - a small, black-haired, cuddly obviously, and in general, selfish. She was talking to this chief of the parking meters, all the time jumping from her leg to her leg, obviously she has all her life.
Ego, what to take from it?

I intervened here:

“Wowa,” I say to her, “I’m called so, in the sense. About your car.
Don’t worry, I’ve given you a coin. Say, you have yourself too.
Are there coins? Hold here again, and in her palm her rest of her
I’m going to see, there are still unpaid car parks?
Throw them a coin, please, or I'm time, and uncle's all
There will be less work.

The girl immediately crossed everything, roasted, showed the penalty goat, and moved to the next car, the parkometer to feed. Well, I also left, I needed my wife.

Here is about advertising. The advertisement I saw recently was literally the same. There Subaru-Impreza was praised, in the sense that he who loves Impreza loves everyone who rides on the same. And the essence of the plot is prosthetic - the guy in front of the penalty feeds the parking meter, and as it turns out, not his car. He himself sits in his "Impreza", standing in a row, and turns. A feeding foreign car, of course, is also Impreza. The penalty, indeed, does not very well out of the script, only shakes the shoulder, and the roar crumbles.

I wonder, these Subaru advertisers themselves all drowned out of their fingers, or is it my tiny hooliganism became American folklore?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №22683
Giving money to fight corruption is like giving vodka to fight drunkenness.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №22682
Momma: Zina's grandmother wakes up at 10 a.m., hopes up like a crazy man and says: "I'm late to work!" and she says: "You're 85 and you're not working." and she says: "Glory to you, Lord!" and falls on a pillow and sleeps until the hour of day.

[ + 78 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22681
I came to you with a greeting.
xxx: tell me that the whistle is up
XXX: Give me a coin!
Shit, I am tired!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna