— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157191
In Moscow, 10 apartments, 10 cars and 5 million holiday circles were played for the vaccinated. The prize was given to each of the 5 million participants. The remaining 20 prizes were shared.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №157190
Laughter prolongs life but reduces wages.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №157189
There is such an online community “oncobudny”. Its participants are women who have suffered from cancer or are fighting it right now. They are there as they can help each other, exchange experiences, contacts with doctors, diets, just words of support, in short - live. Who a year after the diagnosis, who three or five, and who ten or fifteen. They don’t think that if they couldn’t cure cancer forever, then everything was in vain and resistance is useless. If you can extend the life of at least one year, it is a whole year. 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days and 8760 hours. The story is told by Ludmila Pukhliak, founder of the community.

I didn’t seem to have told that story. Rita was a little warrior. She tried seemingly everything in the arsenal of doctors, and visited everywhere. Her cancer was constantly recurring, and she tried and found a new control. And some day 5 years ago, a friend wrote to me: "Rite needs to do a repeat histology, and its blocks (that is, samples of the tumor) remained in Lisod (Kyiv hospital), you don't know how to take them and transfer them to Moscow?" It would seem to be an easy task, but not in our own restless world. In the yard of the 16th year, there are no communications between us, except for trains - no delivery service works. The hospital refuses to give biomaterials to strangers without authorization. We are desperately looking for a way out.

The first surrendered the hospital and handed the blocks to my friend who was lying there at the time. Her mother was driving away from her and I had to do a simple thing - go out to the agreed place at the agreed time and pick up the bag. I come and wait... 15 minutes, half an hour, an hour... I freeze like a puppy. There was a crash on the track, after an hour and a half, a completely tortured woman arrives, apologizing very much for what happened in no way because of her fault.

No courier was found, so I decided that the next day I would come to the train and arrange a guide or a guide to take the package, although at that time it was terribly strictly forbidden. I wake up, and on the street what shouldn’t be on November 13 is snowfall! Shed snow, shed and shed and by evening the city stands all over. From me to the station 20 minutes by trolleybus, but the trolleybuses stopped walking, calling a taxi is useless and I, feverishly finding winter clothes, run through the hills to the subway.

I get to the station and on the way I think that everything seems so strange and complicated, as if someone wants to tell me - do you need it? I find a train and I bypass all the wagons from head to tail, I ask for every guide and I’m all rejected and smiled as if I were the worst terrorist in the world.

I’m standing on the pedestal in front of this train, all in the snow, and I’m all in the snow and I cry. I cry about everything in the world—that there is cancer, that there is war, that it’s so hard for us to hear and help someone. By a miracle I got together and stopped crying. I looked around and saw a woman who smoked before leaving the train. I don’t know what pushed me to her. But I approached and said, "Help me, take a small package with you, it is very much awaited in Moscow." She was scared at first and refused, and then for a moment so stunned, looked at me crying and asked - "what is there?" - "There are blocks from the hospital on which histology needs to be done..." - I started and got stuck - where does a normal person know about it? "You know, my friend has cancer and to get treatment, I need these things." And there happened something. It was as if a wall had collapsed between us. “Let me take them. Write my phone number.” - The number is not Russian or Ukrainian, she showed her passport, she was a citizen of either the UK or some other country, and then she quickly spoke: "I now understand what happened today. I flew to Moscow, I really need to go there, and we were put here and I had to go from the airport to the station, buy a train ticket, thank God there were seats. I smoked here and thought, “What kind of misfortune is this?” Here are you. My mother died of cancer and I understand how important it is. I’m probably here to take that package.”

I gave the package, sent the girls to Moscow contacts, the number of the wagon and the time of arrival of the train. I cried again. She walked back through the snow and thought about how surprisingly sometimes the space turns, and how many complicated intertracts happened to get this small package to Rita, which could give her another chance. I, by the way, do not know if there was anything explicit about that analysis for her, but from those events she has lived for another 2.5 years. This story changed me. It was some kind of a key point when something in me clicked and got in place - it was at that moment that I assumed that it was like something tight, but I am some detail in this picture of the world, which gets to those who were transferred from the plane to the train...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №157188
Do you want a revolution?
No, what are you? I want despotism, lawlessness, slavery, more corruption and 24-hour lies!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157187
XXX: And I picked up from the witness Tripper (

YYY: It wasn’t that bucket to catch.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157186
The woman arrives:

I won the envelope for the child's maternity certificate.)

Where is?

in the VKontakte group.

Well well well.

I wonder why we have an envelope, like no prerequisites.

Five minutes later, he comes back:

Maybe they are fraudsters?

If you are not asked to pay for delivery...

I have already paid...

One hour later, she was placed on the blacklist.

In general, 300 rubles is a small price for such an experience.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157185
If you cross the road a black cat running away from the dog, it is a compulsory sign that you can not fear.

[ + 42 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157184
A merchant was driving to Frankfurt for a trade fair and on the road, on the street of one of the villages, lost a wallet containing 800 gulden. A huge amount at that time. The horse was worth 40 gulden. Therefore, the loss of money, for which you could buy 20 horses, is, you understand, an annoying loss.

A local carpenter walked along the road and found a heavy wallet. brought him home. Nobody told him about it, but hid in anticipation of the owner's appearance of the lost wallet - you will have to give. If they do not agree, that is another matter. But under any circumstances we have to wait.

The next Sunday, the priest announced in the church that 800 guldenes were lost and that the one who finds them and returns will be paid 100 guldenes in reward. The honest carpenter brought the money to the pastor. He asked the merchant to come.
The merchant arrived. I took the wallet. He counted the money and gave the carpenter not promised 100 gulden, but only 5, and accompanied it with very offensive words:
And you took a hundred gulden without your permission, because you had 900 gulden in your wallet!
In this dishonest way, the greedy trader decided to trick and save. Plotnik, of course, was outraged that he was accused of theft and stated:
I didn’t take a single gulden, not a hundred. I am a believer.
The priest confirmed that the carpenter was indeed a decent and deeply believing man who kept the commandments of God, and therefore he could not take that hundred gulden. But the greedy merchant insisted on his own. They argued for a long time, and then the priest took both the carpenter and the merchant to the court of the city of Frankfurt.

The case was considered for several days and became the subject of numerous quarrels for the citizens. Therefore, on the day of the court session and the announcement of the verdict, the court building was overcrowded. Everyone was interested in how the money dispute would end. The judge first asked the buyer:
Can you swear that you lost exactly 900 Gulden?
The merchant didn’t even blink his eye, placed his hand on the Bible and swore. At that time, swearing on the Bible was, well, a very serious matter. Then the judge addressed the carpenter:
Can you swear that you have found 800 Guldens?
The honest master quietly laid his hand on the Bible and also swore. Then the judge announced his decision:
The case is obvious. The wallet found by the carpenter does not belong to the merchant because he lost 900 gulden. Therefore, the wallet and 800 gulden are handed over to the carpenter and he can dispose of the money at his discretion. The buyer must continue to search for his wallet, which contained 900 gulden!
So the merchant lost his money and his honourable name.

The judge’s sentence was wise and just, because greed and evil punished themselves.
The parable is dated to 1506 from the book “Scherz und Ernst” by the writer and preacher Johannes Paulie.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №157183
There is a shortage of high-skilled low-paying personnel in the market.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №157182
A man asks a blonde wife:

If 4 eggs are cooked for 4 minutes, how much will 8 eggs be cooked?

The wife thought:

and 8 minutes.

My husband laughs:

What logic is that?

The Wife:

In the casket. In our pot for eggs more than 4 pieces at a time does not fit.

Yyy: A mathematician confronted a programmer

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157181
It is not there they are looking for...

(In the secret, by the whisper)

It seems that foreign agents are our central TV channels, because at what time you don’t turn on the TV, all conversations, political shows and news about Ukraine and the United States...

© Dmitry Sviridov

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №157180
There is an unusual monument in Volgograd. This is a little girl playing acordeon. It is set by a real girl who went to the hospital to the fighters wounded during the Battle of Stalingrad and played with them for hours. The girl was 13 at the time, but she looked 9 years old. The acordeon was large and heavy. But the soldiers loved her concerts very much, and they were waiting for them every day. Therefore, the girl again went on foot to the hospital with a heavy accordion to color the soldiers hospital days filled with suffering. The name of this girl was Alexandra Pakhmutova.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №157179
Sechin assures that "without the dumper, gasoline would be more expensive than rubles by 15".
But I forgot to add that without Sechin it would be twice as cheap.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №157178
A person who can pay for the services of a narcologist is considered a sick person, not an alcoholic.

[ + 41 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157177
I think everyone has already seen the news about the border of Belarus and Poland, as illegal migrants storm the border to then get to Germany.

Here I sit now listening to the news about what is there and how. The journalist says:

We are on the border and there are a lot of people here. The poor have no water, no food, nothing. Horrible, why are they not so humane toward these poor people? (c) the

And I think of myself, there is no water and food, but there are hydraulic pieces to cut the clutch wire and tents at 300 euros per piece in the frame blink... And that they are sitting in a common chat in a telegram or вотсаппе all there with mobile communication and the internet - you didn't understand, it's another. They have not forgotten all these things, but the poor have forgotten the water and food.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №157176
The Russian government has confirmed plans to increase pensions next year by 0.9 times.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №157175
I met a girl much younger than myself. The further dialogue:

The girl: “Why are you always putting ridiculous sticks at the end?”

I: “Atavism since the time of Ashka”

The girl: "I only understood the word of time"

I said, “Eye...”

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №157174
Once in the recreation park, the toilets were closed for repair, and instead they put some temporary toilet in the wagon, and at a height of two meters, a ladder with very low perils, literally below the knee, rose up to it. I came down from this ladder and flew through these perils to the ground. I lie on the ground, crawling from falling and I hear the scream on the whole park: “YACAAA!!! The Eggs!! and. To me runs an extremely excited woman 10-15 years older than me and shaking my shoulder asks: "Eggs are whole?!" I squeezing from the question touch the eggs and find that the pants in the process of falling broke from the ass to the width and the desired parts of the body look through the gap. The woman also sees this natural death, turns red and bore something like "God thank you" goes away. And I took off my jacket, tied it to the belt with my sleeves to hide the gap and went home.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157173
You are an intelligent person, if you are standing on a bridge, you have never spit into the river.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157172
The secretary told us.
We gather to the object, Nastena (secretary) departs:
And let the driver go with you to measure the structure - he has exactly a meter between his legs!
Of course, she meant the length of the step.
But the point driver Semenych was looked at with respect.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna