— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120616
Q33NY: More from the same series:
A police officer approaches the newspaper:
Is there truth?
- Truth is not, the homeland was sold, there was labor for three pennies and rural life.

DEVILNEST: Then already "Technology of youth"

Licemer61: What is Smart? Young people "foreigners bought, take what they ate until they bought it.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120615
The story of the plunging into the cry came to mind: our research and development department was in the same room with the supply department. And just on Friday before the baptism, Vova (a young supplier driver and a former athlete) wrote very enthusiastically - Boys (!!) Tomorrow is such a day! You need to dive in any way, it is health for the whole year! And we, those who were a little older, listened to him halfway, and two of our young colleagues, Pasha and Leonid, were very excited and lively discussed how and where one of them could dive into the ice water.
Monday has arrived. The first came Pasha with a red face, coughing - he sat down until lunch and asked and went home sick... Leonid just called and said with a chilled voice that he had a fever and he would not be there for a while...
But Vova, who was somewhere on the go, appeared after lunch - like a cucumbers healthy and active. Well, I think, the athlete did not get through the ice water and asked - Since you have sunk Vova - tell me!
“Yes,” Vova says, smiling confusedly, as it was: my friend and I came to dive on the stack – there the cutting was already ready. But for courage, they decided to stumble in front of the river. We sat on the bench near the stack and first a hammer, then added a little, and then as it fell - shortly we understood that we were already well without diving)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120614
Ideas for the New Year’s Party:
Everyone pulls out a paper with one of the deadly sins and the whole night impunely surrendered to him.
Yyy: For example, the disappointment.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120613
Doors, hammer, squat...I was seven years old, my grandfather squeezed a pair of walnuts in his fist and broke them apart. He said he didn’t respect men with the "shit hands". I have hardly eaten nuts since then. The strength in the whole body was only enough to split a couple of nuts a day manually, but to lose the respect of the grandfather was very scary.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120612
From the long-distance drivers forum, about the newly introduced boards:

So go, bring them to court! Have we all studied attorneys?
I’m at the doctor, at all. Maybe they will cure me there.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120611
On the day of release of Fallout 4, pornhub traffic dropped by 10%
The comments:
I know Pornhub. What is Fallout 4?! to
It looks like the left hand c ;)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120610
Man is a by-product of love. Stanislav Jerzy Letz

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120609
I'm trying to get through Witcher 3 without fucking anyone. Is it normal at all?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120608
From the forum of carriers, regarding the introduction of road travel fees.

Pay three rubles!
Sorry, something to me!
At least one and a half!
The victory, people! The Trail!

We didn’t have to...
Now I need a little.

There are "men" in the government!

Let’s hit the palms!

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №120607
What are the fucking days? One "poor people can’t make friends", the other "washed the accelerator to focus on the lighthouse".

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №120606
The second life of the coffins.
Yesterday, the neighbors curated the whole night, orals and songs sang, a personal visit and a visit of mints did not solve the problem.
I locked them in their own apartment, cut off the shield and finally there was silence, the whole house breathed calmly and only a pleasant panic of drinkers inside the ugly apartment caused pleasant satisfaction.
The coil proved to be the ideal tool for closing the door to the deboss, it is adjusted in height and has rubber pads. I fixed the door pen and fixed it so that it could not be lowered down to open the door and finally fell asleep at 5 a.m.

In the morning, the grandmother of the concierge shared her indignation about the deboshires and told a funny story about how someone calmed the alcoholics. I pretended to be surprised and laughed pleasantly for the company :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120605
How to make a man crazy?
He has a cheap cell phone in his bedroom. Go through so that you do not find it.
And in the phone for the night there are alarms with a sinister whisper on them (one repeat).
Also for the blowing effect to set a terrible whistle on the call and deadly screaming on the SMS. Have fun at night, choosing effects as desired.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120604
Do I have any talent?
You have talent – you have it!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120603
A humble person is someone who wants to get on the Forbes list and get lost there.

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120602
A parent’s family of 12 years was renting apartments, relatives’ apartments – in a word, not before it was to have an animal at home. And that’s when we finally entered the new trunk! My mom first brought home a crazy cabbage, a black pudel. He was graceful, trained in teams, emotional, but, most importantly, was noble and kind. Therefore, when a month later the mother brought home a frozen kitten, the dog smelled the new one and graciously accepted it in the herd.
The dog was very patient with the kitten: he allowed him to play with the brush of his tail, to work out the cat's techniques of attack from the assembly, to take the best pieces from the bowl. Maybe that’s why when the cat grew up they were very friendly.
The pudel had a bad habit when it was left at home for a long time and did not walk out, not just to make a loaf in the hallway, but to pour the wall of the kitchen setup. He was punished for, no matter.
When the cat grew up, he begged out on the street. He left, but always returned. At first, the cat came home with scratches on his mouth and ears. Then somehow the wounds stopped.
It turns out, the red trick before going to the street all rounded around the described wall of the kitchen setup, until it began to crush a dog. In this form, all the surrounding cats were sparkling from him, and his precious red-white skin returned home whole and unharmed =)))

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №120601
The government is preparing a law that citizens who have lived until the retirement age can no longer be considered patriots.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120600
From FB:
xxx: Something I don’t remember that Buddhists exploded anyone.
YYY: Do not tell me. I exploded a lot of Buddhists.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120599
If you — fucking know who is sick — fucking know what, then it is Alzheimer’s.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120598
And yesterday these cats, these, let me say, pets continued in the interior of the apartment my Shiseido eye cream... They, in general, went to row the calyan, but the Japanese superhero Shiseido kicked his chest on the ambrasures, saving an Arab friend. International in action! And the cats are cosmopolitan frogs: two Americans, one is the hot daughter of the mountains, another is the hopota of Luberc. So I cut off the Japanese. I searched the apartment for two days, but did not find it. They ate it together with the bank.

by someoneblack

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №120597
here here :
Is it about the 90s? When all kinds of engineers from the NII with the "best Soviet education" and after 70 years of scientific materialism suddenly rushed to charge the banks in front of the telephone with Chumak? by LOL.

If you have received a higher education, it does not mean that you have received it. Among my acquaintances there are many interpretative engineers of the old hardening and many witnesses of Alan Chumak and Kashpirovsky. But many of these do not cross the word at all. But this is only my case, I probably lived in another USSR.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna