— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146257
Somehow, even on the Tu-154, we dropped down and were already close enough to the pre-landing straight, when it turned out that our flight was obstructed by a cute white cloud, which, judging by the marks on the radar, did not stand out. Visually, it did not seem terrible. Opinions divided - someone was ready to continue straight, said, there is nothing there. Someone suggested to get around a little more right, it won't take a long time. The commander decided to get around. After we turned around the corner, we were surprised to see the hobbit stretching from this cloud to the water. They crushed the reefs and flew on."

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №146256
>> and for me you will always be Nastya, because before Anastasia Sergeevna you, in terms of my status, have not yet grown up!
A typical example. There is some status (and almost the same old and invented), but there are absolutely no manners and education. All the same type of "local man in the nobility".
I personally address "You" to any person who has passed adolescence. I don’t even know what allows me to be raised. Whether two higher or a tabular on the statutory place.
and :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №146255
Oh, another woman who bombarded on the topic that you can’t whistle from morning to night.

No question, you can’t get rid of it. Even a robot vacuum cleaner is not needed for this, you can just not clean it, and that's all. This is not criminally punishable. Some people like to live clean. Well, such a strange.And here the cleanliness of your robot alone is not able to provide, unfortunately and ah. I am sorry, yes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146254
The criminal code is a price list of crimes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146253
and revenge.

We spent three generations in a family home.
My father, my older brother and I have already moved to the stage of “talk/discuss/remember.” The female part of the family smoothly moved toward the kitchen "for men to cut down snacks".

And here is something we talked about vengeful people, about revenge in general. Father was quiet and in our dispute with Brother did not take part, but quietly looked out the window and smiled to some of his thoughts.

When we were exhausted, Batya looked at us, blinking, and told us a story. A little literally reworked story:

After the war it was very difficult. Our generation of people born in 1945-1947 was the most unwilling. is a joke! The country was in ruin! Electricity in our village was only in the evening and appeared in the 1950s. And so is everything with rays, candles, kerosene. The leaves were only wooden. The clothes were passed from the elderly to the younger, the old military gymnastics, the caliphs were tailored. Marines were very appreciated. Shoes were generally valued at the weight of gold - in the spring, summer, autumn, almost until December, children only ran barefoot.

The city is near us - through the crossroads of everything, but to get there only on foot or by car. Walking through the crossing is still fun, but we went! Where to go? Buy the crops.
In the gardens were mostly children - parents at work. Who is in the collage, who is in the wood-plate artillery, who is in the city in the factories or in the port.

I remember when there was a rumor in the village that there would be travels to a pioneer camp somewhere in Kabardinka. How I wanted to go there! Just bite! But my parents didn’t have six rubles for this trip... Yes, I was burning very hard at the time.

At this point, Batya looked at his grandson, who had previously played with the tablet, trying to make him a friend with his new smartwatches. Mishka after this Batin's gaze somehow confused and put the tablet aside. There was silence in the room – the whole family listened to Batin’s story and he continued:
I finished school in the city. Of course, he was a fool! According to accurate sciences, he was interrupted from two to three. In humanitarian terms, more or less, it was given easily. I was enthusiastic about swimming, I even got the KMS. But I didn’t want to study, hooligan! A rare council in the school passed without examining my jokes. There was no relationship with our director. I can’t say he hated me or anything. But if something happened at school, he always made me to blame. It was offensive. You know, I did things once and that’s it! They are growing like snow! I was forever behind a cane.

When school was finished, the director told me, “You’ll get the certificate in August!” I did not care then!
My classmates went for entrance exams to universities and technical schools, and in the summer after school, I walked, walked in the city, walked in the park, a company of friends came to us, some with criminal inclinations. have drunk. One day in July, in a beer bar near the port, we fought with the Greek sailors, the sailors of the dry cargo. As trophies, we got thirty rubles in money and a pair of clocks, which we drove on the swing. That’s where a story happened that affected my whole life and yours.
At the end of July, a police officer came home to us in the village, who brought me to the district department of the police, where I had a conversation with the chief of the police. Healthy such a man in blue shape, frontman, order planks on a whale. The nightmare in the office was like smoke! And the boss says to me:
The son! I have information that you have gone on the wrong path. Soon you’re going to go to jail! Look at what kind of family you have: the father is a frontman, works without laying hands, the mother is a striker in the colloquial, the master's brother is already in a ship repair factory, on a very good account, a sister in a school. And you? Shallowed!

I was surprised, of course, by his awareness, because I never had a deal with the police. He continued:

Why don’t you go anywhere to study? What is the matter?
I don’t even have an attest.
How not? You finished 11 years old!
I and the director of the school are not in good shape. He told me that the certificate will only be issued in August!
The police chief thoughtfully walked around the office and said quietly:
That is shit! Special certificate did not issue so that the boy did not go anywhere to study. Entrance until the end of July. One way for him – or a docker to the port, or to the prison.
And then I understood all the horror of the situation with obtaining the certificate. I understood the nature of our school director. And that anger is in me! If he hit me at that moment, he would break it in pieces.
The boss drove me out into the corridor. The police officers went in and out of the cabinet, the chief called someone on the phone, proved something, mocked. He was given some lists, tables. And I was sitting on a chair and thinking how stupid I was to allow such a situation as a goat the director of the school. He made plans for revenge. One worse than the other!
A few hours later, when I had finally fainted from sitting in the hallway, the boss called me into the office and immediately without preludes said:
We have a disarmament at one of the military schools. Now go to the military. They are waiting for you there. Come on, go on!
He did not react to my weak objections, just gently pushed out of the office, saying:
Go go go go! Military is waiting! Then you go to me for characteristics.

In the Military Command I was informed that I was given a direction for admission to the Military School of the Internal Forces of the ILO of the RSFSR and the entrance exams will begin at the end of August.
This is what? The police troops?? to
The soldier looked at me:
They are internal troops. It is not a militia. Look at me, don’t deceive me.
Over the course of two weeks, I passed several medical commissions, gathered the necessary documents, took my unfortunate certificate from school and was already driving in the company of seven candidates for admission to the school in the city of Ordzhonikidze.
I always dreamed of revenge on the director of the school.

Only eight candidates from our city enrolled in the school. very very! Imagine six hours of lectures every day, three hours of self-training, exercises, shooting, guard service. We received two specialties – an officer of the motor gun troops, with a special study of the specifics of the service of the internal troops, and jurisprudence. Studying was not bad – it is the army! Lectures on military disciplines were taught by the military, mostly by frontmen.
Legal disciplines were taught by civilian specialists – among them there were several young and beautiful women. How can we stand unprepared before them all? How to wash “I’m not ready”? We were taught how to fight – it was very interesting! The first half of the year I ended with a few four, and only excellences were allowed home on vacation. The second half of the year was completed on the evaluation “excellent” and for the successes in study and service I was awarded the first medal “20 years of Victory”. Thro my studies, I had plans to avenge the director. Even on the shooting field he represented his face at the spot of the target and hit there without fault! At the handball classes, I imagined throwing him over my shoulder, beating a hated face. Often my training rivals expressed me for excessive power of strikes.
My father was silent, probably experiencing that time again.
And then next? Brother’s silence was broken.
As in the cinema! Smiling, my mother said.
My father continued:
My first vacation was in the summer of 1965. I go home! Arrived on the perron of our seaside town - the uniform is squeezed, boots with a spark, a waschback with a raspberries seat is perfectly seated. And at the exit to the station square, right on the stairs, I encountered the director. He rushed to meet with two suitcases. I stood up with him on the way. He raised his head and pulled out one suitcase.
Are you? →! to
Cursant of the Ordzhonikidzevsky Red-Flag Military School of the Internal Forces of the ILO of the RSFSR. by Kirov. For success in school, he was awarded a leave. Welcome to Nikolai Leontievich!
The director looked at me from foot to head, stopping to look at the flower feather of the legendary NKVD and the solitary medal on my chest. I whispered:
The good guys came back, they didn’t. And thousands...
He spit under his feet, passed by me, something drum under his nose.

- Here is my revenge, - Daddy smiled, looked around us. At that moment, I realized that there was no reason to beat him, to build him. I just had to show who I was!
There was silence at the table. My mother stood up silently and went to the closet. I fixed a photo frame on the shelf, where two photographs were inserted next to it – Batya-cursant and Batya-colonel. I got a bottle of cognac, which was very careful:
For this story, you can drink a gram.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №146252
The news that oil rose due to the arrests of Saudi princes. Tell Putin that if you plant Sechin-Miller, oil will climb to 100 backs!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146251
All of this:
Tom is
This is:
You know,

Many years on Mondays in the morning I shave thoroughly, wash under the shower and so on.

If you do this every day instead of once a week, there will be no problems.

Where is it written that he washes once a week?

It is written right here. I wash, write, and shave on Mondays, and then go to work. And here, he writes, washed on Monday and crumbled, do not need to go to work. And he sits at home on Monday, like a fool, washed and shaved.

— — —
This is a banal ignorance of logic. People confuse the terms "on Mondays" and "only on Mondays". Not a programmer obviously.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146250
xxx: the most sexy female name - on -it. For example, Sonia or Anja
xxx: in second place - on -sh, as in the English-language environment is accepted:
xxx: Sasha, Trisha and Anastasia
I have never liked the names.
You are there, Katya.
Yyy: or Vitya

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146249
In fact, the rules of good tone recommend that you name a person as he presented himself, not as you like. But there are always lovers to prove to another, as they really call it, or to experience a surname-fatherhood, in order to show respect... Although what is easier and respectful - to take into account the direct request of the interlocutor.

With respect,
Not Shura, not Alexander Sergeevich and not Mr. / Comrade Ivanov.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146248
- I sell the current business in Kiev, the price is $6k, income is $1k per month, repayment is six months (if you work yourself)
Is it the Kia Rio + Uber?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146247
A rule is made. If random starts to repeat, then for today you have to tie.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146246
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: here in general we have pepper one worked
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: on the piton wrote
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: forced to write tests to code
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: he sat a month
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: said "why to write tests, people need to believe"
13:21 @nikita_tsukanov: and resigned

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146245
Q: What should I do if Zavoch told me I was mentally ill? When I am really healthy
WOW: Go to the lookout, pull out a sheet from her magazine, make it an airplane. Put this plane in her nose by the very kile. Let it be more careful the next time.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146244
The xxx:
Apple products embody a communist approach: limitations and equalization everywhere, but the party has already thought about everything for you.
If the Party has forgotten to think of something, then the true executive, who respects the covenants of Jobs, does not need such bourgeois excesses in principle.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146243
The author of “Tragedy on the Bones,” understand one thing. When a woman wants to sew, she goes to a craft store and buys everything for sewing. But if a woman goes to a laundry store and bought underwear, it means that she wants to wear underwear, not sew. And to do something behind the wrong-handed masters, she has no desire.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №146242
xxx: Educated people should not use the expressions "grandmother", "woman" and etc., indicating the physiological characteristics of a woman.

YYY is an alternative?
Immediately anticipating, with regard to the appeals of “the lady”, “the lady” or “the brother” judging by the surveys, cause irritation in the majority of people.

zzz: "Ancient human being" However, there can be discrimination on the basis of age and species. So it’s just "form of life".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146241
This story was told to me by a colleague. Her husband is a military doctor. Colleagues from Syria came to them. They all spoke Russian well enough, so there were no problems with communication. It was a warm friendly relationship. One Friday, one of her Syrian comrades approached her husband and said:

I bought tickets to the theatre. He wanted to go with his companion, but he had a lot of things to do and he refused. Do you not want to go with me?

You know, I would love to go, but I have it today.

He slapped his index finger on his throat.

The Syrian colleague compassionately shrugged his head:

Oooooh, the tanzilite very badly. Treat me Volodymyr.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №146240
Comment under the post "Can the iPhone X survive the fall?" (the video plunges the iPhone 8 and iPhone X from different heights):
Can the owner survive the fall of the iPhone X?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146239
When we separated, she said that I and my cat would now eat only peelings.
And there were: mantas, ravioli, hinkali, tortellines and only occasionally pelmeches.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №146238
A friend told me a story.

Whom I am lying to. It was with me. A month ago I went to the trichologist, she said that you need to treat the scalp with tea tree oil. Need meant need. I bought tea tree oil. Nothing predicted trouble. I went to the bathroom and followed the instructions.

I have to say that the smell of this oil is specific and in such concentrations sharp.

Wait 5 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

did not help.

Dare once again.

And then again.

In general, the first week I smelled this tea tree no worse than the tea tree.

And with each washing of the head, the stinking smell again reminded me of itself with fresh forces for 2 weeks.

And my friends now call me simply, Puerchiko.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna