— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №146217
and e. To put it more simply, the nails are struck with a microscope, and they are struck. They just decided, once it happened, to breathe and focus on depreciating single-use microscopes.

For centuries, the scientific method has been trying to get away from the system of "touching like a blind kitten", and has gone before discussing what amfetamines to feed a cat so that it ticks faster.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №146216
I swallow in volvo. They are in a calf. Her eyes should have been seen at that moment.

She is still too young and has never seen a crumbling Volvo 850 from 1994.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146215
Cat Da Vinci: I do not know any disagreement that would not be solved by stone, scissors and paper.
For all other cases, there is an old, good Colt.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №146214
The handwriting of a 8th grade student from Nepal is recognized as the best handwriting in the world.

XXX is a young girl. It is made by Nepali.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146213
* discussion of the description to the vibrator on the website*
xxx: "When synchronized with the mobile application ZOO access to 16 vibration modes"
XHH: Can you add friends in the app and watch achievements, like in sports?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №146212
The mermaid was eating fish. I wanted fish very much, but still I wondered how her conscience allowed her to eat such things. She was surprised and said, “She’s half a man, so she doesn’t eat people either?”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146211
It is not possible to buy oil in neighboring markets lately. It either does not exist, or 2-3 misty packs lie, deadly packed with scotch in broken plastic containers. A terrible spectacle.

For a long time I could not understand what they were hiding? Composition, shelf life, smell of mold? Questions about the oil the cashier answers " ask the employees".The employees somehow strangely pass, the oil is not issued, and on attempts to consider something through the container and scotch I look suspiciously, sinking around. It is not oil, but universal conspiracy and prohibited substances!

And here I find one normal package of oil on the window. I am happy to go to the box. Aunt, piercing her, screams deep into the room: “Masha! Tell Lene, the oil has been taken!" I am scared here again. What’s wrong with this oil? I decided to ask the straight question: "Comrades, what’s going on with you here?and "

It is often stolen. Therefore, we do not put it on the window.

This is so. A whole hypermarket is engaged in the protection of the only package of oil on the window. I would have a chain!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146210
A teacher of philosophy educates a group of programmers on the subject of the resurrection of Christ:
On the Resurrection they opened a cave where Christ was buried. What do you think they found there?
C: It turned out that the body was stolen!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146209
Parking is a good thing nowadays. My neighbors so successfully put the car in the courtyard that now the second week they do not drive anywhere on it, apparently, it is very unfortunate for them to lose such a messy place.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №146208
XXX: Don’t get upset.
WOW: I can’t do it!! I can’t give food for reflection, I start to catch without measure.
That’s from hunger 😉
The Frog (

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №146207
The translation algorithms have improved dramatically over the past 20 years. A colleague on Friday helped a foreigner who climbed to the guard with the question of where to find the red square. Smartphone, geolocation, semantic behavior analysis - and a red square in translation for a tourist in the center of Moscow.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №146206
Discussions on the topic "The pigeon is a symbol of the world":
The pigeon is a wicked, devious, lustful creature. A perfect symbol for this world.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №146205
The fox runs through the woods and says, “Freedom to Ireland!” The wolf said to her, “Fuck, did you fall from the oak?” The fox said to him, “Why is this? I’m red and I’m patrician. Take the conclusions!”

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №146204
I sit at the passport table (Kharkov) which begins reception at 9:00. The people get up from 7:30 and take the turn. In the general hall hangs a 55' panel with an electronic line display. 20 minutes before the reception, a guy enters the specialty, silently turns it and takes it away. All those present were convinced that nothing extraordinary was happening until at 9 a.m. the passport staff did not raise the spark.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №146203
Why are there no good, highly intelligent films? Did you go to Pornhub?

YYY: And it’s the same, the whole remake...

zzz: There and the finish is almost the same everywhere

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146202
Haishnikov’s calls for drivers to behave properly on the road for our dwarfs is the same as addressing this to the reverse side of the moon.

I would ask! The reverse side of the moon will never cut the visible because its crown is crushing. It is not useful to get sick in the left row 60 on the speed six-band, because "I bought a foreign mark, I have no place in the row with jiggles." And, probably, it will not scream on satellites on geostationary orbit that it has its parking space there.
In short, the reverse side of the moon is much more intelligent and conscious, and it would be better to dig a sealed base there at a depth of a hundred meters and settle there - at the maximum distance available at the moment from our drivers.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №146201
xxx: (Citation to the photo, where the man "sweet" drinks quas) When he travelled more than a hundred kilometers a day on the big.
Where did you go and where did you go?
XHH: Well, we guys found the bike route on the site. Everything started well, the route was designed for 10 hours and 80 km long, but 2 times backed up in an impenetrable forest, grown with cranberry, 1 time we drove through a wheat field above the knee, crossed the river and crossed the river several times because of the forests. They were riding well.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №146200
at one of the universities of Minsk. A Jew laughs at a Turkmen who explains to the Uzbek in English that the Lebanese speaks poorly Russian.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146199
photo of chicken cucumber with label "Robber pigs"

- And your pork turned out to be a mutant, he beat my eye and removed the cortex.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №146198
Golosptic: I understand the archives of accounting and other business papers.
golosptic: I find in it a circular letter of OGPU from 1924 with the signature of Berries and Artuzov.
Golosptic: Don’t ask me.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna