— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] [17 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120496
All good time of day!
My story is not funny, yes, it is just information for reflection. (Fans criticize for "not funny" - see at the top of the site warning "there is no...pre-selection of published materials on the site")
My late grandmother Shure was 20 years old when the Great Patriotic War began. Men of all, of course, were mobilized, and women were left to work in the forestry. Shura graduated from driver courses and worked as a truck driver ZIS-5 for ten years. No hydroamplificers of the steering wheel, no "palaces", no heaters in the cabin. The grandmother remembered how the sparks from her eyes flew when she loaded barrels (80 kg, in my opinion) into the body - no one was able to help, the war, the warehouser - a disabled. She recalled how trucks were driven to Moscow for the front from the Gorky automobile factory: at night they were driving with light masks (the phares were closed with shields and a narrow strip of light remained), they froze in the cabins, these journeys lasted for a month or more. The driver’s girls shaved their hair because there was no opportunity to shave every day, and the hair dropped almost into a cloth. Valkys, worn in the frosty February Gorky, soaked in March's raw Moscow and when the feet were dried so "dry" that when they returned home they had to be cut off with scissors. It is clear that such work was then heavily affected by pain in the inflamed body.
When Shure was 30, she married and gave birth to a son. Her husband died, Shura remained.
A young child and an old mother. She worked to fatigue to feed her family. She was a warehouse. And the son of Shura (my future father) graduated eight years in the village, then electromechanical school, then the university (afternoon faculty, worked in parallel), then postgraduate studies in Moscow. To defend the candidate was prevented by restructuring - it was necessary to earn money. His father worked in the research institute, fell under a reduction in the late 90s, found a job in a small firm, then he was retired. A few years later he returned to his hometown, where he still works. By the way, it is not by chance that the old workers who were reduced at the time were eagerly taken back to the research institute: the young and the old know how to count money, but with drawings and products things are bad. My father’s co-worker, today a graduate of Kazan University, knows less than a graduate of the technical school thirty years ago.
I have a question for all those who love to criticize the Soviet past: tell me, what are the prospects for today of the son of a lonely semi-literate rural warehouser? I think the answer is clear – almost none. There is only the danger of falling into the jersey of juvenile justice. Therefore, it is not necessary to shrink everything that has been. Even in the fall of democracy.

[ + 35 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120495
95% of the ocean has not been explored.
99.99% of space has not been explored.
90% of our brain has not been studied.
Question: What are we doing? Do we develop washable wipes from toilet paper?

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120494
EEF © With geektimes, discuss a new type of engine:

by zorge_van_daar
I’ll tell you one clever way to store energy – in uranium. The power of the submarine reactor is 60 MW. If the power of this device is scaled linearly, it is 75 N of power. Traction of the ion engine - 20-250 mH. Yes, the reactor and fuel weigh a lot, but in sum, I think it would be a breakthrough.

by Amarao:
How do you dispose of 60 MW of heat in a vacuum?

by misato:
We are going to place a giant animated billboard that will show advertising towards Earth.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120493
Sherali tomato fruit when it is a berry. It is ;)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120492
The X: The Future. Everything is electronic. Electronic books, electronic newspapers, electronic clothes, even electronic packages from the supermarket. Video wallpapers, virtual windows, with fresh air imitation, and a central graphics processor radiator instead of a battery.
YYY: Ah, the dishes are electronic, and you can get a spoonful by looking straight into the plate. And you are returning from the store, and the message has already arrived on the package: the package expires, do not forget to hand it over to the drone collector for recycling.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120491
Most of Tolstoy's books came from the grandmothers in the home library - all the Soviet publications. I only bought a collection with the "Cruiser Sonata", "The Devil", "Father Sergey" and other too perverse manifestations of Tolstoy talent for Soviet grandmothers when needed in the universe.

And scandals around network libraries in Tolstoy is not because he is more willing to pay for it, but because seventy years since his death has already passed and Tolstoy - public property, not a trademark of some publishing house.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120490
Village of urban type. In the morning, a barrel on wheels arrives at our house and my aunt sells spilled milk from a local farm. Nearby, a man from a moving pot sells eggs in cardboard, also from a local poultry factory. Both are very popular with locals. The local aunts so called - the ovary and the milk.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120489
I want a new cocktail. and a shirt. And of course a shirt.
Jane: I need jeans and shoes )) And I want a sweater ))
Anna: generally I want a house in the village, a rottweiler and a shotgun, but we are now about girls, as far as I understand)))
Jane: Fuwau, Asya! All the femininity has shattered.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120488
Everyone knows what the head of the middle line is - a transmission with a hydroamp, to knock a fist if threatened with a finger from above.

A. Gromov, V. Vasilyev "Antarctica Online"

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №120487
Kсюha’s niece, 6 years old, goes to a Dutch school. There is an American boy in the class. approximately the same age. Everyone is encouraged to do something forbidden, and then handed over to the teacher. It offends the little ones. The crap for the little ones. He stands up, spreading his hands to the sides, and does not allow him to reach them. As a result, he receives a bullshit from an American, but does not give up. The teacher says that Kyuha is aggressive. What is a model of world politics?

[ + 18 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120486
Continued by:
What distinguishes wisdom from knowledge? Knowledge is when you can surprise someone with the fact that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is when you don’t try to cook tomato compot.

And knowledge + wisdom - when you don't try to cook tomato compot. and ;)

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №120485
Why can’t you read Minecraft?
yyy:Bugs will grow and there will be a desire to invade a couple of neighboring states.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120484
NN is filled. Shortly approach the mirror.

Become a Vampire

NN: To not reflect?
Isn’t it easier to take care of yourself?
VV: No, it’s easier to be a vampire :D

[ + 37 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120483
If the light spreads faster than the sound, why do I hear the signal of the BMW behind me sooner than I see the green light?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120482
msmirnov: I was also a student, but I worked and had enough books.

As a student, I didn’t work, but I had enough books.
I work, but the books are lacking. And who is to blame? Definitely a pirate!! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120481
From the Japanese language textbook:
You should also keep in mind that repeating the word hai by the interlocutor may mean that he is listening and understanding you, but not that he agrees with you.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120480
Discussing a new department employee
<S...> Do you know that he’s constantly cooking? The smell is specific.)
<m...> toughness
<m...> from the steppes of Afghanistan
<S...> I try to break this smell with my melissa
<m...> I also don’t wash

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120479
How wisdom differs from knowledge. Knowledge is when you can surprise someone with the fact that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is when you don’t try to cook tomato compot.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120478
A weekend with computers.
You come to rest with guests, talk, and you are immediately shown a home computer / laptop / tablet / phone... (as well as a washing machine, alarm, satellite,...) and asked to deal with the problems... :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120477
Straw Valentine
My decryptor is interested in whether there is among my acquaintances someone who will reinstall Windows quickly and not expensive?

by admin
I do not know your acquaintances. So I cannot answer you this question. and Smiley

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