— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №72776
The wife writes about the employee: "If Natasha ever becomes a zombie, I will shoot her with pleasure!(" and

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №72775
So I want to overtake a smoking person and crack, so that he feels what I feel as I go after him!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №72774
For a woman, inviting a man home for coffee is like turning on a landing light for him.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №72773
A small supplement
Alexander Duma once had lunch with the famous doctor Hystel, and that Hystel asked the writer to write something into his book of reviews.
Duma wrote:
“Since Dr. Hystel treats entire families, we need to close our municipal hospital!“”
The doctor cried out:
You are fooling me!
Then Duma wrote:
“To build two cemeteries.”

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №72772
If Shoigu will continue to replace the provoked officials of the highest level - he is waiting for an exciting life.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №72771
I was pleased with one Paphos club in Zaporozhye. Entry for rage money, girls only in branded things, bags at least 200 backs. Men all with expensive drinks... Toilet, forgive me for the details, with carved oak doors, marble finish, expensive sanitary.... and.... a toilet for 5 rubles.... on a chain.... very thick.... the chain is murdered in the wall....
Immediately as it appeared - a glamorous girl, and in a suitcase, instead of a dog - ERSHIK)))

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №72770
eugenius_nsk: It’s right: coffee is middle-class and coffee is male.
Mithgol: In addition to the wordsѣ “coffee” slѣduetâ write “і”.
(And it is not sarcasm, but weѣreign to the strictest tradition of the Russian language of the times of the Empire.)

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №72769
XXX: I live on the second floor. Uncle and aunt are constantly writing under the windows. It is impossible to open the window, the smell of urine entered the apartment. Until the nausea. What can I do so that it doesn’t smell like that?
Yyy: When I lived on the first floor, no one walked under the windows. Because the neighbor had a shepherd who didn’t like when someone else threw his territory.
And when a very dissatisfied shepherd flies on you from above, it, of course, continues to suck (and you start to suck), but under these windows - the last time.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №72768
Mike> Since working in a transnational company
Mike> and implement projects in different countries
Mike> I know the phrase “What is x@#ne?” in seven languages.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №72767

In New York hurricane Sandy, and in Moscow the old good dress Oksana.

In Chelyabinsk - heavy rain Vasily.

There is snow in Peter.

zzz: And in the south of Ukraine, the cloud of Ivanovna.

In Germany, the hurricane Hans-Peter.

Cold Dogs in the Rostov!

In Vitebsk - unpleasant rain Anton

fff:in Vladimir - the wind of Volodya

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72766
I, of course, love Apple for its unterrestrial beauty and everything else.
But what a shame just to take and transfer files from the comp to the player without additional sexual activity over your own brain :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №72765
greml1nes (11:58:55 8/11/2012)
What kind of admin do you have, did you say that you were evil?
petrovich (12:00:01 8/11/2012)
He is the best and brightest man in the world!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №72764
xy: lol, see what Wikipedia has: "In addition to love, Freya is “responsible” for fertility, harvest and harvest. Harvests are different, and Freya sometimes has seizures, because of which she is allowed to collect a bloody harvest.
Xh: I can bet there were attacks once a month :D
The PMS is not alien to the goddesses of the North XD

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №72763
Husband programmer (M) and wife (G), evening, romantic. Wife is pulling.
I feel like a cat.
Q: The code? Poor girl, to make your husband notice you had to become a code...
Yes, and bad for you to be with me for a long time.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №72762
From corporate mail
Subject: Solving all issues
Text: "Natalia, we have something like blood dropping from the ceiling"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №72761
(A review of the photo on Skype)
XXX is an animated member.
YYY: In the sense???? to
XXX: In the sense of shit!
YYY: What is it?
XXX is Fuck! It is!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №72760
Tomorrow in the store. A man comes in, apparently from the hammer, and the seller gives:
Two cups of milk.
to cut? by Trollface

[ + 27 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №72759
Again the ones!Trucks with Coca-Cola! so you need to think about the meeting of the new year!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №72758
Corporate correspondence

Request of colleagues:
Colleagues, please look through the breast by reference and if you have a overseas reinsurer, with whom the action of the royal certificate is coming to an end, or even ended (the end date you can find in the breast itself), then I ask you to indicate in front of the inferior, in the corresponding columns the name of the father of the foreigners with whom they were corresponding, and their addresses, so that we would not hesitate to pray, requested from them new certificates and royal decrees.
You have time until Thursday, and if you do not, then you will go to the head of the embassy order.

Answer of the Boss:
For the servant man, I acknowledge the word and the deed, the judgment shall be ruled justly, but strictly.
Anyone will be afraid of a robbery intention but who has not checked the royal certificates for overseas merchants by decree.

It was written on the sixth day of November of the year two thousand twelfth from the birth of Christ.

Andrzej Dvorak

I love my work!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №72757
Mommy goes to Vladivostok tomorrow evening, at 10 am, on Tuesday.
Yyy: Do you suggest making an orgy? 😉
X: No, I say my mom is leaving.
Yyy: You obviously hint at the orgia)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna