— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №120396
The router is blocked because of Daria Donzova. Here's what hatred eyo fucking on the router was dragged and corrupted the site deafly. Be cursed by this old rat Dasha with her shit books for imbeciles of all sexes and ages.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120395
Good movies, high-calorie actors... You could have made a good movie...

YYY: O_o maybe they are colourful?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №120394
I have the opposite story. I recently realized that a 10-year-old child was silent in the room. I go in and ask what he is doing.

And he, it turns out, on the newly installed 10, encountered a Minecraft installation bug from the Store and turned to support. In general, they were there with some pepper from the Irish, it seems, the MSFT office something there jointly solved and it was established.

I don’t even know what to be surprised more—that the child has learned English enough to explain with the engineer in a chat, or that this engineer has been patiently digging through the system in remote Russia for an hour to fix the toy (and he did!)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №120393
Stahash: Specifics of the Internet
You ask a specific question, and you are told how to live in general ;D

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120392
of vegetarianism.
I fear that as children play with rabbits, the rabbit would be much happier if he were just killed and eaten.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120391
XXX: and right now I would be very pleased with big lunch sex))))

YYY: At the time you wrote this, the boss entered the office.
I think I’ll have big lunch sex now.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120390
The epic file. During the summer I spent two weeks in Bulgaria. And there on the beach you can "top" swimsuit dress without embarrassment, and sunny topless girls also surprise no one. A couple of days after the arrival, friends called to the beach near Sestrorecko, the weather was excellent, July. By changing clothes, I remove the lift with the usual movement.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120389
When you start helping a user with a comp, he begins to thumb.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120388
9 out of 10 popular websites send personal data to third parties without the user’s knowledge. The commentary:
9 out of 10 friends send your personal data to third-party sources without your knowledge or permission. and :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120387
I teach my three-year-old daughter to read (I didn’t even hear about the cartoon at the time):
Read the word.
Daughter – P...O – PO, N...I-NI by Ni-Poni
Sleep after work week - What does this word mean?
Pony is like a little horse.
P is sleeping.
They are multi-colored - White, black, brown
P is sleeping.
D-Red, pink and purple
P (knowing that something is wrong)
They have horns, horns and wings.
P (understanding that the purple creature with copits, horns and wings - the nifiga is not a Pony, convulsively trying to wake up) - And what do they do?
They want to be friends!
P (fearfully, remembering all the stamped American and Japanese horror films about children with whom ALL beings want to be friends) - And where did you see them? Did they talk to you?
D (reasonably) Daddy I saw them on TV. They are painted. They cannot talk to me.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120386
JetPack Aviation has unveiled the JB-9 jet suitcase.

Jaybee Rack - Wear and Eat!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120385
XXX: Who is Bieber?

yyy: It sounds like a prototype of the pager, but I may be mistaken...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120384
XXX: The trouble is that the old girls are really attractive to something.
YYY: This is what is attractive.
YYY: You start thinking she’s not anonymous. It is personality. There are no more such as her. She is an exemplar.
YYY: In fact, this is a serial model with a defect. The printing is enormous. The discharge is big.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120383
L: How are you?
I’m driving my best friend :(
Q: Are you at the airport?
No, in the bar

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120382
Why is it fried. My mom and friends in childhood cried at my mom’s doctor because they ate a chocolate rabbit. Then the figurative design was not so popular and familiar, so the rabbit on the cake seemed to the children an extinct value!)
It is all a matter of habit. If the child saw meat only in the boiler, he will not identify the meat with the rabbit, but if the child saw fruit only like, for example, the purple, he will begin to play with the apple, deciding that it is a ball or something like that. True, there is a period of age when children try to eat everything they see, even parents severely bite.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №120381
@l0ldbl00d: The package package is not a bourgeoisie, but an incapsulation!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №120380
XXX: The trouble is that fucking babies are really attractive to something
Yyy: That’s what is attractive.
YYY: You start thinking she’s not fucking. She is personality.
YYY: There are no more like her. She is an exemplar.
YYY: In fact, this is a serial model with a defect. The printing is huge. The discharge is also huge.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №120379
Tagged 18763
Yes, I agree, gambling is bad. You are also doing nonsense. Here is :
A person needs to do something heavy, take a couch to the country, move things in the apartment, meet from the station, take it to the hospital. What do ordinary people do? Calls to friends. What does a gamer do? He calls the taxi, the delivery, the carrier. - No, just ordinary people call the taxi service, the delivery, etc., to exploit friends - disgusting, and not everyone has them. Not because of the game, but for a number of other reasons. Gamblers just have a lot of friends - they often arrange meetings and drinks of fellow clans.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120378
- In the menu "PUSH", all programs, 1C:Enterprise...
What a shot? I am a programmer!? to

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120377
Is Captain America a Republican or a Democrat?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna