The gesture! Vladivostok, the company "fresh air"... they have a manager - the president.
Who are you working for?
I am the president of fresh air.
horror:)))) almost like the lord of the storm or the king of the mountain:)))
In the news showed: the cruise ship is suffering disaster. After the fire, there is no electricity in the engine compartment, no sewerage, no hot power, etc.
The owners of the ship said that the passengers will receive compensation for a broken vacation and will be able to go on the exact same trip at the expense of the company.
Review of the film "How I Spent This Summer"
and Lelouche:
They say a second part is coming soon. It is called -
"How I taught Russian language" by :
1: her cat got fucked! It’s like a shit factory.
You speak as if there is such a factory :)
1: The car
XXX: The Palace of the Bank
xxx: sounds cool (vengeance bubble)
A lot of blood when you lose your anal virginity?
Yyy: There are known cases when a person broke two)
A friend told me yesterday. I bought her shoes for autumn. 24 thousand rubles paid. He has the right! Before work, the subway handed them to the tent shoes, the bullshit clever to put. At lunch, I will take it. After lunch, I didn’t have time at all. But no big trouble, I’ll go home, take it. What a difference!
And the difference is that now the DS is working on cleaning the city from various kinds of buildings that ruin the bright image of the capital. Same with her shoe tent. Get rid of the fucking ones! Just after lunch. No tents or boots.
10.11.10 10:01:10 <GRiN> Today is the day of binary code!!! to
P.S There is always a reason ?
I am studying on exchange in Vilnius and I just had a survey... Everything was translated as appropriate into Russian, but the translation smiled very much:
The first question:
and your sex:
1) The woman.
2) The man.
I bought an iPhone 4 yesterday and I’ve gotten a good time ?
WOW: Congratulations to you! How? →
I'm going to mean today in the subway, in front of me sits an incredibly beautiful girl, I think let me shoot without a fire. I get the phone, I roll the camera, I press to shoot...
The man sitting next to him burned.
No, I forgot that there’s a flash on the new iPhone.
The first two matana seminars. First we write a certificate.
have written. There is a break. 10 minutes from the couple...everything is already decided. Here is a call. The man in the first party takes the phone.
He speaks. Dialogue with the predecessor
Oh oh sorry. This is... old man slept... can she write on the second pair?? to
P is no. I will surrender next time.
he- in the telephone, but loudly "no more) beat) sleep on"
(The epic)
Brother, let go of it!
[b]Tomorrow is the Last Day of the Police...[/b]
and hello. Have you moved to Virginia? Did you smoke Ken before?
Yes, I just learned that Kent causes cancer!
I also tried Coldrex and some other pineapples, but I did not try Teraflu. You tried it, do you know what it is?
I haven’t tried it, but I know that Teraflu is about 1024 gigabytes.
Who of us has a fever?
About the Sissy. In Africa, for example, it is believed that bare breasts can only interest a hungry baby.
Everyone is happy with the first snow in autumn.
In the spring, the first asphalt.
DragonFly is fast! Answer without hesitating!! to
Memories of President George W. Bush sold in the United States
2: and that there, something like "эээээмммм, эээээээ, mmmm, eэээмм" on 300 pages in 3 volumes?
1 :D
The Prehistory:
The boy broke the glass with his shoulder and got a heavy cut. For a month, they were imprisoned at home, with daily dressings.
xxx (12:22:00 8/11/2010)
I was ordered to shake the TV and read books more and not shake my hand.
yyy (12:22:16 8/11/2010)
Do you usually shake right or left?
xxx (12:22:42 8/11/2010)
Here is the sadness =(
Guys, I am getting married!
I was finally convinced of the correctness of her decision when she approached me, holding a box with an iPhone winning in a contest and sadly said, "Well, did he feed me? There is no MMS, there is no Bluetooth, there is no Java... It would be better to win a box of sweaters. Can you change the prize?"