— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138751
>> The author of six books on how to save a family is sentenced to life for killing his wife.

What is the problem?
"Until death separates us"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138750
If you do not have money, then separation from the homeland does not threaten you.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138749
“Some were afraid of Pew, others were afraid of Billy Bons, and I... he-he... I was afraid of Flint himself!
Who was so scary?

The only person Flint was afraid of was his roommate John Silver, who later even called his poppy Captain Flint.

John Silver was an apartment master. Flint was afraid of him. Unwise - John is an exceptional personality. What is the job of “apartment manager”? In the note to the Russian translation is written: "manager of food". What is not so at all.

In the original Silver was not an apartment master - he was a quartermaster, i.e. a master of some quarter.

On ships, and not only pirate ships, but English ships of the Renaissance in general, the master is the head of deck. A deck or deck is a horizontal surface covering at least two-thirds of the length of the ship. Each deck has a master. If there are guns on the deck, the master is an artillery, if it is the lowest deck, then a trumacher, I don’t know exactly how it sounded. By the way, it was the trumaker who was dealing with food, closer to him.

The only deck for the order on which the master was not responsible, it was the top deck, there was a bosman. This in no way infringed on the rights of the captain, who commanded the ship as a whole. Botzman provided only due performance by part of the team occupied on the bridge of his duties.

But there was another deck, often virtual, sometimes temporarily built – the quarter deck, named so because it did not exceed a quarter of the length of the ship. The quarterdecks included scans (a bridge or deck in the feed part of a sailing vessel, one level above the closet, where the captain was, in the absence of which - watchmen and guard officers, as well as compasses were installed there) and a temporarily built over the bridge, usually assembled before the attack and more often on combat or pirate (private case of combat) ships.

There, on the scans and quarter deck, there was an abortion team, the naval infantry of that era, a team of desperate heavens with a high probability of death in the attack. In short abortion battles, the team that acted as a unified body won, i.e. was assembled, prepared and organized by a skilled and strong leader - the master of quarterdecks, or quartermaster. Thus, John Silver was not involved in the manufacture of Flint's pie, but an ataman of the Marines.

Cooking is his type of hobby, remember the similar character of the professional amateur chef John Casey Reebeck in the performance of Steven Seagal (films Capture and others). and. Here everything immediately turns into place, Flint would be a fool if he wasn’t afraid of such a man. I think that any captain, unless he combined quartermaster’s duties with his foundation (Black Beard), was afraid of his ataman. Something had to be opposed. Flint opposed it. On the pirate ships only one person knew the navigation science, the captain. In the sea, the death of the captain meant the death of the crew, only this deterred Silver from attacking Flint. Interesting is the fact that when captured by the pirates, they could leave anyone's life, but a person with knowledge of assault and navigation had no chance of survival. Killed so that there was no temptation of rebellion and displacement of the captain.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138748
I just asked my husband if he remembers what day it is... It’s so easy to scare men!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138747
Rhythm - Huifma

A day will only be between two dates.
The date is left. and gt;

Date on the left, date on the right.
In the middle, everything is dirty.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138746
The members of the guys who whisper about their size can be called complex, because they have both a real and an imaginary part.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138745
Discuss a new remedy for cockroaches, which is a cockroach pheromone:

What stupid insects are they? 😉

Ohhhh, imagine that though. I wrote to you a guy, the man of your dreams. He cares like a god, compliments. Calls to ride a car. You paint, go out to the designated place, worry like the first time. And there pops up a crowd of bands with machine guns, turns you into a barracks and hides in an unknown direction.

I don’t understand it 😉

The cockroaches did not understand either.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №138744
She also looks at the major.
He will become a major and become a major. Everyone is going to rest.)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138743
In Saratov find out why Katfalk came to the retiree before the ambulance

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138742
I am a teacher of robotics. I had a conversation with one of the students. I wonder what is the difference between speed and power. The speed is faster, and the power is more powerful.
Artem 9 years

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138741
My mother’s hair was beautiful, her hair was on her hand. But my mom chose one who has thicker hair on the back than on the head.
now elegant hair I can boast only in places not intended for them in girls))) the question: mom, what x?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138740
Politician promises are like tea in a thermos: the closer the bottom, the sweeter :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138739
Tagged #marker_huyarker

>> clichés about the "comfort zone" - this is, sorry, marker, <<

About the “comfort zone” now only the full down doesn’t know, and only the stubborn “personal growth” seriously use this evil combination. Others are choking.
A marker is, sorry, the person who counts the points on the billiard.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №138738
What about the zombie apocalypse?
BBB: Guy, I have been striking Pionierskiy every morning at the peak hour for three years! This is where the zombie apocalypse was!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138737
A few weeks as I work in a new place. I look around, learn to understand what my colleagues are representing - I look for everyone on social networks.

One is quite active on his page, writes a lot of posts about girls and, in particular, about what they are all the same and not individual at all, get stuck for nothing. He even writes in principle not bad - literally and complexly. But in reality, I have a problem with him – all the time I’m afraid to confuse with someone of the very same bearded tattooed young people in glasses and with waves.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138736
If you let a person go, do not control him in any way, he will immediately slide into a hole, that is, turn into an ordinary, insecure animal. In order for him to go to the mountain, he needs to be pushed there, and it is best to drive him with his pencil. In order not to get an extra penalty, he will start to optimize the climb, invent any useful on the way up, improve the climb, and still get to the top.

This is the sad donation. The whole, his mother, world and historical experience, which literally cries out that a person should be free, motivated, educated and have a sense of self-worth. But not. We have little of the Soviet pushers, little of the European dark ages, little of the two-thousand-year-old concept of original sin and man as dirt under our feet, little. The next "for the skin and into the paradise" came out. After that, we have what we have. by Tifou.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138735
Oh you suicides! And you can’t do the society a silence any corrupt before you give up???! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138734
Causal and consequential isolation

I have such in my wife.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138733
(On the bootstap 4)
xxx is. He just came out, right?
YYY: This is the web. You have to study it before it becomes obsolete.
xxx: yyy, if I have time to learn it before midnight, what is the probability that it will not get obsolete afterwards?
XXX is no chance.
zzz: Cinderella, remember - exactly at midnight the car will turn into a pumpkin, and the framework will be updated without reverse compatibility!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138732
No, not a legal one.

The Legal Case

= "Negers are raping a dead donkey"

And why "violate", but the animal did not resist? = is

On the other hand, to say that by consent, also can not. A dead animal cannot be persuaded.

It just meant a completely different verb. But the writer is too well educated to say "ebut". Not that I myself was very uneducated; but I remember one of my first lectures on linguistics in the Volgograd ped. by Зав. and cafe. Prof. Shakhovsky then spoke to the whole stream of pioneers: "The true linguist pronounces the word 'n' not red."

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna