— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26153
Everything will soon be licensed, even books. On the first page will be your photo and print. You cannot use other people’s books. Here I took a book from a friend, you read in the electric car here mint fits see that the photo is not yours:
Comrade, go along with me.

And in the tambour you are shot.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №26152
The Estonians translated "Kamasutra".
It was fun, but again about occupation.

and c)

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №26151
Richie Peachy
I was tired of asking my parents to remove the tree.
Richie Peachy
On February 23rd and March 8th, what do I get gifts?

[ + 101 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26150
The People! Looking at the success of our athletes in Vancouver, I thought: four years of preparation for the Olympics, the state invested in these guys money, they bought equipment, equipment. When they go, they have huge hopes and you have some 65 places. Money went nowhere, hopes were not met, everyone was disappointed.
There was a proposal, maybe you can somehow arrange for ordinary people to participate in the Olympics in Sochi. Well, that is, all the money for the training of athletes is given to charity, and some amateur skiing uncle Cole goes to perform. He will equally successfully occupy 70th place, maybe even 80th! And in other sports as well. And no one is disappointed, because nothing explicit was expected, and the country was shaken, and the money for charity went. Everyone is fine.)
What do you think? If you liked it, please bring it to the main.)

[ + 82 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26149
My grandmother: Go to the club! Catch the first guy there and drag him home... If he will resist, say, “My grandmother needs a son-in-law urgently!”Or we have all the doors broken, the windows are not closed, the tanks are running.

[ + 52 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26148
Task of Combination:
In how many ways of 20 highly qualified pilots can be equipped with a crew consisting of a radist, an assailant and a shooter?

I think the crew will not fly.

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №26147
Tq(14:09) :
I look hard for you.

nn (14:10) :
It is not easy for Putin. He has a great country and an avatar is ugly. I can do it for now.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №26146
to this:
xxx: I read that the sauna is harmful))
WOW: Well don't say, this is the official symbol of Finland, I don't think the Finns would be so dumb =)
Theme: no-no
The official symbol of the Netherlands is grass and pedras.
XHH: and try to say they are not harmful

The symbol of the Netherlands is the mills and tulips. A "grass and pedras" is a symbol of those who are no longer interested in anything.

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №26145
Yesterday I decided to turn on the nightclub that you gave, put it in the socket, and it doesn’t work, picked it up, lost it all night, twisted all the wires... it doesn’t work anyway.
Did you turn off the lights in the room?
He : Why?
She: Idiot, it automatically turns on in the dark!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №26144
Arhiilya: Listen... and if you lubricate the bodies with oil and try to make love... it will work!? to
Olya: I think at the fourth speed you can fuck out of bed!

[ + 102 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26143
by Mr 13:
I’m used to not pressing on any shit.

by Mr 13:
but the question "Would you like to steal the elevator?" I could definitely not ignore

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №26142
By the way, in our time the trouble can really "call"

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26141
I rub vitamin oil in my nails. He is suitable. He considers.
Why is it you?
Shob has grown.
Big brothers, big brothers!

[ + 73 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26140
Soon on March 8th))
I: a nightmare, so the jerk takes from this fact
She: sweet and good holiday, we all start to melt our legs and capricious)))
I: according to me, you have this holiday all year round, and once a month with fireworks and puzzles.

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №26139
Russia is Windows. Everything is beautiful, smooth, top management rides on cool cars. But no one loves her and is rotten inside.
Linux is Linux. One of the oldest, based on a scientific approach, has an international team of developers, all work is driven by the forces of the community, in the ranks of supporters a full mess.
Fair Russia by OpenSolaris. It seems like for people, as if it has protectors on top, but is terribly far from the people.
The Union of Right Forces – OS/2. the right. and prospective. is dead.
Apple Party - well you understood :) It is designed for intellectuals and creative people. Periodically cats, but has a steady circle of fans.
Patiote of Russia - BeOS. Many have heard, but few know what it is and what it needs.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №26138
Looking at the performances of our Olympians, more and more often the question is asked - will the skidband be doping? This is a popular recipe!! =) is

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №26137
Kelly (21:53:19 16/02/2010)
I just fucked for 2 hours with a guy.. tried to make friends with two nouts of drones to a friend through a wai fa

Kelly (21:53:28 16/02/2010)
Routing and Routing without Router

Kelly (21:53:49 16/02/2010)
He called a type of familiar siss-admin, he said, "If you do this, I will suck you out."

Kelly (21:53:54 16/02/2010)
You will not believe

[ + 97 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26136
to this:
I also heroes, in the box from the refrigerator they were riding! We once found a whole refrigerator at the washing machine, with the help of such a mother reached to the pond and with a whisper and thunder to the horror of all the moms figured on it from the iceberg. And then he was dragged up by the whole eagle!
And somehow on the same laundry someone loving a few healthy suitcases thrown away...

It is not Chelyabinsk. by Peter)
I once saw how the big ice hill was carried on the people in the bath (!) with the screams "blajajajaaaaaaa!and "
Pussy: This is such a harsh bobbley in Surgaut!

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №26135
We can win anyone and lose anyone.

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №26134
That’s another thing, my friend 10 years ago wasn’t so encrypted to play compass. He pretended to go to bed, then waited for the parents to fall asleep, and then the most interesting thing followed... The computer was very noisy and stood in the adjacent room with the parents, and also in the passageway. So this master of conspiracy under the cover of the night with the silence of the ninja dragged the system, the monitor (ELT-shny of course) and the periphery straight into the bathroom (!Where all night in the darkness was given to gaming comforts, and then in the same way, until the parents woke up, returned everything to its place. Happy Birthday to you!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna