— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109503
In Prague, in front of the Carmelite monastery, there was the shop of Mr. Enom. He traded rabbits and other birds. This Mr. Enom began to take care of the daughter of the Bileq. Pano
Bilek did not like it, and he publicly stated in the tractory that if Mr. Enom came to ask his daughter's hand, he would so lower him from the stairs that the whole world would shake. Mr. Enom got drunk and went to Mr. Bilek, who met him in the front room with a large knife with which he cut books and which looked like a knife with which frogs open. Bileq stumbled upon Mr. Enom—what, mol, he needed here. Here, the sweetest Mr. Enom sparked so silently that the pendulum at the wall clock stopped. Mr. Bilek rushed, gave his hand to Mr. Enom and said, "Please, please enter, Mr. Enom; sit down, please, I hope you didn't put your pants in? I am not such a bad person. True, I wanted to throw you out, but now I see you are a very nice person and a great original. I have read many novels and stories, but in no book is written that the bridegroom should be presented in this way.

Switch is eternal.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109502
It is said that the editor of one yellow newspaper liked to tell that he raised his first capital by translating cabbage to children in a pioneer camp. They did not eat, and he sold snacks to the locals who kept pigs. Somehow I believe.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109501
I am going to the new website of the bank. There are a couple of bugs. The mood was good and I decided to tell them about it for free). Click on the link "Have you noticed an error on the site?". It does not open. O_o Probably this is a lifehack - how to reduce the number of backups to zero.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №109500
The main ingredient of humans is water.
It is right.
35 liters of water, 20 kilograms of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of calcium oxide, 800 grams of phosphorus, 250 grams of salt, sellers - 100 grams, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluoride, 5 grams of iron and 3 grams of silicon. And 15 more elements. <...> From this consists the body of an average adult." Steel Alchemist)

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109499
and Alina:

I am in shock here.
My girlfriend here from the wrong to do went on the type of psychological training on the topic "how to get married successfully". Free for the company.
And here there, the pedagogical kind, the lecturer spoke as follows:
The main thing in a woman is the PJR. That is, a pitch of roots. And if you let a man squeeze in the PJR everything he wants to squeeze there (this is me, fuck, literally quoting!!!Then you will have no problems in life and a man will buy (!!!) You have everything you want.
Details promised to tell at a paid seminar for 12,000 rubles

And those grandmothers who work and provide themselves, for them he used the term "girl with eggs", so never see happiness in life (well that is, happiness is when you are all bought), and they are only interested in men-loopers who get 3 pennies to mock them.
There were 60 people at the free seminar, 42 people were registered for pay... A, and the matter was in the cultural capital, in the SPB.
No, of course I’m still the idealist, but where, fucking, our world goes. The main goal is to buy everything.

P.S I’ll go crawl and scratch my eggs.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №109498
xxx: Listen, you understand this, help the mobile phone to choose a new? I should be flat, not thicker than 6 mm thick.
YYY: What platform do you need? The screen? The diagonal?
XXX is not important. I am 6 mm thick. I need to get under the toilet door at home.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109497
here here :
This is:
In short :
All babies are stupid fools.
All men are goats and fools.
Forget me, this holy man.
Let’s include the logic – banal, girl:
Grandma is an angel. My mother is not like that, her father is not in her soul - besides, he is not a goat, and he is no longer a fool. My brother is a miracle. I love the future husband.
Not all are bad people.
You just don’t value anyone around you.
Girl, 24 years old Higher education, red diploma. I work in the IT sector.
You have not noticed the sarcasm in the quotation.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №109496
I have read a lot of books, but I never re-read them. I Fly Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Selenjer 4 times
ууу: "Flying over the nest of the coconut" is Kizi. The book is amazing, this is a fact.
xxxh: yeah kiza, I just thought of the wine from the strawberries)) I didn't even notice myself.
ZZZ: a "Wine from cranberries" is Bradbury)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №109495
I do not understand another thing: the most fiercely protesting against the idea of "paid entry to the center of Moscow" live in London for some reason.
But in London, the entrance to the center was always paid and very, very expensive.
It’s just a paradox of something...

[ + 46 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109494
I personally know only 3 drivers who are stuck behind the wheel. Others honestly think this is uncomfortable nonsense. Three-quarters of drivers I see on the street do not know that on the lighthouse, where pedestrian crossing is allowed, you need to stop before the lighthouse. Eighty percent (including bus and truck drivers) do not know that you can only go to a crossroads, even on a green light, if there is a free seat for your vehicle on the other side of the crossroads. Ninety percent pass pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing only if pedestrians boldly rush forward, under the wheels. And I do not touch the drunkards, the sick, the idiots, the bastards with purchased rights, the rich dads and the blue glitters. I am talking about ordinary drivers.

Are you seriously afraid of Kamaz with smart intelligence?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109493
Tagged 16573
"But here is what is written on the website of the manufacturer (the top monopoly in our country, by the way):"

Since when has it become a monopoly? I live in a northern city on the letter C, famous for its metacombinate on the letter C, and suddenly a large light bulb factory on the letter F, selling light bulbs to the whole country.

The joke:
- Tell me, and why did you choose Blend-a-Med rather than a cheaper toothpaste?
What, are there such?! to
There is
I am a fool!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109492
I asked the girl what the friend zone is, she replied that this is where I am now :(

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №109491
About speaking paparazzi, tell him to speak, do not put a female to him.

I photographed the housewife’s room. She has a parrot. Sometimes I was frightened by the sound of a doorbell (I open the door - no one, then touch). Sometimes it is very realistic. Sometimes he started screaming: "The goat is brainless! and drunk! Go out, fuck up!"

Then the hostess brought him a female. To you think? After a while, these animals began to whisper: "Cow! She is a fool!" She is a fool! Remove the spit!" "Being wicked!" "Blessedness!"

Well, I think the hostess had a turbulent life.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109490
A colleague commented on the news about Hope Savchenko and her hunger strike.

If a person went on hunger strike more than two months ago and is still alive, he is probably doing something wrong.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №109489
Thank you woman for the advice. Now I know how to stick the strawberries.

Marrying and sticking are different things.
I explain this so that it is not painfully painful, or you are all so hard-working and you are rejected.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №109488
This is:
by Hmao. -32. a raspberries, apparently, in memory of a jacket, with mud numbers. The driver’s door window is completely removed. In the door is seen a hand in a nork coat and with a huge ring. So he walked near the traffic jams, not closing the windows.
and blue! We arrived here! On this Japanese paddle in -20 glass lifts climb surprisingly! Mechanically knocked on the drop button, thrown the straw, and back in no one... almost died in the frost.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It’s hard to throw cigarettes out the window. % of

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №109487
"completely ignoring the opinion of the husband, the woman gives birth" - sheedever too! and :)
Immaculate conception, not otherwise.
If you don’t want children, don’t end up with your aunt. Without any options.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №109486
If the film was directed by Valery Sutkin...

"50 shades of stylish orange tie"

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109485
This creature :
and blue! We arrived here! On this Japanese paddle in -20 glass lifts climb surprisingly! Mechanically knocked on the drop button, thrown the straw, and back in no one... almost died in the frost.

You’d better die. There is a cinderella in the car. Because of people like you, we don’t have roads but garbage.

[ + 29 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №109484
Claims to the French of such a plan that Paris was surrendered without a single shot.
— — —
The French will reject your claims with indignation: they prepared well for the war on the Machino line, and in Paris they did not intend to fight at all. But the Germans acted with them "dirty and dishonestly": they did not appear on the "line", they broke immediately to Paris. Not according to the rules of the First World War.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna