— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 0 - ] [23 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26093
The xxx:
I have a refrigerator with NoFrostFree technology... But with it some glue, in general, something is bullshit.

The xxx:
I stand, I mean, I listen to the Ento case.

The xxx:
The stomach thought: "Our" and sparked in response)))))

[ + 117 - ] Comment quote №26092
to this:

When you run behind the bus, don’t throw your bag in the closing door, hoping it will make the driver wait.
XX: As the practice has shown, it will not...
The next time he comes with your bag, scream to him in the aftermath of it – Allah Akbar.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №26091
I’ve been around the same cafe for two years. Previously, they hanged an announcement of the following content: "Officials are needed". Six months ago: "We need officers". I saw another correction today. Now the announcement sounds "We need an officer". Bravo, they have the last step!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №26090
Forum about dreams:

One day I dreamed that I wrote an unwoven verse, the text there was something about:

The chicken dropped the egg.
Partisan links to the door
Everything is well in the village.
But sausage and sausage.

In my dreams, I just couldn’t believe how brilliant lines I invented. In one small poem he wrote about the brothers of our younger and about the great patriotic war and about the Russian depth, Edak satirically emphasized the hatred of the stomach and how he masterfully smeared the end, leaving the reader to think of his own meaning. In these lines I saw the quintessence of wisdom, and as I was already in the morning sleep, I pledged to keep all this on paper.
When I woke up and came back to clear consciousness, I was ashamed of myself, but my brains could have dreamed of it.))))

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26089
Relationship between M and Z

If a woman has everything in her life, she needs to:
- to be confused - why everything suddenly goes well and start to come up with a problem,
Inventing a problem, twisting yourself and crying over a fictional cause,
- find the culprit, in a fictional problem (girlfriend, husband, boss)
- to break up with the guilty (match, expel the husband from the house, accuse the girlfriend of betrayal, resign from work),
To cry again.
- to share the trouble (now real) with the remaining girlfriend, to mark the match (husband) with a goat, to humble yourself and get bored again...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №26088
RDO: I bought a book
Cleric is cool!
RDO: I don’t know what to do with him.
Cleric: First look at it for 30 minutes in a row.
Cleric: then put a glass of water over it twice.
Cleric: I will feel my heart beating
Cleric: then throw a few centimeters.
Cleric: then 10 cm
Cleric: later on 20
Cleric: and you will feel that he is invaluable to you.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26087
She says, “You are a shit!
She: Fuck, I don’t like the word shit.
You called me with your most unloved word. I will remember my most unfavourable and I will also review it!
You are a coffee shop!
Is it coffee? That is too much...

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №26086
Linux in the pharmacies too.
I went in yesterday and by habit in the place of “Linux” I say, “Do you have Linux?”
What Distribution – What Distribution?

[ + 95 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26085
On the other day I went to pay for the uniform, in my pocket 50 pieces for six months, snow falls, strong winds in the harry, in a circle of strange people. I feel like Frodo with a ring... just to convey.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №26084
xxx: I’ve been in Peter’s at Chernyshevskaya in the cafe for seven hours. A lot of drinking and a natural need arose. But I have a lot of things and notes, not to go away. Maybe someone who lives nearby, come in, we sit down, and watch for things while I go away.
Sorry I don’t live in Peter.
I’t have bothered Noah.)

and c)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №26083
by Kisska:
Then I was taken by car to the entrance and all...I fell without legs.

The Nautilus:
Did you close the car too quickly? O_O

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №26082
I hear from the edge of my ear how my mother explains to the baptist (8 years old) on the phone:
Who told you such nonsense? You can’t have a baby in your stomach...why? Because the baby in the stomach can only appear after 18 years!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26081
xXx : fucking driven with daddy’s furniture )))
xXx : learned how it appeared and the features of its structure))))

by ShaD

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №26080
What a great celebration is the Maslenica!! In one of the kindergartens, after the burning of the chuchel, all the children with the educators stood for a long time and did not break up... one little boy decided to clean up the situation with the phrase: "He burned, the fox...".

[ + 82 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26079
XXX is
The girl came.
XXX is
Record from flash to disk.
XXX is
It is not the first time she comes.
XXX is
I tell her, is it on DVD?
XXX is
It is... no, we need to go to SD.
XXX is
You brought me a DVD.
XXX is
I am going to bring SD.
XXX is
is leaving
XXX is
There is another girl who appears to have left the first.
XXX is
He asks SD.
XXX is
We say are
XXX is
comes to take
XXX is
In a few minutes, the first one arrived.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №26078
Explanation to :
>Everyone who hates this black bank "Russian >standard" bring it to the best!!! Let’s see how many of us are!! to

Owners of the bank "Russian Standard" Rustam Tariko
Everything is clear?
The same applies to all other "Russian lotto" and.t.d. "Russian Mafia"...

Such "Russian" should "love" somehow especially...

[ + 64 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26077
2010-02-14 12:03:50 hrs:
I understand nothing. Congratulations to the girl for the holiday. The answer is "Idiot! It is over!"

2010-02-14 12:04:12 am
How to congratulate?

2010-02-14 12:05:42 pm
"With the oil, the sun."

2010-02-14 12:05:56 ууу:
With the oil? The idiot!

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26076
If you like it for a long time, but does not show signs of attention. Do not be frightened and invite you to a cup of tea. It’s possible that she’s just like you, who is afraid to look at you and approach you first.

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26075
Husband: Dear, I’ll probably start to shake more to get better.
Why did you decide to get fat? O_O
Then you’ll look slimmer :)
Wife is shit!! to

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26074
Pineapple (11:04:46 3/01/2010)
Do you have a car starting at 30?
I don’t know... I don’t open it at 30...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna