— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138631
Disqualification of Olympic champion from the United States.

In Norway, asthmatics set records, in America - hypertensive. The whole sport is on sick heroes :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №138630
Psychosynthesis: <...> Some strange scientists have gone now.
100% of rape victims ate cucumbers. and c)
Shchepin: I also eat cucumbers.
Psychosynthesis: Well, it’s a matter of time...
sleeply4cat: And I’m made up of 85% cucumbers.
WildHorn: Sooner or later you will be eaten. by 85 percent.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138629
Pregnant wife (J) observes how a tired husband (M) carries furniture for the tenth time to the elevator/out of the elevator, etc.
It’s good to be a girl!)
M: You will soon change your mind.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138628
A woman tells a story:
We are all in a chat: three married, three unmarried and I...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138627
xxx: I remembered something... One group of people from the community brought a laptop for couples, and right in the middle of the presentation a cockroach came out of it.
xxx: Half of the group, a crazed choir: "fuow, cockroach!!!". The second half, joyfully: "o, the cockroach!".
XXX: Express test on the communal, fucking :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138626
A French detective from the 1970s. Hey, these wild French served meat not red, but white wine, the bagel was cut, and not broken with their hands... our snobs are better not to watch such a nightmare, so that in terrible seizures to die.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №138625
Tagged with: Spectacle
<<In the work, part of the collective former military. Here is the eyewitness of the next.The old man is studying the young man.
He closes and can’t answer anything. The old men began to study it.... >>
Wikipedia: "Study" - study carefully. What do old people do with young people? Where are you working? But all, I see it. You are working "for work".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138624
xxx> a colleague calls, says, comrades alone do not pay and do not answer the phone. You can "how in movies" by mobile phone number to determine where a person is now?"
yyy> Oh, I was asked the same!
xxx> well, of course, because "eyehacker"
zzz> Well what are you cuddling, just "look at the computer"
zzz> it is easy
xxx> a, right now
xxx> I have forgotten, I have to look at the computer.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №138623
HGH is a mystery. If it rains at 12 a.m., can you assume that in 72 hours there will be sunny weather?
YYY: It can be.
HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH In 72 hours it will also be midnight, there will be no sunshine.
YYY: Boy, everything can be done. You did not live in Murmansk.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №138622
I set my alarm clock early in the morning to run. I turned off the alarm at 5 a.m. and went to sleep, but I dreamed I was running. In principle I am satisfied.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №138621
I was 17. From the first salary I bought a big brother as a gift. I am in the city, my brother is in the village, 120 km. I don’t seem to be an athlete, even though I’m not an athlete. Give me, I think, your way.

I remembered from school that the great rides 20 km / h, counted 6 hours of driving. Oh, what to go there. In order not to breathe the traffic jams and not quite to drive in the heat, started at 6 in the morning.

The first 60 kilometers were wonderful. Sunshine, may, the machines bicycle, encouraging. True, I’ve been driving for 5 hours... It’s only in the textbooks that points move straight.

Then came the circle of hell. I did not look at the forecast, and the first round was the rain. Luckily, I took the laundry to the laundry and wrapped it in.

Then came hunger. I thought I’d go to my grandmother’s barbecue for lunch. And the money was all under me, there was no food. There were 35 km to the house.

When the forces seemed to have exhausted, and the darkness could hide me, shame, from rare cars, I tried to sleep on the side in a bunch of seed. The bed with you. But the mosquitoes are already awake, warm up and hint that I have a lot of strength :)

We arrived in the village at 10 p.m. He dragged the device to the second floor, frightened his grandmother and went to bed for a day.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №138620
Knowledge does not compensate for a lack of mind.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №138617
I worked 6-7 years ago in the company of a city provider on technical support.

One beautiful spring evening a girl calls. The girl, I am.

I: Support, I listen to you

Hello, I don’t have the internet. Usually, when I call you, everything goes well. Do not put the phone, please? And then oh! It worked, thank you.

I : Please.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №138616
I used to work with an Internet service provider. A woman, in the age of 50-55 years. Internet does not work on the laptop. Next in the dialogue: I - I; K - the client.

I am a tech support, hello, I listen to you.

Hello, give me the internet!

(as it happens, in the bad customers and the voice corresponding, ugly... in general, the classic)

Then I find out her contract number, and I see on the home appliance that her cable is not connected.

I - Your internet cable seems to have gone away, or your laptop is turned off, can you check?

A young man! Do not make nonsense! Am I really stupid? ! to The laptop is on and the internet is charged. Why does not work? ! to

I am...

K –...!

I am...?

Q. Why are you silent? ! to

What does it mean to be charged on the internet? Do you have a network cable connected to your computer?

I was connected when I was home. He stood with your shit cable all night, charging it! The internet had to go! I am in the Dutch right now!) And if I don’t have the internet in a minute, I’ll break the contract with your company!

I am :0

par-par-pam fuyut ¯\(ツ)/¯

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №138615
His colleague worked as an engineer for a long time (completely successful), having a humanitarian cortex. Finally, I decided to learn, I spent 3 years in the evening, closed the final session and was about to graduate. But! He is promoted to the position of “Specialist on Contract Matters” and now works as a lawyer without a bark of lawyer. So we live.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138614
Hicks, discussion of fake characteristics of laptops

The xxx:
Level 2 Cache (in each core) 256 kgB
What is this unit of measurement? I never met.

It is KGB. There are other bits)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №138613
Dashka (4 years) says: Dad, the microbes are good, right?
I : Why?
D: Well, they help us get rid of the kindergarten, the school, and the workplace.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138612

here here :
I also had a case in a networked supermarket at home: the cashier asked what the name of the vegetable I put on her tape was. Vegetables were ripe, and the case took place in Moscow, in the Russian capital. That is, the cashier not only was not oriented in the goods of the store, but was generally poorly erudited.

Maybe she grew on the asphalt, and she only knows ripples from a child's fairy tale, she could not recognize ripples in this tiny yellow ripples.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №138611
Dutch artist Margrethe van Brifort, the author of Zhdan, visited the Russian embassy yesterday. It turns out that Russian bloggers convinced her.
And she signed a copyright donation, but only for statues and statuettes that will be installed in the branches and branches of these institutions.
I was asked to give copyright. The Russians convinced me that these objects in Russia are practically branches of hell on Earth. And the gift is required to make your some of the most famous "copyrast" (I pronounced right?) He did not demand any of his own and for some reason "legal" 1%. Therefore, let my Dwarfs stand with you in the offices of the Post of Russia and Sberbank, as well as in the clinics (near the terminals of electronic rows and the rows to the terminals of electronic rows)!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №138610
From under the evil black helmet a heavy breath was heard and the club of the couple was falling.

He was the Dark Lord Darth Viper.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna