— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124278
Don't forget that we don't have an organizer, everything spontaneously, you can clarify the details with the commander, print a leaflet of 15 thousand copies independently printed.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №124277
My daughter 12 years old. His love intrigues began in the first grade. But about that later)

A year ago, the tribe began to make friends with a classmate. Flowers were given, cared for... But the girl could see little, she offended him. A love triangle. From this geometric figure, the niece managed to slip. After a while, the abandoned girl realizes the epicity of her offence and asks for her back.

One of the many attempts looked like this.

In the evening, the tribe rolls on the couch and walks through the internet. In the famous social network comes a message:

“Hello, what are you doing?”

“Nothing,” the nephew replied.

“I have a question, very serious.”

“Well.” He continues so laconically.

“Tell me, do you see me next to you?”

After reading the message, the gentleman puts off the phone, looks around, presses his shoulders and cuts the answer:

“I see the couch, I see the pillow, I don’t see you.”

Cold-bloodedness, relentlessness and a drop of sarcasm. I definitely have something to learn from him.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124276
I was in the elevator with my neighbor.
Are you going to marry?
and what? Young, thin and tall.
What do you do here, married?
and yes! exactly! Young yet! Nothing to do there! The Young Man)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124275
I work in a large company. There is a man sitting in the corridor. What he is doing, I have no idea. Every time I pass by, I see him playing or watching a video on YouTube. For a long time I wondered, “Why is he still sitting here? Why has he not been fired yet? He is useless.” Yesterday I learned that he was the son of the general.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124274
19548 (which for the numbers, citizens complaining and so obvious):

I knew one, that helminthiasis was written on psychosomatics.
And then dying.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №124273
My parents came to visit my mother-in-law. She has her own house and a small farm. Mother and younger sister went to the chicken store and brought the eggs that the chickens had just snatched.

“Now, they’re still warm,” she cried, “I’ve never held hot eggs in my hands. Not holding, of course.

Oh well mom!! to

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124272
Here Sobyanin said about the demolition. It is not possible to cover up property papers if this property was obtained illegally (in the 1990s). But if you develop the topic, it is a not a bad precedent. If you understand what I am...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №124271
A cat like a small independent child.
I came and cried until I came to her bed, kissed her, talked to her, and brought her a toy.
Then she played it and now she is asleep.
If I just gave her a toy, she would continue to cry and brag.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124270
It is necessary to learn to shoot from the bow, so that after death to get into the squadron of skeletons-shooters, and not in the squadron of skeleton infantry.

Better learn to ride horses, there is a chance to get into the Knights of Death.

WOW: This is a controversial question. The master of the sword can be the Knight of Death, and the magician - the face. But even if you are not a Knight, you can become a pretty strong murderer.)

Zzz: I watch you die prepared

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №124269
I walked on the uzi of small pelvis organs. Virgins do the usual uzi, and girls who have sex, transvaginal. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, so I said that I was a virgin. It turned out that I was pregnant. You could see the doctor’s eyes.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124268
This is how I got into account with the fifth. I come in:
Hi, it is very pleasant.
The Doctor:
What are you complaining about?
- Well... mainly for price increases, of course... But the weather is not very, you know... for the government, of course.
What do you want from me?
In fact, only the birth certificate.
It is interesting. Let’s get more detailed :P %).
The certificate to be issued on time by the mother swore ))))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124267
I don’t understand this electrical engineering. My father is an electrician, my mother is an electrical engineer, and I...
You are a dielectric.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124266
I have been sentenced since 2006 in the Lipetsk colony of strict regime No. 6 and one convict, who has been sitting at the time for more than 10 years, is watching TV and asks me, "Do you really show this kind of muddle on freedom too?" “The same,” I say. There is no other.”

Zack was surprised. It turns out, in the colony, many think that this shit is shown only in prisons, and for normal people, normal television is broadcasting. They, of course, are discouraged by their relatives and their bosses, but they still cannot believe it. Hopefully...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №124265
Today a friend told me about her conversation with her son (7 years old).

The dialogue between mother and son:

C: Mom, who is the Kobeel?

M: This is what a male dog is called.

Q: What about the female? cable? cable?

M: No. Suck@

A to Maam? Why so rude? Why not fool or fool?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124264
I go home on my ashes.Tuesday, Vernadka, evening.Therefore - a dead traffic jamming, the new work circle is closed.
I call my daughter (nine years old), I talk to her ten minutes about everything and all the differences, I end the conversation with the words:
All, kiss for now! I will call my grandmother.
I’m calling my mom’s number, but instead of the expected ‘allo’ I’m hearing a whispering, almost hysterical whisper!
Mother :
You will not believe! He runs into Polin’s room and, sinisterly choking, says, “Do you want, grandmother, I can predict the future for you?? to
(Take "mhatovskaya pause") Luckily your mom will call you!!! to

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №124263
With Geektimes. The fitness tracker “engulfed” by hitting a pregnant woman. A flame began on the topic “should a fitness tracker be engaged in early diagnosis of diseases?”

Technically, the fruit is a parasite. Pregnancy is a disease.
The parasite and the host cannot belong to the same species. by definition.
With you disagree neighbor Aleutina, on the third day whispered on the elevated tones of son Wolf: "Again, the parasite, the pair brought!"
The male parasits on the female. [Link to Wikipedia]
Strange, usually the opposite.
3: It’s you didn’t live in America, here it’s often like the puppets.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №124262
AAA: already on salt is written "No GMO". Well, let's write on sugar and cowards "No GMO", or suddenly my cowards are a terrible mutant, they will bite me in the ass and I will get infected and turn into a man-trickot?
BBB: My former trip socks were so bitten. It walks and smells, and when you need it, you will find it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №124261
If I had money, I would walk in a straight black nork coat for $200,000 and in Darth Vader's helmet.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №124260
The senior drives a group of peers to engage in horse sports, curates from a volunteer squad. Sitting here, the VK looks at the messages:
Natasha changed the avatar.
How is she to you?
The reason is wrong...

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124259
A grandmother is sitting at home, suddenly the lights in the apartment turn off. Wait twenty minutes, thirty minutes, a knock on the door. He opens, and sees an electrician (by the fact of a fraud), who begins to explain that there has been a short-circuit, and most likely, in her apartment. He says he needs to inspect electrical appliances that could have burned out. He starts from the kitchen, looks at the stove, the oven, approaches the refrigerator, moves it away, inspects, and says that it is the part of the refrigerator that burned. He convinces the hostess that it is almost impossible to buy such a piece, but for a certain fee he offers to repair it with false funds. The hostess agrees, because the new refrigerator is expensive, and the products will all go wrong. Then the electrician pretends to be a refrigerator. After the work is done, the rubber is included in the cleaner, the refrigerator is running, and the scammer asks to settle with it. Solitary retirees, usually choose these, of course, do not refuse to pay for repairs.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna