— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №124098
Bad sound insulation in apartment buildings.

I have a cat. The former owners called him Tarakan, I call him just a Cat, in the house and without him there are plenty of cockroaches. It happens that this naked face unnoticedly fits, sits down, looks at me for a couple of minutes, realizing that I am not paying attention to him, sits on his back legs. This means that the next action of the cat will jump me on the knees, which can cause trouble, for example, when in the hands of a cup of hot coffee. The cat quickly understood that if I, when I noticed the readiness to jump, cried out loudly, "Sit, cat!", it means I am not in the mood for him, and it is better to sit two meters away from me, so that I do not get the foot. “Sit the cat!“Loud and sharp. With the particular persistence of the cat and my bad mood, this is supplemented by some kind of “C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C”. I don’t like the pronunciation of the letter “c.”

Not so long ago, a Mongolian businessman took the apartment upstairs. The Russian speaker. A person is quiet, imperceptible, except for the characteristic appearance. A couple of times passed by, not paying attention to each other, today I encountered him in the elevator. Mongol, realizing that I am on the floor below him, asked if I don't know who lives in the apartment N. I am high on him, literally (he doesn't get my head to the neck): "Well, I live there, and what?" Why are you constantly mocking me? And who told you what my name was?"After a brief confusion, the mood rose in both. It turned out that the Mongol's name was Sidicot. Here he perceived my cries to the cat, well heard through the ceiling.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №124097
Why did "Natural ecologically clean 100% butter Doyarushka" price?
Increased tax on oil and palm oil.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124096
and both:

History of this:

The Smart:

A few words about "refugees" in Europe:
In the 1940s, things in Russia were worse than in Syria, but who remembers to flee Russia from the war? That is...
I forgot about two things. The Iron Curtain. And 2 - then all (you understand - all!) Europe was in ruins, and it was impossible to get to the United States! ( See also The point #1)

Is Europe in ruins? Interestingly, for what purpose did the French so easily surrender Paris to the Germans, and eight European countries declared neutrality in the war?

Hey, do you know about the mass evacuation during the WOV? Just the Union was bigger than all of Europe, there is a place to escape and inside. How much is Jordan or Syria? On one side, they hear bombing, on the other side.
During the war to flee from the USSR to the territory occupied by the enemy, that is to say, to Europe - it had to be very contured.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №124095
Neradence: It is believed that when a person starts listening to Splin in the non-stop mode, he has a pzddz in his life.
This is not.
The full PZDC in a person’s life began when he began listening to Civil Defense in non-stop mode.
Morphine: And to agree?
N: And to agree...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №124094
I know only one child who had no transitional psyches and drives - just a girl with a blue shirt without her own opinion at all.
Learn all your life in one unit (best score). Not just in the quarter, but in general. Always the highest point.
Was it checked? Is it a biological organism?

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124093
Having started dating his current girlfriend, everyone could not remember the code from the home phone of her entrance, so he constantly called her and asked him to remind her. At some point she got tired of it:
Let’s come up with a mnemonic rule. My code is 23v1369. 23 – because I’ll always be 23, and it’s best for you to fuck me at that age, not at 13 (because they’ll be planted), and not at 69 (because it’s perverted).

I remember from the first time and now every time I type the code, I smile.

[ + 14 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124092
HXH: Look, there’s someone lying there! He is directly on human rights.
YYY: I think I even know whose member it is.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124091
from one forum. Orthography and punctuation are preserved:

xxx: According to statistics, in any country the sexual minority does not exceed 5% of the population.

Yyy: Hehe, yes, but these are open hamseks. These cocras are not dangerous because, following the vows of grandfather Freud, they freed themselves and came out, turning themselves from a suffering pidaras to a cheerful pidaras. So I calmed down a little and reconciled to myself. Losing a part of aggression and hatred... And there is another ~30% (depending on the country, climate, cultural characteristics) etc. Hidden hamaseks or bipoles. It is also a Legion, but it is the main danger, it is the only one. The pink boy on the square in the strings can be funny, disgusting, unpleasant or original... depends on the mood and views of the viewer. But he is not dangerous. But the suppressed hamasek in the positions of mint, deputy, head of the enterprise - here is the trouble awaiting. For he will humiliate and beat. where morally wash) even when everything seems to be good at the enterprise, in the area. Because he is angry with the whole world and wants everyone around you... From where the danger is a suppressed hamasec endowed with power.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124090
If oil ends, what will be the price?
YYY: on x * y

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №124089
<Response to>

What to write nice words to your best friend that would hit her and that she would understand that even such long quarrels are not an obstacle to our friendship

yy: Tell her "our friendship with you is as vast as your waist"

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №124088
I don't understand why on the bottle of the mouthwasher the markings 10, 15, 20 were drawn if the instructions were written to use strictly 10 ml.
They test you for strength.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124087
News discussions on NTV about the distribution on the router of terrorist videos in the form of films.

xxx: well they’re right, I’ve just pushed civilisation and jumped cp


zzz: Link to torrent, crash.

ccc: Wait, Comrade Major is just making the distribution.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124086
by 19520. Two of my acquaintances (a pediatrician and a neurologist) worked as students. In the morse. Like the pathanatoms.

You understand, a neurologist - and also an undergraduate - is able to determine what the victim was a person: an accident or murder. Not to mention the pediatrician.

So if you see an ophthalmologist — unable to put on a tire or burning — you are watching a series.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №124085
It is good to be able to do everything yourself. It’s crazy that you have to do everything yourself.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №124084
Steve Jobs is quoted.

There were times when I didn’t have my own room. I slept with my friends on the floor, and in order to buy food, I took out Coca-Cola bottles. Every Sunday I walked 10 kilometers to eat at a charity dinner at the Krishna temple once a week. And you know what? It was a wonderful time!

Speech to Stanford Graduates, 2005

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №124083
The monument to the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko was dismantled from the central square of Tokmak in the Zaporozhye region, while the monument to Lenin remained on the same square. They confused the yopt, it is a monument.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №124082
Working with customers is a tough thing... People are very different) today I will have to write to the customer, - "I clarified with the supplier, and I am forced to tell you that the package opened with scissors is opened and it will not be possible to change it. His mother, seriously.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №124081
Oh guys! Programmer’s Day is the 256th day of the year, in the high season of 2016 it is September 12.
In the low year, September 13.
Who and how did you decide that the programming day is February 14?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №124080
Women don’t like other people’s children, other people’s children – this means that part of the family budget and time of the spouse is spent on another person’s family... "Men don’t like other people’s children..."

Let’s talk for all men and women, right? Someone fucking important the fact of genetic kinship, someone it is not fuck at all: "Parents are not those who gave birth, but who raised."

Surprise: People are different.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №124079
A man in Israel on arrival took the apartment and signed the contract without understanding it (in Hebrew). When he started to leave, the owner told him to paint the apartment, because it is said in the contract. The man looked, it was really said.

I saw, bought paint, painted all the walls and ceilings. The owner came and almost his karachun was not enough - the paint was black. And the man tells him that the color of the paint is not specified in the contract.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna