— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95823
“Wow, when I asked to order music at a restaurant, I meant something else.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №95822
Wave is not the smartest cat.

He stuck in the package and described it.

[ + 36 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95821
"If the U.S. military had taken Crimea, it would not have taken it, and secondly it would not have returned home" (c) anonymous Pentagon source

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №95820
The American joke about the independence of Crimea and the analogy with Kosovo:

Q: Why Crimea?
A is Becausovo.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №95819
Dear game developers! Just in your game I accidentally put the warehouse in the warehouse.. Please fix it!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №95818
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! to
YYY: It will cost

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №95817
here here :
It seems to me that many of the "claims" are written by one person, which can be seen from the stylistics and linguistics of the texts?
You do not think. It is not written but edited.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №95816
to this:
I go today in the subway (St. Petersburg) on the Baltic (in the direction of the bridge). Veterans), the doors are closed, after a while they are opened again, we are waiting. Then the driver announces the train is not going further please leave the wagons. Everyone leaves the cars and we wait. This is happening further. The engineer says the train should still go further back into the wagons. Everyone comes back. After that I understood that the machinery can fucking everything.
Percentage of passenger archiving failed, unloaded the archive and packed to the maximum ^^

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95815
From the discussion of today's popular political topic in the CC

xxx: I have heard from friends that from all over the country to the border of the Crimea are being pulled out from Kamaza trucks with Lenin monuments, with which the fascists will shoot the Russian-speaking population of the peninsula with the help of a giant catapult, and monks-satanists are preparing for the rite of the resurrection of Stepan Bandera, who will lead the army of guerrillas-zombies to war with Russia.

[ + 25 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95814
The second part of the Avengers

xxx: *photography of Altron from filming - a guy in a jacket that wears armor*
Tags: shoe under shoe
WOW: It’s even tougher than Superman’s trailers on the loins!

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95813
here here :
"xxx: And that’s not bad even considering that among the famous autists are people like Landau and Einstein!
Yyy: Well, Einstein was burned on fire, for example, what’s good about it? – – – –
zzz: I did not understand the joke ><'
Or was it not burned? - and"
It is ===
Whether he was burned, or he burned someone, but the rumor went away.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №95812
from the working chat.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Ukraine: Google was banned in Turkey.
Ukrainian colleague: Turkish Armenians still do not want to reunite with Russia?
I: Are they still there?
A colleague from Ukraine: soon to appear, and will be in Russian military uniform without identification marks. They will behave politely.
I: I think you are talking about territorial integrity now :)

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №95811
I had a neighbor upstairs, Sanya, very drunk. I remember we go to him to smoke, and his tubes are burning, we don’t have money either, or we just don’t give him, I don’t remember. And on the pitch he has a racer living, but in debt she also no longer gives him.
He says, I decided everything, from my mother’s warehouse I’ll take a slice of salt, and I’ll go to the car and exchange.)
He raises some bowl with cucumbers, and underneath it a note of Sasha!! I have everything counted!! to
I’m so crazy, Pepper 😉

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №95810
The righteous woman eats with an orange, not with cheese, because she fasts.

They met the robbers. And killed him. In the cats of the traveller found only salt and bread. They ate bread, but did not touch the fat because of fasting.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №95809
Discussion of the article on the western website about Crimea and "polite people" (approximately translated from the imported language):
That is a lie, they are not Russians. Just armed Crimeans who bought uniforms – the fashion industry in Crimea is now flourishing simply.
W: Re: Do you really get angry when you come to a costumed party and suddenly it turns out that the other guests are absolutely the same dress? It becomes uncomfortable!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95808
X: Guys, I’m interested in this question: Have you ever sent your pets from one city to another? It is necessary to deliver the hork from Novosibirsk to Moscow. I don’t want him to get sick, get lost, etc. The animal is not vaccinated so it is not desirable to get sick. Maybe someone has encountered and will be able to advise anything, any services or something else.
Send the Russian Post.
Then he will not die from illness, but from old age.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №95807
Scotchicism: “Everything that cannot be repaired with Scotch does not have existence.”

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №95806
The Portable:

Today the material is broken.
My worldview, when I said
Paper glue is liquid glass.

Not for paper, but for paper. On the packaging it is called office, and so generally silicate. Accordingly, made on the basis of silicon, glass is also made of silicon. This is why it is called liquid glass. However, lessons in school are better not to walk.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №95805
There was a strain at a dog exhibition, stopped near one ring. The ring was run by happy dogs with their owners (or not with their owners, but 99% of them were girls), followed by a judge whitened with grays. watched for a long time. As a result, he gave the first place to the dog whose owner had the largest breasts.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №95804
"A lawyer with a prize, he almost signed the entire contract on a lam!"

I work with a major contractor. They needed a specialized software. The disk and key protection is such, a flash drive. For 2.5 months, their legal department made me brains - composed and reworked the contract, then they required a certificate for software, which we did not issue, then they demand confirmation of the transfer of rights, simple accounting documents of purchase and sale are not suitable... But I still do not have this invaluable maculature, and it will not be. They still need the software. The result - after 2.5 months they still buy it, exactly in the setup that I originally sounded. 14,000 is more expensive. Courses have risen and prices have risen. Here is the real loss from the activity of these parasites, in monetary terms. But - a valuable employee, protecting the interests of the company, yes.and (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna