— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149720
In the morning, two guys come in close to me. One says:

I spoke with a girl all day. Such a beautiful. She wrote herself.

Show me.

I'm also curious about what the ninja captured the boy's heart. I stretch out my neck and see a very photoshopped photo of some not too well-known model.

His friend sees the same thing and says:

You know this is not a real picture? Fake is probably.

It cannot be. But indeed...

Looking at the page, there is only one photo.

I put her money on the phone.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149719
Famous physicist Stephen Hawking died on March 14.
by R.I.P.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149718
How God created

God created labor and the monkey.
To become a man.
But God did not touch.
It immediately went well.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №149717
xxx: we need to discuss the dress code, or you will come in the Hitler costume, and I will be in the underwear, and it will be uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable not to harmonize.
Yes, let go, with Hitler everything harmonizes.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149716
by this:

In the Scandinavian countries, if I am not mistaken, they do not try to prevent miscarriages and save the fetus. The mother will be saved, they will go out, but the fruit is an unborn man.

Not just in Scandinavia. In general, few places in the world have such a "preservation" as we have - the extraction of pregnancy in the early stages. Abortion - and abortion, we do the next, healthy. Our mom will be placed in the hospital thirty seconds after conception, will be chopped and excavated - only so that the pregnancy will not be interrupted. In the end, we have what we have...
— — — —

In fact, newborns weighing more than 500 g are cared for according to the WHO standards, which are in effect in Scandinavia, including.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №149715
The popular recipe for making hot meat tattoos of dead frogs is discussed:

I don’t understand how people who have read Tom Sawyer can be surprised by such a simple way to make tattoos.
If you need to browse at night at the cemetery to see warts and swear the dead cat in the hell, but just a hot vortex to make tattoos - it's somehow even simple.

Ardbeggar: This is the simplicity and alarming!

Next: Do you think that then these dead whores will still need to be sprinkled in somebody?

Ardbeggar: Definitely of course. Breakout into various institutions and throw off the worried vortices in employees with the scream "Daddy-tattoo, go to the chief!" This is how you really get into the headbuckle, and magic will work.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №149714
A break is when you wipe out the sweat from your forehead, finish the pit, the commander comes, roars with the commander’s voice and starts to break the pit!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149713
They have degraded mentally, there is nowhere else to degrade.

You are too skeptical. Humanity always has a place to degrade.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149712
In truth, it is better not to get caught up. If it is dried, it is toxic.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149711
In 1997 my friend Zhenka's parents bought an apartment. Well, like an apartment, one of Khrushchev’s, that he should take away from them. So here. In the first payment for the public transportation service there was an incomprehensible line: a "radio point", in front of which there was no such amount at that time. Especially since she was a student at the time. It was decided to abandon this radio point, in connection with the fact that Levitan has long since left (the kingdom of heaven), and we do not expect an air alarm. And the radio itself. The wire from it, long rested under four layers of wallpaper. We get into the contact node. Well, of course, we are writing a statement about the refusal of the services of the radio point. The next joke.
You have a debt!
And what?
I have to pay!
And otherwise what?
Otherwise, we will turn you off.
It was a long time, and with that girl...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №149710
Russia is a country that is always ready for a nuclear war and never ready for a warming season.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №149709
of the weather;
A: How do you feel?

M: I cough out flocks of birds and whales in the ocean respond with greetings

A: I would send this line to the Splin band and offer to write a song.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149708
>> Yes, yes, but not at all. And something I haven’t seen passenger cruise icebreakers, can you tell us more about them?

And you went on cruises to the North Pole... Only if the heart is weak, the prices are better not to watch.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №149707
"Active six-year-old swallow" is for a loving mom.
For any foreign adult, it is an intolerable, intolerable child. And for a neurologist - hyperactive, with increased reflexes, excitable, and uncontrollable. Which really will interfere in the classroom with all the "stupid" who don't have a tail in the pop.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №149706
Recently, a report watched, "gaec" checks the car, gets a bit underneath the seats...
"Gayz": -The-e-e-k!!! Do you like to play baseball??? How many pitchers on the base?
Tagged with: beye-e-e
"gayez": I-a-a-s-no!!! to

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149705
>> Before the era of the Internet, the sofa troops (clops) were eliminated by carrying sofas for the frost in the winter.

In the room of Uncle Vani.
Where the cabinets and cabinets,
Living in a small sofa.
The evil, red spots.
They were starving,
It was cold,
Dried in powder,
Drying with water,
They were caught with gas.
of Kerosene Masali,
Nothing helped –
Do not lick and do not lick.
Everything that survived the battle,
It only became evil.

Tired of Uncle Van
Between chairs and cabinets
Holding yourself in the sofa.
The evil brown bugs.
Remove them cold.
to starve them,
Stir them with powder.
Drain them with boiling water
And putting them in gas.
Pull them up with kerosene.
He bought and sold the sofa.
The wise man was Ivan.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №149704
xxx: in my memory burned forever the word "andedovka": so began to be called pepsi in narrow circles after a dozen-two translations "Feel the taste of life with Pepsi!" from Russian to Chinese and back through the industry gave no way out "Shipping water will raise your dead!"

Yyy: In the days of the Fido, any cola, not just pepsi, was referred to as an andendovka because of the similarity of color with a donor blood package. The Chinese translation came much later.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №149703
With Hicks:
Trabant: I have met somewhere in the literature about the deadly dose of salt, a single 200 grams of the total.
sergku1213: Well it’s quite toxic. For example, in relation to titanium oxide, a case of taking 2.5 kg of titanium oxide is known. Without significant harm to health. It was revealed that the man took the substance by mistake. I have a question – with what did he confuse titanium oxide? All 2.5 kg? Only beer comes to mind, but it is liquid.
A man in the kitchen for the first time. Ispek blades with flour from a strange package. It turned out to taste not like his wife, but did not want to admit his culinary failure and ate. All of. Then the woman found the missing white...

[ + 20 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №149702
This is what to do, right?

On the one hand, it is good that medicine is at height, cares for the deeply premature, adapts seriously sick.

On the other hand, natural selection is not working, the genome is deteriorating and humanity as a whole is becoming more and more sick and weaker.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №149701
>> in the school before the high school was convinced that LESRUK ("wood of hands!") - is such a mythical creature, a mixture of the woodlord and the physician, always and at any lesson ready to go out to the board

In fact, the teachers said “Let’s rock!” but we didn’t know English yet.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna