— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №125811
Who are you by horoscope?
I am a vegan!
There is no such zodiac.
I feel great!
What are you wearing?! to
You are irritable. It is because of meat.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125810
How many stories about moms who call morgi, in search of their unsightly children, husbands. I decided to look at the situation from the other side.

How often are you called in search of people, nervous moms? How does it sound?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №125809
I go in the tram. The conductor, a sweet-looking miniature grandmother, approaches a large beaded girl and gives her a handful of heads. The beetle stares stupidly at the departure, sits, shrinking, for about a minute, then jumps up and walks on the whole tram:

Coob, what did you give me? I quickly gave me at least two dozen, I need to put on the phone! The cow!

The conductor quietly changes the fifths by dozens:

I’m just a pony compared to you.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №125808
During his student years he worked with his uncle. He was engaged in the installation of windows, and I helped him to dismantle the old windows. And here he told me one story that happened to his colleague (let it be Vasya).

Coming, therefore, Vasya on the object, the house is new and the homephone does not work. He climbs up to the second floor, calls the door, opens the housewife, he appears to be an installor of the company "Moscow windows". The first thing to do is to inspect the window holes and overmeasure the frames, as freezers sometimes make the wrong measurements and it makes no sense to unfold the entire tool. The windows in the house are almost on the floor. He enters the room, approaches the hole and automatically bends to look down, and through his shoulder a huge bag with a tool (perforator, lobnik and other shit). The bag overweighs and he falls out on the street. Fortunately, he doesn’t break anything, goes up the floor again and knocks on the door. The dialogue:

Who is?

Manufacturer of the company "Moscow windows"

A few minutes of silence and steps around the apartment (apparently looking for Vasyan in the house) returns, opens the door and in stupid silence starts back.

[ + 32 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125807
But if we had a gym right in the house, we would probably do sports.

There is a sex shop in the yard. and what?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №125806
I recently witnessed a wonderful conversation between my mother (M) and her sister (C).

C: No, you can imagine what low-quality things do! I pushed the washer into the machine to wash, and it all disappeared!

M: Where did you get that addict?

C: Yes, my mom gave me another gift for the wedding.

M: What kind of mommy? For what wedding?

S: Yes, on our, on the wolf (her husband)

M: So you married in 74! 42 years ago!

C: Well yes.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №125805
I bought a cream for cloves, my aunt wept that I took too fat - rural, 30%.
I am justified:
It is so delicious! I always choose fat.
The woman, proudly protruding the fourth-size breast:
For example me!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125804
3 nights of rest. "Skoroviki" bring a restless boy with a low temperature, in the set with which offered no less restless parents. Complaints are non-original: a foreign body in the nose, they could not extract themselves. General examination, a little preparation and here out there is something brown-grey of soft consistency, covered with mucus with abundant purulent clots and blood veins. The question is when the child puts it in his nose.

Just a week ago, my parents answered. We thought it was shaking, and it was neither there nor here. And yesterday from the nose greenery watered, so I decided to call an ambulance.

[ + 23 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125803
The controversy is that some individuals at work are counted, themselves or in the hospital, or take care of a child, but at the same time want to receive a premium.
— — —
As far as I remember, the dispute began with the story of how the boss of all the mothers going to the hospital left on half the naked salary, after which they all abruptly went out to work, and their sick children apparently went to infect other children in the kindergarten. Of course, formally the boss of the right. But the real system, which translates most of the salary into a premium, and which implies that the premium is always paid as part of the salary, and the true meaning of the word “premium” is remembered, only when you need to press any employee with similar inconvenient problems to the bosses - it is bullying people. The problem is not in mothers who need to take care of their children. And not at all in "Tunnel". The problem is in the semi-legal position of most employees, who with their bosses do not make so many contracts with a white (and decent) salary (in addition to the premium!How many " agreed" in words and "by default". The problem is the really low social protection of citizens in Russia. And in that they accept it, and then knock their eyes. But chasing mothers in this situation is just shit. You have to know who is in the highest government positions. Increasing public awareness at the same time.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №125802
Yes is. Because I pay her for her solving MY problems. Other children are not among my problems, and I see no reason to pay for it. I’ll give that money to those who replaced her at work and pulled both my job and her and laugh in the face of anyone who says it’s unfair.

and yes. justly

But then it will be fair when you and in old age will also be required what from a working citizen without a discount on age.
Then we’ll laugh together, as Zhenetsky said.

And yes, don’t tell them at every corner that young people have no respect for the elderly.
Because at one time, the representatives of the elderly did not deal with the problems of their mothers.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №125801
It is always fun to hear how the childless give advice to children about raising children.
Cosmic scale and cosmic stupidity
Apparently, considering a child, something like a talking doll.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №125800
In the quarrels about work they forget that everything has long been invented for us.

Hospitalization over 3 days (suddenly) is not paid by the employer, but by the insurance company (those with the mandatory tax on honey). is well known and constitutes a known % of z/p. and getting it in the envelope you should have a health above average, so as not to stay in the minus)

Against the "unemployed" has long been invented a lot of systems. For example, a paycheck. Or a system of compulsory premiums, which can be more than a p...
You work - get a Z/P prize
If you don’t work, sit on the roof and don’t light up, or they’ll find something to get fired. The contract will not be extended...

Three Suddenly, they may offer a reduction or rewrite an old indefinite contract for a period of one year. And think - do they want to get rid of it, or really something in the accounting and personnel department has changed, and this requirement is not "hotel", but the necessity of...

4 is About the "mothers" and the "sick" should be cared for by the state. for our taxes. And not at all an employer who needs a job done, not a place occupied by deckers.

5 is "Social" is a very important part, but it can be held or very large, "city-forming" enterprises. The state for our taxes.

In general, read the laws, smart textbooks, and do not lead a mess on the forums. And of humor. Resources are provided!

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125799
XXX: I am sitting on the suckers from the throat

UUU: Pumps means

Yes, I want to be healthy!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №125798
to this:
I am the head of the technical control department.
One of the controllers:
- The welders in the shop were bitten by some flies today and they started cooking according to the drawings!! to
I am carefully interested:
What did they cook before?
Before that, they cooked well.
I thought. Go to the designers to find out the difference.
Let me guess, a car, right?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №125797
Well, camarades, what did you make a noise, well honest motherly word. You are right a thousand times. Women get, and they get nothing at all. Either the domestic ruler will appear, or the sexist boss, or simply do not believe that a woman can do well with a technical profession (maybe judge all women by their stupid parent or underwear), or simply fear that in the middle of the project will go into a decree and so on. This is only the essence of the main claims to feminists is that instead of solving problems, they engage in hernia, and if they solve the problem, then in the most destructive and least adequate way. Just like all the boots, if you haven’t noticed it yet. For comparison, you can look at all kinds of greenwriters with pets - the same bursitis. The main methods of fighting - to attack not the enemy, but those who can not give up, to solve not those problems where the sharpness has already reached the question of life and death, but those where there is no problem at all and you can blow the flies in the elephant (unlike solving real problems - it requires much less effort), and, of course, to grasp, squeeze and report.
Apply the template according to the circumstances to any bordues when a crash occurs - the template is universal.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №125796
The designation of the CIATIM lubrication brand consists of the name of the Central Institute of Aviation Fuel and Oils, which developed the lubricants of this group.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №125795
Yes, living with decent brains is hard – priorities are very different from what should be, but self-development is an extremely useful thing. Well, if the penis is stuck in the umbilical, Rosie Palms will always come to the rescue; do not let the lower brain interfere with the work of the upper.

This was when my grandmother told them when she was 4 years old that it would be hard to get married if she was smart. But my mom was lucky - she met the same entomologist as herself, her dad. I was lucky to be born with my mom and dad, but I was not lucky to meet him. I sit there, I’m definitely worried about it. You see, and for some men this chip with wisdom seems to work. Let it comfort you that you are not alone, even if you are alone.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №125794
Dear "Employers" of this resource! No one will ask you for any special help, special payments and especially care for other people’s children!
Just get your salary! The White! And the taxes with it, entirely!! and all!
It is not difficult, right?
You don’t like that justice, right? You like the envelope, the left-heels, the unregulated schedule. And what happens is to just throw out a person, like a waste material. Yes, so that the state doesn’t help him, because you put it in your pocket.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №125793
We work for the soul.
He took sin on his soul.
We hold. and once. and two. Three.
Attention to repentance!
Now let us rest.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №125792
Have you not thought, our economists, that it is more advantageous for the state to keep a mother in a decree for three years than to create conditions for her to leave the decree itself?

If you need to build, hire staff, from babysitters to a courtier and accountant, to provide everything necessary, food, toys, light-water-heat-drying, current repairs there, drunk, drain... And not just the basements to build, but by the volume of fertility. Then the kindergarten, where too should be warm, clean and interesting. Teachers are added to babysitters.

Children's doctors should be recruited so that they do not have to wait for many hours, one parent in one day could go through all the necessary specialists, in case of illness, the child would go to the hospital, not to a pork under the supervision of a doctor.

And, by the way, kindergartens, and ideally clinics, should not work from 9 to 5, but at least from 8 to 8, so that parents have time to give the child, work their legal 8 hours plus lunch, and pick up. That is, all the same babysitters are multiplied by two shifts.

Give up expenses? Now the OPP! Mother, go to the long decree! We have already graciously limited the amount of your maternity payments to the cloudy 20 thousand a month, they should be enough for everything, and even a little left to you to be able to get them (surprise!) Paying income tax. Someday we will compensate your employers. possibly. If we want.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna