— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №125231
One day my wife and I visited her parents. As a meal, we were offered a salad with midias. I don’t like them at all, and my wife refused, arguing that they look like female genitals. Her father replied, “Well, you have a different taste.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №125230
One day my father caught me with a cigarette and threw me out of the boat. So he taught me to swim on my back so that the cigarette didn’t get wet.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №125229
19768 and all those who doubt what color the skin was in the Shooter. Let me ask you, have you read a book?
Read more carefully "excerpt of the three", and specifically, the episodes with the black Child Holmes. And count how many times she called the Archer and Eddie “white butterflies,” “white butterflies,” and referred to their “white butterflies,” and so on.
The shooter pulled off the scroll from his shirt—there were only a few lashes left of it, so it was no longer a pity—and stretched out his left hand to wipe out the blood from her forehead. She tried to bite him.
“A little bit, white-collar, you didn’t get it,” she cried out. I didn’t get it this time."
Are there other questions?

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125228
Once I was conducting a computer science lesson in the 3rd grade, I set out to draw a drawing on a space theme, during the inspection of the works I just chorned - the girl drew a penis, with all the attributes: testicles, black grooves, red head.

I strictly: “What is this?”

The girl said, “Racket!”

My first thought was, “Oh, that shit!”

The second thought: “Is it really a rocket?”

I put "5", with children of this age I try not to argue especially, only with affection

The director of the school comes in and sees the painting: “This is what it is!”

“The rocket...”

The director thoughtfully said, “ah... yeah... well, very beautiful... immediately seen – a rocket.”

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №125227
The giraffe horse (although nobody claimed that the dog Leslie was played in the movies by the cobbels simply because the cobbles are more hairy and gentle) and the historical figure is not of the same gender - here it is understandable. But don’t try to pull this out of your ears for an entirely different occasion. But the world of the towers is a post-capapaleptic blend of worlds and times, where the hero can look as comfortable without any default setting.

There was such a characteristic story in fiction - two children sit in a sandbox, unexpectedly aliens land on the site. Only after the plot has actually ended, the reader is made to understand that these aliens - strange and strange to the eyes of children-heroes - actually looked like ordinary people, but the children were just exotic alien beings that people visited. Something like that at the end of the original "Planet of Monkeys" - there on the principle of "letters in a bottle" in space find the diary of the main character, then the main story - in the diary itself - and in the epilogue it is discovered that the ones who found the letter - intelligent monkeys, considering the story of an intelligent man someone's strange joke. A very characteristic indication of a reader’s mistake is to give characters the “default” qualities that were actually absent in the description.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №125226
Why is meat so pleasant and love so difficult?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №125225
This is the day when I have more operations on my phone than on my computer.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №125224
Email creator Ray Tomlinson has passed away.
Comments on 4pda:
xxx: of course, it is a pity that its life cycle has ended, but e-mail, I don't know, I'm probably going to blaspheme, it's from the series who first managed to do that and tapka, mail as a tool existed for several centuries.
I wonder, who invented the race? In fact, the goose is the world’s first ancient social network. The technology was so advanced that it absolutely did not require internet access.
XXX: There were problems with encryption and the ping was long.
yyy: and sometimes data transmission could be disrupted if the barbarians created harmful interference.
xxx: and the password for sending a message served as a strong royal "pitzduy".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125223
As a child, I watched the cartoon "Hunters of ghosts", in which the hunters had a device to search for these ghosts. And almost in every series he had them "stacked". Everything could not understand why they would not repair it / repair it / switch it to show it normally.
What is the tension on the network?
The multimeter is shaking!! to
So what fucking thing did you turn it on at 200 volts? Go to 750.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125222
It happened to one of my colleagues. She was offered a hand and heart. Knowing the total load of the modern director of the school in the metropolis, otherwise as a miracle this story will not be attributed. However, the irony of fate is not at all in this, and it appeared immediately when submitting documents to the ZGS, where a tense mini-dialogue erupted between the employee and the potential bride.
Will you change your name?
You are what? I am the director of the school! I have an ECP!
In the tense silence in the eyes of the employee and the potential bridegroom hanged a silent worrying question. Instantly assessing the situation, the director-bride conducted the necessary instruction, explaining that the ECP is not a DCP or AIDS, but an electronic digital signature. Without which it is as if without hands, because it will not be able to sign any contract with suppliers of equipment and services, it will ruin the payment of salaries and a stimulating fund to teachers and school employees. Therefore, about changing the surname, with all the love and respect for the chosen person, there can be no talk. The applicant for the high title of the husband of the director of the school showed tolerance, and in addition, a subtle understanding of the modern specifics of management, although unlike the bride, the selection was not carried out through a demanding certification commission, designed to select worthy candidates for the replacement of vacant administrative positions. Another little miracle!"

Evgeny Yamburg

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125221
SJW No. 19768
Let us make a film about the horse of Prževalsky with a giraffe, or Peter the First let the woman play the game, and the monkey on the heroine is a fat man.
But imagine for a moment if a film about racial oppression is made with black oppressors and white slaves? Will there be a lot of war? First and foremost, from such fools as you.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №125220
Everyone comes out and the birthplaces of socialism come out.
All, precious, it has already been and has passed, now learn "how you dive, so you dive", and for the result offend only yourself.

Socialism does not give man peace, just as it does to our director! He rushed to lead a scientific institution, "an effective manager," fucking, and everyone thinks like he would crush us all, because if you see fundamental science doesn't give him money in his pocket, and these ugly scientists are preventing him from silently spinning the budget, questions are asked at the directions, the rights are blown, the IRA is required to charge... He would be dismissed, and only the FANO binds his hands, and his shell office without the institute will be closed. He does not understand that institutions of this type function differently, and his problem (which will soon be ours) is that he lacks the brains to understand how to calculate the bone that is “effective.”
You understand, mill-man, work is different, and there are areas of activity in which the laws of the market do not work very well, and in our country, despite your super-popper qualification, you, if you are in this field, will be paid a penny. It is impossible to go into non-structures to do the same stupidly, because there are no such commercial structures. They are not even in the West. To some extent, the entire state sector lives under these laws. So no matter how much you struggle, as long as such bosses like you are managed, you will no longer break from it, unless you find work on the side, and this is, as a rule, a completely different kind of activity.

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №125219
Every manager has a dramatic increase in effectiveness when he controls his money. Musk, Brin, Bezos, and Zuckerberg own most of their companies, and they don’t have to do a quick “bubble crack” while they’re in the caregiver – they’re all theirs and they’ll be in 5 years. And the brains and aspirations are enough to measure whose rocket flies into space more times, and not whose car and villa is more. Some with $100 million will simply strive to get $1 billion, while others will live on $100,000 and think what is interesting, useful and really cool to do. There is no need for money to do something. Money is needed to do nothing.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №125218
zzz: There is a certain charm in replaying old conservations in computer strategies. You look like this and think, “Why did I colonize this planet?” Why declared war on two neighbors? What does this navy do in that ass?
Why did I build 16 drednotes and name each of them ‘Laser Joe’? and ;)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №125217
Today on the radio I heard the host telling about racing on bicycles.
He says, say, you can imagine what speed they develop during races.
And then one: “You drive on the ring 120, and you feel like a desperate madman!” and adds: “When a woman is driving.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №125216
- Fuck, Anka is a kind of хтоnic star! I ask her, what do you want on March 8? She: "Oh, it is very easy. Go to" I didn’t have time to rejoice, adding: "You’ll give me a couple of watches. I have not painted naked anatomy for a hundred years.
And I tell everyone that my brother is dating a woman troll. The truth is often misunderstood.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №125215
I read all kinds of phytoniacs and pimples and decided to find out what I should have the ideal weight.

I found a collection of different methods on the web and started counting. On one I have 7 extra pounds, on the other - as many missing, on the third everything is normal, the fourth prescribes me to burst no more than 1200 calories a day, the fifth - no less than 1400.

She sympathized with both hostile women's camps, closed with a light heart.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125214
Man is infinitely good to infinitely distant people.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №125213
“The harm of language.”

In the 1950s, we had little fun. Only what the garden and house could offer. The courtyard was much richer and more interesting at home. You could play football at the garages (up to the first glass), in the "sweepstakes", it wasn't without games for money (if you had them), a barbecue, a chira, an eagle, etc. At home what? Go there, bring it, don’t bother, and you did the lessons? Televisions were rare, turned on only in the evening with parents, in a word - thirst. Of course, somewhere there were "pioneer palaces" as mirages, but more they existed in the inflamed imagination and reports of pioneer leaders. The only thing that saved me from this boredom at home were books. Anyway, who is how.

By the first grade I had already read boyfriendly, and when others learned that “mama washed the frame,” I learned about “Treasure Island”, “Three Musketeers”, “Robinson Crusoe” and I don’t remember what else. Of course, for my immature mind, the "forbidden" literature was marked by the parents, which was cautiously hidden on the upper shelves of the closet, and also pushed into the corner. For her reading, it was easy to lose access to the book closet: "Decameron" Bocacho, "Goya" Fechtwanger, where the text was not important, and there were inexpressively interesting illustrations, some prohibited poets I do not need, but, as you know, the main thing is not to get caught. And so, took out a laundry on the street, chased for bread, scratched something in the notebook for tomorrow to school and you can hide in a remote corner with a book, so that you would not be touched.

The above is nothing more than an introduction to the situation.

So, I got to the book “The Cursed Kings” by Druon. Not very interesting, where they go to "Three Musketeers", but still - kings, conspiracies, poisoning. I carried a gallop on the story until I found out for some crazy word: ROGONOSEC. It seems offensive, but not mat and for the story matters. In a word, I found nothing wiser than to ask my father about it. His reaction surprised me, no, rather scared me!
Instead of answering or turning away from me, I can’t say, my father became stressed and began to ask me questions: “From whom you heard, when, where, etc.” I realized that I went somewhere wrong, read something wrong, and I am now deprived of access to the library. I remember the fate of the heroic pioneers-partizans, with whom we were haunted in school, I went unconscious. I heard it in the yard from the boys, I don't remember who, I don't remember when and so on.

Revenge was weak, I can say nothing at all. Bring a three-storey mat from the yard, the most relevant fancy, muddled proverbs - it's as much as you want. Constant rotation of the courtyard spana and mud (in the true meaning of the word!They came from somewhere from the zones and camps, then went there, supporting the language slang on which we all in the courtyard and communicated. At home, in no case. It could be taken seriously enough. And a rookie! This is also the same thing to ask, now, the second-classes about ambivalence or discourse. As it became clear, it did not run.

I was hidden. And not in vain. The next day, the mother asked with an olive voice, saying, where did the son hear this word and, most importantly, from whom? I realized that it was big, I closed up and stopped responding.

Of course, it could be heard in our communal apartment, where nine families lived. The composition was varied: a sanitary from a clinic, a professor of ancient literature with her husband, a large working family, a widow of a colonel with two sons, a district deputy with a quiet, invisible wife, my parents who both worked in the ministry and I with my older brother and grandfather. Everyone could be suspicious. We could add more friends of parents who often gathered with us or we with them. There could be springs, but not a garden.

Meanwhile, the clouds were thickening at home, no - the storm was unremittingly moving, which was the cause of me. In the communication there were purely intelligent expressions such as: "Wouldn't you be kind to pour me a plate of soup," "You will not be burdened to go, please, to the store for potatoes," and so on. Nothing supernatural sounded. Here, for example, when the professor was called to the phone in the hallway, the beginning was this: "Be kind, please do not refuse a service, if you do not find it difficult to call N.A. by phone.” This is another Old Testament professor of ancient literature called our for the subject of writing a general textbook. But at home? In the housing? The brother stopped checking the diary daily for records of his current hooliganism, which threatened to call his parents to school, and, worse still, to clausure from school in his father’s partner (I’m not a joke). The brother, looking at me, triumphed, really did not understand the reason and gave himself to the card game in the yard. My attempts to find out from the boys who is the "Rogue" gave me only a decision of the type - "dumb as a lamb." But it wasn’t in context.

In principle, the court knew everything. I remember, somehow to the reasonable observation of a girl of almost my age, I replied to her, "Remove, and then I will give the eggs," received a ten-minute humiliating lecture about the impossibility of this event due to the different arrangement of these organs in us, with details and functions. I had to shamefully retreat and climb to the closet to clarify the nuances of the illustrations to Goya.

I stumbled into the corner like a mouse. Nevertheless, it turns out I didn’t close the door tightly into the hallway, and because of me, the common kitchen smelled of roasted acid cabbage and roasted on petroleum frozen bell. The courtyard fell off by itself, and life went under the mountain.

So the working week passed, and on Sunday morning I was put in front of my father. What this trial could lead to, I guessed. It’s called “pulling out like a goat”. My father was pale (well, maybe it was an artistic exaggeration) and relentless. It was necessary to crawl, otherwise my filamentary part could get acquainted with the soldier's belt, on which my father had a dangerous German shave.
The young pioneers partisans looked at me with regret from the sky.

With tears in my eyes, realizing that I am deprived of the unread "Decameron" and a number of other treasures of world literature, I admitted where this damned word - ROGONOSEC. As a confirmation, I had to get this book, find these quotes and almost get rid of it. and... Nothing! In other words nothing at all! The closet was not closed, it was released into the yard. From the kitchen began to smell snow from Elena Molochovets. In the house again began to live “cat” and “music”. Even my brother did not deserve it.

By the evening, the parents did not go to the restaurant, and my brother and I left the TV on.

However, the word remains unexplained. To my timid question, my father replied, that the word is not good and climbing where I should not, he does not recommend, and when I grow up, I will find out myself. When I grew up, I learned the true meaning of this word.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №125212
For those who live well in Russia, it is not bad for those who live well abroad.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna