— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140401
A bag of potatoes.

I would give him a bag of onions for the next celebration. And let her think: how many more she gave and how to react to choose him.

The truth is, a prostitute who does not meet one.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140400
At first, everyone agrees that marrying fools is a bad tone, and you need to filter out such characters before bed - at the stage of first dates. And when it comes to how to distinguish a fool from an intelligent or a merchant frog from a princess frog, it suddenly turns out that it is not very ethical to check people and do this only by scapegoats.

This is the current 6a.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №140399
My girls are divided into two categories.
Those who do not want to meet me.
I wonder why girls don’t want to meet me.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140398
<xxx> Chemicals are such chemicals. In calcinated soda there is no calcium, in sulfur ether - sulfur, and in carbonyl iron - carbon. Everywhere there is carbon in any gland, but not in carbonyl iron. How is it?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140397
gift bags and other vegetables.

There are useful advice on what to give loved ones for the holidays.
All of them claim originality, but offer dumb household appliances, phones, and various small nonsense.
One gave me something new.
Make your favorite cleaning in the house.
Invite the cleaning brigade (and the company’s advertisement went).
I presented in horror. Like a couple of babies will be prepared in my sweet, crumbling nest, and everything there will turn up the bottom, climb into every corner, wash in dirty underwear.
I would hang myself after that.
But first I would shoot that fool.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №140396
They go into politics in two cases:

Either the business failed, or the business succeeded.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №140395
I go on the bus. The morning.
There is a woman with a 12-year-old boy, sitting opposite a girl, more precisely sleeping.
The dialogue between them:
Girl (touching the shoulder), please give a place to the child!
With difficulty opening her sleepy eyes, she tries to understand what they want from her. He addresses the boy:
Do you have two jobs?
and Nea.
Do you study from 8:30 to 17:30?
Up to 13.
Do you sleep 4 hours a day?
He turns his head.
Can I continue to sleep?
Actually what she did.
What a dissonance she caused between the nearby nurses!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №140394
When there is no corruption in the country, micro-liters rush on the haieves.
When corruption – Bentley is dragged down the road.
It is easy, brother.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140393
The relatives who watered the former bride with dirt issued, among other things, the following: "and she was often ill, it turned out, chronic, if we knew before the wedding, we would never have taken into the family!"

Now their son has a new girlfriend, and I really don’t want to go to visit them: I’m afraid, I won’t stand and ask the girl if the future beets approved her medical card.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140392
X: Strong Scottish Boy's Vooyin Strongly Binded
Y:...and also a sweater and a hat, and a full kit.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140391
How to Write the Word Assassin. I remembered as sin (ass as sin)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140390
But in order to be a surgeon, each student must bring a sample of his handcraft, a brow there, or a socket bound...then it will be visible who will be able to sew the liver, and who will be able to crush the corpses.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140389
And in the story of a bag of potatoes, there is a lack of point "and from the bag you have a dress shaved". Not enough woman for such an eagle man!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140388
I sent my tickets to work email to print in the office. Google looked at the dates and times of the departure and marked them in the general working calendar.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №140387
XXX: He is a strange guy.
YYY: Is it so?
xxx: he does not go to the concerts of his favorite group, because he fears that when during the performance of the song the vocalist will silence specifically (to sing the whole hall), and he will forget the words and he will be ashamed.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140386
Jack Yablokov
You can lie in the grave and do nothing.

How to break up???? to

Jack Yablokov
Do not show all the merits of this choice, or people will start to think!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140385
I do not want to disrupt the established idyll, but the real underworker is actually a human being.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140384
A bag of potatoes

People so joyfully discuss the guy and his heart affairs, and at the same time the hypothetical QI will give hearts. And no one thought that this, sorry, cowboy meets two girls at the same time. As I think - yes, it's such happiness as it is with potatoes, what with pants, what with an iPhone. The best gift from this one is to let it fall into the fog and not come back.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140383
xxx: Well I don't know, I naively believed that there would be quite adequate people in the library forum, but after reading what's going on there...
xxx: You know, I prefer a forum under the title "how do I sauce member" read, there even the title will match the content.

yyy: If the forum is old, then almost 100% that about the member there everybody is tired and there is either a hohlosrach or something highly intellectual.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №140382
Large store, browse on construction and housing. goods, I drive with a wheelchair past the garden / garden tool and I see a huge price on the grable - "Grable CIA" manufacturer China.It became interesting, called the guy there in the department and decided to ask what the grable is special, what the one stumbled on - "that you conspired something!?", " ordinary grabbles!"

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna