— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112255
Here is a table and there is a chair, they are made of similar material and the table has signs of a chair - 4 legs and a base, but it no longer has a back. Does this mean that the table originated from the chair through evolution?
It is ===
I wanted to get rid of stupidity, but it didn’t work out. How did you learn to print if you are so unfriendly with logic? I hope it is trolling.
You have already been told that evolution is the result of heredity, variability and natural selection. Any system that possesses these properties will evolve. If you cannot refute any of these three properties of nature, there is nothing to draw on their logical consequence.
Per evolution doesn’t tell us exactly who we came from. You can consider models with all kinds of lords-gods or generally that someone created your world a second ago by putting false memories into your head – and you will never be able to refute it. But why build sophisticated models (occam shaving) and scratch them with coffins, if there are beautiful models that allow you to make the right predictions?
And with regard to the paleontological findings, breaking the final (sarcasm) theory of evolution developed by Darwin, I advise less to watch Ren-TV.
P.S If we are created in the image and likeness of God, why is God a fucker?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112254
Let’s tell now how living cells emerged from stones in water billions of years ago
It is...
It resembles a scene from the series "The Partner" from k/f "Operation Y and other adventures of Shurik". The same stupid uneducated beast feels.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112253
What about GTA V?
yyy: C view from the first person became more interesting to pick up a prostitute on the road and go to a strip club.
I didn’t expect anything else from you.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112252
Now activated the "eternal" panel license for the server at Routenko, so their eternity ends in 2033-12-31. I hope they’re just greedy and don’t have any unpleasant information.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112251
Plushchenko announced the resumption of his career
How they balanced these "last" speeches.
This is the case of Bora Yeltsin.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112250
The ban on smoking in this country...Nothing good has brought to anyone.
And if you were a non-smoker, you would already feel the joy of not meeting ten times a day with this odor, from which then the head hurts for an hour. I’m sorry for you – you don’t know what happiness it is to get into an unsmoked elevator, get in and stop.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112249
When she approached the mirror, she realized with horror that she was walking with a sponge under her nose. But, looking into it, she calmed down: the swallow fit a color under the bag."

HH: It hasn’t been so long ago. I will go tell my story.

XHHH: I told you. How to pinch under the eye?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112248
"Divorce is sex in which you cannot participate" (not mine). This is for bees, hard and so forth. And yes, I have a daughter and I am a woman (50+).

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112247
Here atheists begin to impose their world views and try to ban everything that has to do with religion.
It is...
Here is another observation, consistent with the theory that believers are prone to hallucinations. And in a very broad spectrum. Then a man in the heavens (why did they think that he was there)?Atheists are trying to ban everything that has to do with religion. Pray your icons and bodies in your churches. You can also take your children there. That is to baptize. They will also get rid of them with any useless nonsense.
We simply do not want your limitations to harm us and those who are dear to us.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112246
I spent a couple of days here in the village without communication and without the internet... People, tell me what to google to catch the connection between bees, schoolchildren and atheists and finally understand what this whole dispute is about.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №112245
P.S If we are created in the image and likeness of God, why is God a fucker?

Reply to C. To solemnly put it on us all.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №112244
The philosopher says to his son:
You made me very sad. I’ve heard you argue with your friend and say to him, ‘You’re bored.’ How could you? You hurt a man for nothing, showing him disregard!
Dad, what had I to say to him?
- You should have said, "Yes, he would understand that you are involved, but you will oppose!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112243
Privet by Nina! Poexali luche vmeste vo Vladivostok na transsibirskoj magistrale! by Davaj? Budet zdorovo!and "
The French friend Beatrice writes to me)) how would she explain that this is not exactly what every Russian wants?))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112242
Once upon a time, in the 70s and 80s, a lawyer who knew me, a 10-year-old, asked me about my knowledge of pornography. He had an interesting case, the sculptor was accused of pornography and for this he was going to be jailed. And since I was in art school, I could be considered a quite authoritative expert. Well, I brought a bunch of the most famous paintings, in comparison with which the work of this artist was just innocent madness...The lawyer shone, the artist was released for the absence of a crime composition, and I got a chocolate. So since then, dear ones, the concepts of decent and undecent, erotic and pornography, extortion and sexual acts have been so clearly chewed, written, numbered and scattered that there is nothing to argue about. Everything is in the laws. What is unclear is explained in the comments. And all the rest is nothing more than the hants of incompetent people, neither in dances nor in laws.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112241
In Taoism (or elsewhere) there is a practice: to do 100 good deeds in a row.
As soon as you squeeze, the counter drops down - start all over again.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112240
Oh, what do you know about cognitive dissonance!I have a friend who is engaged in aquariums, I was not yet acquainted with him at the time, well, I was sent to him about my sick fish.I go through a dark corridor, and to meet me a troubled guy with a thoughtful face, in one hand carries a cat dead for the tail, in the other a tail!!I have already started and here this miracle with a low voice begins to complain "Look, the food of the piton has frozen, and he refuses to eat, will now have to cut off for turtles and crocodiles".He is familiar veterinarians regularly throw all kinds of dead animals from the clinic.
Fuck, I’d run away from there.
A funny guy turned out to be.I then asked to him somehow, and there in the room we meet a healthy such a cat, climbs to him on his arms and looks at me so badly.He says "She doesn't like girls, because she considers herself the only lover, so be careful, watch not to bite".
What’s in his head? what’s in his head?! to

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №112239
And why is the 14-year-old fool protected by the law, and the 18-year-old is not?
— — —
At 14 it is the age, and at 18+ it is already a diagnosis.

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112238
At the same time, the court found former director of the factory Yuri Shulgan guilty of the theft of 29 million rubles and sentenced him to three years conditionally, fining 550 thousand rubles.
Yes, in general... Go to celebrate once a month and have a bunch of money for the rest of your life. Just bite.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112237
He wrote a large post on the theme of beekeeping, about bee dances at the forum of biologists. They ran some idiots and wrecked the whole branch.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112236
A classic from a forum:

Darwin’s theory of evolution contradicts the law of entropy. To support increasingly complex organisms and ecosystems, a powerful source of external energy would be needed.
The Darwinists!

> "The Sun? I have not heard of it".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna