— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126996
On parades and entrances, porn on discs I remember vaguely, I have not betrayed anyone.
I want another shit.

[ + 17 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126995
LIKE: In a small store I counted on the cash, 134₽, I gave 154. The cashier is sitting dumb. I suggest giving up 20₽. She’s angry, maybe you’ll sit in my place? If I wanted to sit in your place, I would have been sitting for a long time, fortunately I do much more interesting things, for fundamentally different money. I stumbled. Some of my aunts are untouchable.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126994
I know how people go crazy. They develop paranoia.
I missed my counterpart. and huge. There are five winters and three summers. Moreover, three of them I made alone - in America with the carpenters did not work out. But this is a completely different story.
The socks are missing. The knives disappear. Tea cups are thrown out.
The husband is roaring and sinful against the neighbors on the other side of the street. I suggested to look in the refrigerator.Inconstructive, in general.
The only version that doesn’t break my brain is that the underwear was wrapped in a quiet, soaked right in the washing machine.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126993
I am afraid to ride in the elevator, in the cabin when moving you constantly hear some scratches, knocks, they are rarely served, only visual inspection.
WOW: And you listen to yourself - you will be surprised how your bones scratch and crumble, the blood flows around the atherosclerotic plaques, something is rotten and crumbles in your stomach... And you are seldom served, the maximum outside will be examined.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126992
Several times I pointed out to the cashiers their mistakes in the supermarkets that were in my favor. Well it happens - instead of three packs broke two, or missed something at all, and I watch the actions and see it. So they look at the enemy of the people, not to mention to say thank you. I wondered why, but did not find out exactly. I think the whole thing is that just a missed not too expensive thing does not threaten the cashier with anything, especially because I will leave and nobody will notice what happened, and will not find out. And if some unusual movement begins around the purchase, there is a chance to attract the attention of managers, or the security, or who else is watching them there, and then the cashier can get a hole, they are not happy.
Can anyone confirm or disprove this theory?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126991
I put my little pony on an avatar. The next day:
and Andrew. change the avatar, the daughter thinks I am corresponding with Apple Jack and asks for details and wants to write too ))))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №126990
xxx> Why there are no such grand film projects in the country that opened the era of space exploration

yyy> Because this country has not been there for a long time.

zzz> It is still worse. The situation is increasingly reminiscent of a faint butterfly trying, as before, to climb trees and eat leaves, when everyone around is already flying and successfully reproducing.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №126989
We play the mafia. The question is, you are a mafia.
of her.
The other ego-aga means peaceful. At night they take you.
He is not, he answers. I am not peaceful.
The voice of one of the players:
Listen, Dimon, you may not have gotten the cards?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №126988
I became bored, decided to remember the past and go on a date with a girl from a dating site. On appearance - a real doll, 35 years old, first-class exemplar.

In the questionnaire, she indicated that she liked “smart men,” and although it may not be modest on my part, I decided that I had a chance, at least to try to make the impression of “smart,” especially since the girl herself was not a Nobel laureate, but an ordinary graduate of the faculty of psychology.

But it turned out to be not so simple...

We met her in the coffee shop, she ordered a cake with coffee and started forging it with a fork, and I took wine and some snacks.

What attracted you to my questionnaire? She finally asked.

You know, I like that you like smart men. I don’t know if you decide that I have this quality, but at least the girls for whom it’s important, I like it very much.

“Yes,” she thoughtfully replied. I love smart men. My ex-husband was also very smart.

The Truth?

and AGA. You understand me halfway. Whatever I wanted, I did everything, sometimes I didn’t even have time to ask. And not only in this matter, but even in some little things, I always understood when it is better not to get angry, and when you can offer, for example, to go for a walk somewhere.

Yes, it is cool. Apparently your husband was really a smart little boy. Per he could even bring shoes?

She missed a replica by her ears.

My mother liked it too. She always took her to the house, brought her when she needed it.

You probably don’t need to be so crazy...

“Don’t tell me,” the girl opposed. Do you know how many idiots there are on dating sites? They do not understand what a woman needs, as if no one had ever raised them in their lives.

and clearly. Where has your husband gone? Have divorced?

No, he killed himself. I don’t know why, I didn’t even leave a note. I still don’t understand what’s going on in his head...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №126987
Talk about lovers and lovers.
This is the story of how I stopped dating married people. Yes, sometimes feelings are so stuck, so a man will like it, it doesn’t matter whether he is married or not. But!
There was once a quick one with a magnificent male exemplar. And suddenly his wife called right in the most interesting place. The man immediately grouped, calmly said:"Allo, yeah, dear, I went here to a friend, one matter is resolved, soon I will be." I finished the conversation and continued the matter. And I thought, that's how you call your husband and you can't even know for sure what he's busy with. What if it was my husband?! to
Since then, I have been principally not friends with married men, no matter how beautiful or skilled a lover. Don’t do to people what you don’t want to get from people.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126986
But I wonder why is it above every St. Petersburg parade hanging a sign "Entry No...."?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №126985
When I was given power
I would order that all unfaithful men everywhere
Wear a green cloth.
The cities would become
In the green and lush gardens
Why are only men, women, not enough branches?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №126984
by 20100
I love simple girls, for whom extraordinary is a name or hair color exclusively))))

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №126983
I am looking for a red mount (c)
On one of the websites:
The Red Knight
Antibody creation function: No

Fuck what is this??? O_O

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №126982
Now all Alicia, Snowmen, Vitaly and Dominica. Well, not all, but half, and if I wanted individuality, I could even name something more original.
For example, the Fedora.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №126981
Friend's reservation: "I'm on a single subcutaneous food all day"

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126980
At the beginning of April, a complaint was sent to the technadzor that the sidewalk is not cleaned at all, the snow still lies. Then it warmed up, everything melted, and here 2 days received a letter, and there it was written: "14.02.2016 the commission conducted a check... snow, ice and flooding on the specified section of the road was not recorded"

[ + 14 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126979
Q: What do you want from me? I just recently learned that "smuzi" is a hipster juice with flour.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №126978
Leo Tolstoy himself was fucking right and left
I also wrote about this process that a decent woman should not like.
Find a model for imitation.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №126977
Tallinn, 17 April 2016
The Estonian government expressed its approval in connection with the signing of the Minsk Agreements on 11-12 February 2015.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna