— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140241
Citramon in the pharmacy from the manufacturer costs 6 rubles, in paper packaging.
In other pharmacies, the usual citramon in foliated packaging cost 10-12 rubles.
Now it is sold only in foil packaging and a cardboard box with a bright color and the inscription citramon, but it costs 40-50 p...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №140240
The moment when you choose to sleep instead of reading a book is common sense or old age?
WOW: This is a bad book.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140239
Ferdinando: Tomorrow, by the way, there is a quest for Kafka.

Outsider: Oh God, this is really a puzzle...

Ferdinando: As it is not surprising, it was made by Russian.

Outsider: You know, your niche is not surprising!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №140238
The administrators from the fitness club I’m attending are surprised that I’m stably going to them six times a week. The instructors of the same club wonder why I do drastically different exercises every day. And Satan is hectic about how my twin brother and I are doing one subscription for two.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №140237
How do four-year-olds know everything?

“Misha, why didn’t you close the door to Aunt Olle?
So she is married...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №140236
Q: Will we ever be able to build a spacecraft fast enough to deliver humans to one of the nearest exoplanets in a lifetime of one generation?
WOW: Earth is a spacecraft with all the amenities. We are flying in space at an unimaginable speed on an autopilot. The door is locked - "protection from the fool". All we have to do is wake up and put it in order.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140235
XHH: There was no electronic documentation, and there is no one. Everything on paper, soon it will be embarrassing to go out into the forest, to look the trees in the eyes.
The Dendroids.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №140234
From the Workers:
As my friend VDVshnik says, “If you don’t know what to do, then push yourself out.” But we’re not in the army, so I’m going to write a new regulation.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140233
xxx: I wanted to set up a piano at home, walked around and opened 1 site. The title of the article "If you are not an adjuster, then it is impossible to configure the piano yourself." Cool. Thanks for help.
YYY: It was very lucky. Usually the article is called "How to configure a piano yourself", and you 15 minutes read about how each of us sometimes need to configure a piano, how it was invented, what factories produce them, how to properly hold hands while playing... You get tired of reading, scratching to the end and seeing the last sentence - "if you are not an adjuster, then it is impossible to configure the piano yourself".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №140232
Comments on bullshots (fake screenshots and video to games) on 4pda...
by newboy_me:
Regarding hamburgers: even food stylists are drying, the task of which is to make the food beautiful for a photo session. And there, deodorants for hair, paint and other substances that are not combined with food can go on, but the task of which is to show the glow, look, appetite of a particular product...

by newboy_me:
Same with grandmothers ;)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140231
The sooner a person starts his working day, the lower his salary.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №140230
xxx> fuck, well so erotic girls behind the wall stand
xxx> by two votes "u-UH, u-UH, AAA!" and so on.
xxx> in table tennis play, and so every lunch break, it is impossible to work harder
Yyy> are you sure they play tennis there?
xxx> well in order to at least somehow keep the working mode I try to convince myself that in tennis, although the subconscious traitfully draws more interesting options

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №140229
The conversation is now in the clinic. Grandpa and Grandpa are younger. She says "Here my husband worked, worked and died". My grandfather is so " He is so bad. I’t have died; there were a lot of brilliant aforisms there, but, thank God, he remained silent. I think about new phrases.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №140228
to this:
A computer worker! Why did you delete the items about drawing websites, programming in 1C? Why did you eliminate the maintenance of the SCD and video surveillance systems?
We computers are different. Do you need someone then?
It is written here!! to
“Let me explain more clearly: we, the sisadmines, programmers, computer scientists – as doctors. Someone treats the lungs, someone the face, someone the heart, and someone... Here you, for example, to treat eggs go to the specialist doctor, or immediately to the surgeon? Not to suffer?
It was the first time in my life that I saw a man pale so quickly! Almost to the blue!! He was so upset that I had to call the secretary and ask for water and corvalol!
The interview ended immediately.

I usually go to a pathologist - also a doctor! and :)

[ + 9 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140227
The Army is a great school! You are the one who decides at what time you will get up, what you will eat, what you will wear when you will wash. And the main thing is not to think, do not decide anything, everything is written in the statute. And most importantly, it will attack the wraps - we will march it, cut it and sew it. The enemy is frightened and flees. A man is not a man if he did not serve.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140226
I had in my youth an old Soviet TV Tchaika-714, which was more frequently repaired than worked. I enable him. And he begins to show in black and white, everything is ripped, focused, only the silhouettes of people are visible. I think, again the breath and the repair wanted, and here is the voice of Nikolai Drozdov: But this is how our world is seen by a frog!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140225
*xxx and yyy form the shopping list*
Is the cheese hard?
Is it soft or soft?
XXX: Strong
XX: Not in the sense of the Moose scale
In the sense of cheese.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №140224
If you suddenly thought that life is beautiful and you live in the best country - just try to buy an OSAGO policy with a discount.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №140223
I was at the dentist, and in the process of discussing the front of upcoming works talked about the topic of teeth around. She was treated by a little girl (classycheskago), a 12-year-old girl, so she began to question:

Why did you go to the dentist school?
I wanted to help people, and this direction I worked best, here I can bring more benefit.
And I would go to the doctor to study, because I can hurt people, and I will not do anything!
and O_0

In nine out of ten cases, I think this is the case.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №140222
In the Australian city of Kluna, the sanitary was instructed to put order in the pipeline of a separate building. Routine work that suddenly led to an unusual discovery. The Serpent! An enormous piton who is intentionally stuck in a pipe. Having seen him, the sanitary technician immediately appealed to the relevant services. Unfortunately, the piton was cold and real, it seemed that he was already dead.It was decided to carefully extract the reptile and try to save it. The tube was disassembled in pieces, the piton was transported to the hospital for animals in Kerrambin. When the stationary body was dropped into a warm bath - the snake began to move.The ending of the story is positive - the python received the minimum damage and will live. The tube, of course, will have to be put again. But the problems do not end here - experts concluded that the piton repeatedly slipped through the sewerage and so used to it that one day he simply did not notice how he turned wrong and stuck. Given that this is far from the only piton in the district, the situation is likely to repeat.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna