— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112755
It was yesterday at the musical "Notre-Dame de Paris".
Story: "Beautiful" is given "Mudaku",after which incredible
She suffers and she is "just a friend" (from "Friendsons"), and "Mudak",
As always, "in chocolate"
It is like the history of the 15th century, and nothing has changed since then.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112754
to this

Dialogue between two accountants moving shipments from 1C trading base to 1C accounting.
In the 21st century, the spacecraft spaced the vastness of the universe, and I manually interrupted the contractors.
And Sasha showed me how to automate it.
...??? to
See also Ctrl-C Ctrl-V
by Zy. You won’t believe, but they have 1C programmers in the state – Sasha.

We had a similar "programmer", only Roma
Until a girl with a mathematical education came into accounting.
Now we have a new programmer and automated data transfer.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112753
We brought a month ago an unsettling and curious rabbit, such a harmful Carlson. I noticed that if you start to lick him, he's a wolf turning around him, trying to catch his hand. The husband blamed that this way the rabbit's head will turn and hurt. Yesterday I saw that he was doing the same thing, forcing the rabbit to run around his hand.
I said I couldn’t do that, I said.
The husband with grief answers:
Maybe at least he will get tired.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112752
Whoever remembers the old, has an eye on his ass.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №112751
It’s easier than accumulating quotes. Forgiving, a Christian does not hold evil on you, does not wish you all sins, does not avenge. This is enough. And to the court he files as a citizen, the church in our country is separate from the state, you know, and it is quite possible that he wishes you only good. Why are you so upset by the court, you are a criminal?

If he submits a murder, for example, or another act violating the law - then okay, the citizen is a citizen. But what law does an abstract citizen appeal to when he goes to court for insulting religious feelings? What are these feelings and why should they be protected by law?

I like your revenge. When it is convenient – I am Orthodox, when it is uncomfortable to be Orthodox (for example, you do not want to passively accept someone else’s hostility to your religion) – I am immediately a citizen.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №112750
Today comes a SMS from an unknown number to me: "Sorry baby, the matter is not in you, I met another. I was even abandoned by a strange girl.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112749
and further. Productivity in the United States of America (!!! Higher than in Russia.
Divide 3000 by 6 - a total of 500 backs. At the rate of 50 - 25000 rubles per month.
Attention to normal wages! Nude is understood? You are paying too much...
Generally right. With one clarification:
Labor productivity depends much more on the work of the management (both the firm and the country) than on the hard work of a particular employee. Their salary is at the level of the U.S. government, or even higher.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112748
X-Men: I have not seen him for a long time
Yyy: Dick moved to the capital, and bought the two there somewhere between the third ring and the MKAD.
xxx: #@ and you! With which girls?? to
The state procurement.
XXX: How did he get there? Everything is caught there.
Yyy: Well my imagination paints it like this:
The man comes to the responsible person.
I would like my company to win such a tender for the supply of finishing materials.
You know how high the demands are.
Valer Cotatis is!
Valerie is scattered! Tender is yours.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112747
Discussing how in Louisiana from the viaduc a train struck, the club of sofa analysts is broken: the weight of the wagon, the width of the track, the force of the wind, aerodynamics, hydrodynamics, resonance of supports and the reflection of the light of the steam projector from the upper layers of the atmosphere of Venus...
The partner looked at his eyes and said:
- Have you noticed how clearly the protection signs in the store worked out?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112746
A strong and independent woman.

It’s scary to say, but a pink haircut, a charged tablet, porn and three kittens in bed replace a full-fledged man. Fully and equally.
Fuck, tell me what you are doing with the cats. I need to know!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №112745
Walking with her little sister, she asks, “Why do you paint so beautifully and I don’t?” Well, I tactically answer that I spoke a little older.
A little older? A little older? The child is angry. You are eighteen and I am six. Marry you soon, and I still live and live!

Now she’s sixteen... She’ll soon find out if there’s life after marriage.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112744
xxx: At the age of 15, I could not become a waitress because it was hard to learn the menu (there were a lot of salads and ingredients on the front page). I had to go to Aichi.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112743
(Discussions by colleagues
He is a man-pampers.
Why the Pampers?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112742
from opennet, about another mega bug in wordpress

> yes, it’s better to use pure html than that.

HTML is not good at all. The text on the naked html will be very easy to read, and the visitor can afford such outrageous greed as choosing the font he likes, not the designer, its color and size. At the bottom of html it is inconvenient to make the text of the site in the form of a thin column of 500 pixels on a screen width of 2-4 thousand pixels. At the bottom of the html, it is not possible to make a very important image appear in the forefront during reading. It is extremely inconvenient to make the whole text flowing over with all imaginable flowers.
Who needs a clean html?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112741
I think...
Until we have an agreement...
I should note, this is a terribly profitable case, schizophrenia, there is always someone to consult and discuss :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112740
Productivity in the United States of America (!!! Higher than in Russia.
Divide 3000 by 6 - a total of 500 backs. At the rate of 50 - 25000 rubles per month.

Attention to normal wages! Nude is understood? You are paying too much...
How many times the productivity of the excavator on the excavator exceeds the productivity of the scavenger with a spade? And the second question is because the earth is too lazy, right?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112739
I watched the movie with my husband "Sphere", where an American military recruits a team for contact with aliens. The team must include a psychologist because we don’t know how people will react to encounters with unknown forms of life.
I: Humans, if not zoologists, often encounter unknown forms of life.
M: Put a stick and say "What kind of shit?and "
I: How courageous you are, I’t be ticking into an unknown whore with a stick, I would just say, “What a whore!”and "

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112738
Average wage in the United States for 2014 – approximately $47,000 per year

The average tax for this figure in California (federal + local) is approximately 23.4%.
total 47000*76.6% = 36002$ for hands or 3000 per month for hands.

and further. Productivity in the United States of America (!!! Higher than in Russia.
Divide 3000 by 6 - a total of 500 backs. At the rate of 50 - 25000 rubles per month.

Attention to normal wages! Nude is understood? You are paying too much...

No scams and no fraud.
1st The average price is taken across all states, and the tax is taken from the most expensive, in which the average price is 4500 / month.
2nd The number “six times” doesn’t mean that Everyone works six times better. This means that ALL together (including government agencies) work more effectively.
Three Well, the hint looks strange in your interpretation: it turns out that the entire Russian lazy is born and is not worthy of a good standard of life until working becomes 6 times more.
I would not personally be so blatant about the whole people - there are obvious and visible factors of pushing working and competent people out of the country, complicating activities for those who want to work and earn money. And it is not the citizens of the Russian Federation who are to blame for this, but the activities of very specific people, which many know very well.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №112737
Is it possible to offend the feelings of a nihilist? Can Nihilists Be Believers? How will a nihilist react to insulting his feelings?
— — —
And what has been done with the offended Christians who have filed for trial?

Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who offend you and persecute you.
"Do not judge, and you will not be judged"
If you forgive men their sins, your heavenly Father will forgive you, and if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive you your sins.
"Do not resist evil. But whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other to him; and whoever wants to judge you and take your shirt, give him also his garment.

This is not some controversial place from the Old Testament (a type of notorious execution of homosexuals). This is the main programming text that Christians should learn. And I honestly do not understand how a person who is offended and demands that an offender be put in jail can consider himself a Christian.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №112736
In the role-playing game of the Round Table, King Arthur played a very detailed knight armor. Only from some of his considerations drank him out of some gesture (in both senses of the word).
Very soon the subjects became popular pantomime "King Arthur is stealing".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna