— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157997
I lay on my bed, my wife was dusting. The dog is afraid of the noisy vacuum cleaner, lay down on my side, found protection. I calm her, I calm her. The wife finished, went to another room.

I, slapping, the dog: “Well, don’t be afraid, the horror has gone.”

The woman from the next room: I’ll be back now.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №157996
After turning the hooks, you can wrap the screw.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №157995
I gave my child a balloon for the day. Now sell such - large, shiny, of different shapes and colors. Our was in the form of some cartoon "live" machine - a huge, dark blue with bright white eyes and a stupid smile. Under the bandage, filled with helium, the ball hung boldly, supporting the ceiling, and rattled on us from above with large eyes, twisted. However, a week later, the helium from it slightly digested, and the ball changed its orbit. Now he was hanging in the air approximately at the level of an adult’s head. Driven by unknown air flows, the foolish car slowly moved from room to room, drawing a rope on the floor and irritating the cat. Everyone quickly got used to it and stopped noticing it.
I wanted green tea late in the evening. A large bowl of honey and lemon came into me like a dry ground. I complained about this stomach at three o’clock at night when I woke up for a natural reason. I dreamed of something interesting, I didn’t really want to go, but where to go... I decided to do it by the method of “half-blowing”: I went to the toilet with half-closed eyes and didn’t turn on the light. Our sanus is combined and quite spacious. I stumbled inside, stumbled upon a cat’s bowl and realized that in such darkness I was still not very comfortable. Above the shell in the mirror there was a built-in dim lamp, the light of which was barely enough to illuminate this mirror. Practically the night is what needs to be! I stretched out my hand and touched the switch.
Suddenly someone touched my shoulder.
Not strong, but quite tangible.
I suddenly sweated, my stomach was not good. I raise my eyes to the mirror - something big and black moves over me from behind and looks straight into my soul with terrible white eyes.
This is where I almost did everything I came to, with over-execution of the plan.
With one jump, I found myself behind the threshold and turned on the light. I threw out the flying paddle into the corridor, returned to the shell, splashed on the face with cool water... I stand, I look at myself – this is an adult man, and the heart is beating, the hands are not listening...
As in that anecdote: "I understand that this is Bobik, not a bear, and I can't stop fucking..."
I did not sleep until morning.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157994
That forty-five is a beautiful age, you only understand at sixty.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157993
Which women do you like, smart or beautiful?

Neither the one nor the other. I just need you!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157992
I understood something here. The secret to happiness in movies is not just to bring breakfast to your lady’s bed, but to make the size of the apartment so that you can cook the breakfast and not wake the sleeping woman.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №157991
In the morning, the world seems unfriendly. But closer to lunch you begin to understand: no, it didn’t seem.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157990
On the morning of April 12, 2009, the 56-year-old American Douglas White with his wife and two children returned from a vacation in Florida to his home in Mississippi on a charter two-engine King Air 200, designed for 8-9 passengers.

For 20 years before that, Doug learned to fly on a small single-engine Sessna and even received a license. Shortly before that day, he decided to regain his skills and began studying at Sessna again. The pilot allowed him to sit in the right seat. The equipment of the aircraft was seriously different from what Douglas knew, and he asked how radio communications worked to also listen to conversations with the controllers.

An elderly pilot, a veteran of the Vietnam War, took off and set the autopilot to a smooth set of heights. and fell on the side.

Imagine you are sitting behind the back of a motorcyclist, he is driving straight and suddenly disappears, and you find yourself in the seat alone, and before that only riding a bicycle. You know what to brake, but where is the brake?

Douglas knew what to do, but he didn’t know how. The vast majority of the instruments on the panel were unknown to him, the dead pilot blocked some of them, and he never controlled the aircraft from the right seat. But he knew how to contact the dispatcher.

Doug spoke so confidently on the radio that the controller first decided that the only problem was that the pilot lost consciousness and needed an urgent landing, and the plane was under the control of the second pilot. Douglas had to explain that he was just a passenger who was flying a little on Sessna.

In the U.S., the controller is not obliged to know how to control an aircraft. Luckily for Douglas, on that day in the shift center of Miami worked manager Lisa Grimm, a pilot and an experienced instructor. She didn’t fly to King Air, but she knew how to work with newcomers.

Douglas was very afraid to turn off the autopilot. He saw that the plane continued to gain height despite the fact that the predetermined ten-thousand-foot limit had already been overcome. The pilot did not have time to set the autopilot to the end. If the autopilot is not turned off, the aircraft will continue to gain height, and at some point it will stop reaching speed, it will lose control and fall. Lisa convinced him that the autopilot should be turned off and instructed what and how to do. Disconnecting the autopilot, Douglas faced a new problem: the nose of the aircraft continued to blow up. Adjustments had to be changed. The button was next to my hand, “but I didn’t know.” However, he watched the pilot during the take-off and had time to notice what exactly he was doing. The necessary switch was located somewhere under the pilot’s body.

Douglas called his wife, but to pull the heavy body out of the chair in the narrow cabin she did not have enough strength. As a result, she tightened his seat belt stronger and held the dead pilot behind his shoulders, pressing him to the back of the seat until the end of the flight.

Douglas switched the plane from the height set mode and following the instructions of Lisa Grimm changed the course and began a slow descent.

At this time, the dispatchers worked like a curse, cleaning up the sky and switching the rest of the aircraft to spare frequencies (one pilot turned out to be dumb and clinged into Lisa and Douglas’s talks eight times, until finally switched to another frequency.)

Somewhere half an hour before Douglas a new problem arose: it was necessary to switch the radio to the frequency of airport controllers. Then he said he was very scared because Lisa was his only source of information. The process of switching frequencies was not obvious (it was enough to say that the radio was four pieces and Douglas wasn’t even sure at first which one was his!) And before doing this, he tried to make sure he knew how to get back to the previous one. But he succeeded.

The controller at Fort Myers International Airport was ready. One of them was lucky enough to be a pilot. He had already finished the shift when the boss intercepted him at the exit. But Brian Norton also flew only on the little Cessna and Cherokee. And then it was lucky for the third time: another controller remembered his old friend, the most experienced instructor with a great experience at King Air. He called him on his cell phone and he answered. That Sunday morning, Carrie Sorenson was already sitting in his office, and King Air materials were at his disposal.

Douglas asked the question to the dispatcher, he passed the question to the comrade, the comrade asked Carrie by phone and Carrie answered.

Are you flying on autopilot or are you flying on your own?

“God and I lead him in a couple!

Later, Carrie recalled that when he realized that he was dealing with a pilot, though very inexperienced, he decided to simplify the task to Douglas as much as possible. Let it fly like it is in Seattle. He does not need to try to study additional equipment and instruments for the flight, he is familiar with the main ones, and this is the main thing.

Douglas was very nervous. Behind him were his wife and two daughters. But for his luck, the information passed through a ridiculously long channel of four people without distortions, the weather stood beautiful, the plane was completely right and Douglas got it all. Of course, when he just turned off the autopilot and mastered the flight in manual mode, he was not immediately able to withstand a steady speed (approximately like those who are just learning to drive a car and still do not feel the gas pedal) and it fluctuated within a hundred nodes. But after half an hour, the fluctuations dropped to just ten nodes.

WP was far away. Douglas was waiting for another surprise: King Air had only two lock-off positions, while Cessna, who he knew, had four. But he managed this, and with the release of the chassis, and, most importantly, with the necessary courses, speeds and heights.

And again luck: usually the wind in those places is noticeably stronger, but there was almost no wind that day.

The landing went great, “I sat like a butterfly with his legs hurt,” Douglas recalled later. Having stopped, he realized that he did not know how to turn off the engines and was afraid that someone from the ground rescue services would "fall under the screws." Not immediately, but he did it too.

All negotiations are recorded and available. White’s voice sounds tense but confident. Only once, after landing, he blinked out loud.

The story did not end there. Douglas White decided that now he would definitely become a real pilot. It became them. He obtained a license and over the next ten years he spent more than a thousand hours on... King Air, and among his flights – several rescue missions to Haiti.

The Sources:

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157989
If the horses on the crossroads are not changed, and at the same time the horse is the person making decisions, then the whole life of the country will be an eternal and endless crossroads.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №157988
Xxx: I have my wife weighing, my stomach pulling.

Yyy: This is to see the weights.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №157987
xxx: Pregnant with me one employee sent in a decree, temporarily took another, got pregnant and she sent in a decree, temporarily took another she also got pregnant sent in a decree took a grandmother hopefully won't get pregnant.

Did you try not to fuck them?

Zzz: So why hire employees at all?

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157986
I was here, not able to withstand that three-minute unknowledge that the child is going from home to school, bought him a phone watch with location information function. I remembered my childhood: My mother drove me on a bus in the summer and I went to my grandmother to the village. The road took four hours, but it was impossible to relax and fall asleep - it was necessary to go out in an undetermined place, timely to the driver. Stress is the same - if I had travelled, I would not know how to go and there is no money to travel. Afterwards, pull two villages to the spot. And the bag... My mother did not allow me to raise five kilograms in my life, because you will "dorm", and then I gave a bag of 15 kilograms at the minimum and I did not know how many kilometers on the pitch. Every time I thought I would die. So about what I was... The phones then even stationary were not everybody’s. My grandmother had to go to the mail for that. No one was frozen. That is, my mother had learned that I had arrived safely, only about a month later when I would write a letter. If I write. I was not worried then.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №157985
There are no prohibiting money signs.

[ + 44 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157984
We could not sell the apartment for a long time, everyone was scared by neighbors-alkashi from the apartment opposite. A week ago, these same neighbors sold their murdered apartment to the first to come to see at the same price as we asked for (the planning is the same). Because they have a “good neighborhood, quiet neighbors.” It is great! We were sold in a suite with an alcoholic apartment))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №157983
In the horoscope I read that in the second half of life I expect success, prosperity, well-being! How much did God measure me? I am 55, and I still have the first half of my life.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №157982
A long time ago: I am pregnant, the bubble is visible, but not the last months. In the spring, I walk in a warm coat. A guy catches behind: “Girl, such legs shouldn’t pass by! Let us get acquainted!” I turn to him with my temporarily enlarged body. and pause. “Oh, I see, someone has already met you...” They stood next to you, cracked and went apart, each on his business.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №157981
When I was small, my father said, I will show the magic now. I ordered to take a few pages of the newspaper, divide it into flat rectangles. I carefully cut out, and then he said, Take each and cut them, rub them, and then straighten them. I did everything hard, in anticipation of the focus. He took them and went to the toilet. The paper is over)

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №157980
XXX: We have a bed at the bed. My wife and the child went for a couple of weeks to host my father-in-law, and when I returned, I was arranged a fucking scandal because of the fact that there was a lack of a pretext. And I, fucking, just decided to remember my childhood and make a captain! They said, “Are you fucking fucking? You’re 30 years old, what kind of captains are you, what kind of fools are you?” No, well, I had to run to the pharmacy and buy a whole package when I have everything at home?

That is, he did not give any reason for suspicion, and did not do anything wrong, and Gandon still remained.

YYY: At least we don’t do it.

Zzzz: What only one did

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №157979
As a child, I dreamed of becoming a hero of work. But when I grew up, I learned that I needed to work for it. Children’s dreams are broken.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №157978
I am a change manager. The owner’s wife is an artist. A beautiful lady, smart, talented, but flattering. After drinking, she begins to paint portraits, and somehow she gets to get a character. That is, you look at the picture and understand what this person has in mind, what he lives, what he fears and so on. Before I read about this in books, considered the author's imagination, but believe me, I saw it in reality. A week ago the boss was not there, and his wife is not entering the territory. The machine was broken, itself blue, sat in the corner of the shop, put a bottle of vodka in his feet and began, periodically crawling, silently drawing portraits of workers in a regular notebook with the simplest ball pen. I, of course, lighted that the work continued, like nothing happened and everything as it should be. He called the boss, he came, took her home and, according to rumors, then coded. And the notepad I picked up, there were about 20 sketches, and... I finally understood who spit the Bulgarian.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna