— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №97424
RJD discussion on a well-known website:
Especially funny when the head of the IT department puts the railroadman (your own), and his subordinates profile specialists.
I knew one such leader. In an informal environment, he was unimaginable:
Imagine, this sysadmin in a sweater like that all with university education begins to advise me WHO we buy equipment, type cheaper. Do you imagine? I tell him: first bring an explanation of your yesterday’s five-minute delay to work (we’ve got our drums set up, God give us), then bring your appearance into line with the company’s requirements, put a plan of your work for the next month on my table, and then come and give me advice when I call you! He was hiding from me for a month. So I then called him, checked the execution of his work plan, kicked off for the inaccuracy of the formulations, for low performance and for the fact that I had 2 days the internet worked badly, some sites did not open.
Or here’s another masterpiece: "You want to say that there’s a processor in a cell phone?!!! Do you know what a processor is? Come to me to work, I will show you what a processor is! There are 5 in total."

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №97423
Every two months there’s a Fairy advertisement that says it’s getting thicker. Soon it will become an ordinary piece of soap.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №97422
From the discussion of the creation of the Russian network "Ceburashka":

XXX: The next step – Chebursches in the government... Although not, I confuse – this was the previous step

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №97421
Congratulations on the Star Wars Day! Star Wars Day. You can scratch for all 6 removed parts and one removed. And also for toys, comics, sequels, prequels, cartoons and other fan-art.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №97420
I remember the day I bought my first computer. It was August 16, 1998. What dates he remembers, you will tell. Luckily, very lucky, I will say. August 17 was defeated.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
You will think!
I bought a 15th or 16th house. But the seller was not lucky - he insisted on paying in rubles, even specifically for him, he had to exchange bucks, tax...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97419
The morning :
A small child.
- Coffee
The laptop
No more than two combined.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97418
The wiki:
"Festivals on May 3.
World Press Freedom Day.
International Day of Silence"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97417
A man in a hat goes on TV3
WOW: Who is coming?
Han Solo in the Hat and with the Germans
This is Indiana Jones.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97416
8th of March in the garden. Mystery about Grandma. In a cloth, in a cloth, and all that. Children (St. Petersburg, 2014) got into a stupor.
Someone hypothesized:
The cat? With the club...

The present grandmothers - fitness stars, beauties and bosses smiled echoingly.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97415
I am a girl of considerable dignity and excessive charm. Nevertheless, my young man (as strange as it may be, muscular and ardent) was able to drag me on his arms - said, and loved one pleasant, and muscles pump XD Yesterday, after a month of convictions, I stood up with him on weights. The number did not please both. I am - because I am healed, he - I quote - because "Something small I am raising... on you a candy, rabbit :) ".
I bought a candy, but I thought 😉

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №97414
CTRL-V + CTRL-C, you say six months did not know?
After six months of using the first computer, I learned about the existence of the BackSpace and Delete keys. But before that, I not only learned to print, but also learned not to make mistakes when printing, because the only way (as I thought at the time) to correct my mistake is to close the document, open a new one and print it all over again. The record, by the way, is a page of the text in 12m font.
I remember the day I bought my first computer. It was August 16, 1998. What dates he remembers, you will tell. Luckily, very lucky, I will say. August 17 was defeated.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №97413
It is said that the absence of a husband makes a wife single. My husband left for the weekend. In the afternoon I watched hockey, now I watch porn, drink beer and eat dried meat. The Beauty)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97412
In films and literature it is repeatedly mentioned that in prison it is very dangerous to dive soap in the shower.
I can say by myself that soap in the bathroom is dangerous at all. Especially when the soap is white. The bath is white. And he has the strongest short-sightedness minus eight.

You need to buy colored soap.
stumbled into the store.
by JJ

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97411
One of the few things in this world that you can’t buy is a product separator for the tape at the box office.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97410
Bapehukyc: Honestly, I’m ready to rub this shit! But now is not time.

Yascher: It was the best compliment to the software I’ve ever done!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97409
After reading combat fantasy for a long time could not enter the inscription:
Granate extract and UV filter.
What is this weapon, why is there no single defect and why is it written on the shampoo?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97408
xxx: Basically, yes, poker marketing is different from casino marketing.
xxx: In a casino, the main customers are debils who consider themselves to be more fortunate than others.
xxx: In poker, the main customers are fools who think they are smarter than others.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97407
Pomorin: Ernst shot himself. He shot himself in the tongue.
Gobzter: It is unlikely. He could have hurt his beloved leader.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №97406
This is happening in Bulgaria:
xxx: I German eBay offers to buy something for my garden :)
Buy yourself a gardener. A German gardener. To come and plant.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97405
xxx: Looking only at the disadvantages, you need to find the pros, because even the black square of Malevich contains white spots.
Zzz: And the triangle works on the weekend.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna