— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №98284
To see the whole picture, you can’t just look right in front of yourself.
He: You have to go up and see everything.
She: And to say chaotic?! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №98283
Can I condemn a flies for doing it? When in my head, I am angry. As well as the pirates. When in silent solitude they do what their souls are to do, who will object? But they organize façade marches and tie themselves to the lanterns on the shore, dude in dudes, beat the drums and scream so that everyone knows their temper - somewhat scratching in the point and scratching in the ass. Indeed, they are worse than flies, for flies only occasionally sin on my head, but pidaras try from day to day to gather in the very center of it. The flies are misunderstood, but the pirates are cold-blooded and conscious.
And by that I realize that they do not want to watch each other, but all, and forcibly, and mutual sodomy for them is only a pretext and a cause.
by V. Pelevin

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №98282
In connection with the ban of the GPS system on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in connection with technical problems in the work of the domestic GLONASS system, Roskomnadz reminds: "Moch grows on the north side of the tree."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98281
I’m back from vacation, and I don’t see anything under the table. The whole office was broken, he found, she was pulled into the corner and a printer was placed on it. I arranged everything and think like transporting a tumba to myself. On the one hand, it’s on wheels – "Push, I don’t want". On the other hand, it is also low, and in general not a wheelchair with a pen - that is, if you carry on the floor, then through the entire office to go in the position of a Polish washing machine. Well, I think, and pofig - a strong boy - I take on my arms and carry.
One colleague turns around, looks at me and begins to roar: you did not serve in the army??? It is square – katy.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98280
He, of course, is still a muzzle, but sometimes you listen – and he is telling the truth!
YYY: Well, it’s like a stalled clock that shows absolutely accurate time twice a day.
zzz: And if the clock goes in the opposite direction, then they show the exact time already 4 times a day!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №98279
I am replacing my English teacher. Today we have a 2nd class. About half are girls.
On the shift one approaches me and says, “And we have a girl with a rare name in our class. Her name is IRA."
and em. I was a little surprised.
Then I looked at their magazine. And there: Evelina, Angelina, two Milanese, Valeria, Marianna.
He worked as a DJ in a strip club, so all striptease girls had such pseudonyms.
Presented by the stripper after 15 years: "Meet, on stage - Miss Katya! Next for you will be two burning chocolate Masha and Zina!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №98278
Yes, "Latin" – it’s really creative... And that it’s Latin – it’s not at all creative...
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

The ignorant aggression has risen. Both versions of the name language are correct.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98277
Answer by

The xxx:
What is 1 horsepower?
and ZZZ:
1 horsepower = 50 dogs = 150 cats = 2500 muscles = 1,250,000 mosquitoes.
and also
1 horse power = 0.8 donkey = 0.1 elephant = 0.01 whale power

Good luck brother!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №98276
Google has 2 questions.
29.05.2013 how to build a combination in axonometry [drawing]
May 1, 2014 How to get revenge? [ The Army ]

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98275
Love: we here bodies collapse who parked
Favourite: Cappuccino
One of them bought a car.
I love it and it is driving badly.
Favorite: Another one is worth teaching how to park
March Cat: Oh capec, there is such a teacher probably *ROFL*
Favorite: comes the third, begins to strike on the one who teaches
Loving: Tell me what fucking you put me up, you don't know how to park
March Cat: The Gorgeous :D
My favorite: but
Favorite of: Epilepsy
Favorite: Passing by our husband
Favorite: says like this - you girl parking, 3 cars where 10 could be
Love: and all... the curtains... the silence...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №98274
>xxx: That’s why it’s... I’m taking pictures – well, a bit of flies. Well, blockpost, well soldiers, well a machine gun. Nothing happens. Nothing, in short. All the same picture... well, fucking, just offensive. The Blockpost! The soldiers! The bullet is such a plague! Stalingrad, Bosnia and the forcing of Dnipro in one bottle. This camera is so special, right?

>yyy: This is the button "the masterpiece" of the tap)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98273
HH: This is shit. I am sitting in court, in front of the server. There is such a huge uncle inside, speaking bass, and every time his phone rings, he says loud enough "go in the ass!" and doesn’t take the phone.
The admin joke is not a joke.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №98272

19 May 2014 at 23:24
Two days tomorrow at the same time?
Zero readiness for both?
Half eighteenth night?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №98271
Forum of programmers:

xxx:"Hello to all the active participants of this forum. Please help complete the task in AutoCAD 2007."
ууу:"Well, programmers now also have to draw bullshit... And whose eyebrow with the onion to burn? Don’t be afraid, we live in lights and fulfill three wishes.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I just can’t make a wave line"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №98270
Nothing is as intriguing for a lonely girl as a sms at 11 a.m. from an unknown number with the text "Hello".

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №98269
to this:
— — — —
Do you wear socks / socks with sandals / bosons, evening dresses with winter boots, smokings with boots...
< further multibook>
— — — —
Robert Downey Jr. is constantly wearing smokings and other classic costumes with shoes. Thousands of hamsters consider him an icon of style.

I would just like to note that even in those layers of society where it is customary to wear classical costumes still applies the rule "if you really want, you can". The notion of norm, the notion of elegance, the notion of how to dress in society and society itself are changing.
And so far it all reminds of the discussion of the 20th century kind: "How is it possible - a woman in pants!111 - But they are even more comfortable riding a bike, retrograde!"

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №98268
Nguyen: The Russians (in the broad sense of the word) are fictionally similar to the Jews, only they monetize their fiction, and the Russians are not.

CrazyFly0: well) a niqab like this, when the Russian can, he will also monetize

Janus: Russian can always, the problem is whether they want it or not

Tangar: The problem is that when a Russian wants to call him a Jew

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №98267
Comments on PornLab:

varpass_vl: Uzbek is some
13thraven: I'm not going to be like that
Sla666: It looks like this, I’m already crawling.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №98266
How is? How does your logic get to the point that you fall into wild extremes, transferring your cynicism to absolutely inappropriate comparisons? Fuck, I don’t hurt in the entrance, but I wear big shoes in the summer (stiles or, at a bad end, hooks), and I hide as someone looks at me. I am so comfortable. And to questions like "you don’t bother such shoes" I just don’t respond. Why are you shifting your comfort zone to really inappropriate things? Tip, today he wears socks with sandals, tomorrow in the entrances, after tomorrow - he will sell the homeland, right?

Because this is the logic of the soldier, it is like this:
The point is not that you lack a button, but to get you in order. Today you don’t sew the button, and so you start to lordry. Tomorrow you will find it difficult to disassemble and clean the rifle, after tomorrow you will forget in some tractor your stick and finally fall asleep at the post.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №98265
All shuffles and shuffles are resting.
Gave a great chair for a couple of months, I just didn’t need it. He comes back, all in white. Ask what happened to him;
-Well, he stood in the barracks on the country, and there live different rabbits-figolics and chickens-figures...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna