— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141350
15 May 2017.
22 days to obtain the diploma.

Are the diplomas ready?
YYY: almost
zzz: I wrote the introduction today :)
yyy: There is no graphic part yet (
nnn: yes fucking, half a half
Mmm: It remains to form and draw
XXX: Drawing
Anthony is probably ready.
Fuck the Diploma!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141349
1923-24: Stalin, Zinoviev, Kamenev against Trotsky
1925-26: Stalin, Bucharin, Rykov against Zinoviev and Kamenev (new opposition).
1926-27: Stalin, Bucharin, Rykov against Zinoviev, Kamenev and Trotsky (United Opposition).
1928-29: Stalin against Bukharin, Rykov and Tomsky (right shift).
The Bolshevik Thrones.
Stalin is apparently the girl Ariya. Which will also silence everyone.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141348
The less you think, the more often you want to eat. The head has to do something.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141347

A couple returned from the funeral of their uncle George, who had lived with them for 20 years. He was so bored that he barely destroyed their family.
“I want to tell you something, dear,” said the man. “If it wasn’t for my love for you, I’t have endured your uncle George for a day. I'm sorry, but it's good that he finally went to a different world.
My uncle? The woman shouted in horror. I thought Uncle George was your uncle.
(The funny anecdote)

Today I am half a century old. It sounds awful as if it’s not about me.
We sit in the kitchen, we celebrate, we cut the cake. The son carried the plates and stumbled onto a small black platter. In fact, this taboote always angered me, it had to be thrown out for a long time. You cannot stand on it - it will collapse, sitting - too uncomfortable - too low. It’s meaningless, just talking under my feet. And why do we endure it for so many years and do not throw it away?
Yura wiped his broken leg, raised the taburet and said dissatisfied:

Does this collapse us? What to do with her? And in the dark you can get even worse and break your head. Maybe we’ll throw it out, right?

I just wanted to agree with my son, but my wife spoke:

No, Jura, this taboo cannot be thrown away. Tell me why?
- Exactly forty-nine years ago, when my dad was a year old, his father, your grandfather, made this taboo with his own hands, so it is already a family relic.

I included here:

Shura, what about this taboo? Yes, my dad broke up a similar taboo in my childhood, but it was in another life and in Lviv. What does this shit have to do with?
“For a moment, I remember it all very well – in the ninety-eighth, when we rented our first apartment at a bearded grandmother in Warsaw, you told me this story, about this table. That’s why we took it when we moved.
Why did you decide what about this?! to
You were sitting there when I told you. This is fucking. I even repaired it once when it broke. So that you do not notice.
"That's why I always thought, 'Why is this my wife attracted from my parents and dragging this meaningless taboo on the rental apartments? And so things are unprovoked, in "Gazel" do not enter" and ask, for some reason, did not think.

Talk to your wife more often, so that you don’t spit on other people’s tables for the rest of your life.
Forgive us, bearded grandmother, we did not steal her from evil.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141346
xxx: when the editing of the genome becomes available to everyone (comps were also dozens on the planet 40 years ago), really strange things will appear.
For example, a cat for the military. The Haki Color. to protect against rats in combat conditions
YYY: Then it was LGBT-cat. The Rainbow
xxx: he is a lsd cat, ah

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141345
I asked my wife how the day was.

J: Okay: I walked, went to the paint shop, breathed.

7th month of pregnancy.

[ + 30 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141344
Following the recent tightening of access to the Rutreker, this forum has remarkably revived.
Users from Russia joyfully discuss on the Rutreker forum the attempts of Roszapretnadzor to shut down access.

And they play.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141343
Don’t spend money on clothes, spend on psychotherapy. It doesn’t matter how old you are if everyone around you is to blame.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141342
Alina: Nath, I am looking for a shorter paper with number 2139
by Nath, 2142
by Nath, 2141
by Nath, 2140
Alina: Nath, 2138 to fuck!
Prince Wolf: with wagons in the RZD the same shit

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141341
> said that netbooks will replace laptops

...I at this point even hoped that the site writers would at least somehow cut their shit appetites for netbooks. Well, not in ten megabytes will be a page with three paragraphs of informative text, but at least two. The scripts will be eaten not as a calculation of Zimbabwe’s budget, but at least as a calculation of the satellite’s trajectory. Advertising will load the system not like Doom IV, but at least as Doom II.
And the shit was there at night, the netbooks were weaker, they gave in to the fucking progress. Even with all the adblocks, the Core i5 is not always pulling out what netbooks are there.
Here would be some law against fucking sites on fucking scripts, at least where these fucking scripts did not fall on the fucking... dreams, dreams :-/

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141340
I’m waiting for an expert response from a pregnant 26-year-old vegan. Doctors are foolish? Has she not died yet?

There is no answer, because. she will be busy with taking out the soul from a neonatologist and pediatrician on the topic of "where does a child have some kind of anemia, why he is all so painful, weak and what for the developmental delay the heroes of Okayan wrote... In oncohematology among the parents of such animal lovers are full, the cow is sorry for them, and their child is not.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141339
XXX: The router has overtaken the rover again! Those tried to block the anonymous servers, but the pirates quickly wrote an application that bypasses the blocking. Our pirate frigate is now a pirate submarine, with stolen torpedoes!
Yyy: Truth with lifting the flag will be hard
XXX is of itself. Therefore, it was decided to replace the full flag with a desk in the captain's cabin.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141338
Oh my mom!
Books - dust, ticks and allergies, drinking - OV, snack - carcinogens, allergens, cholesterol and again OV, grandmothers - it is terrible to think, what a blow to the immune system, the psyche and life...Music ears spoils, readers - eyes, puff in the nose prevents living....What do you suggest? Prayer and fasting? In a sterile climate-conditioned cell separately carved in the rock? If you go there sooner, please isolate yourself, let people enjoy life...good books, good grandmothers, good food and good weather!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141337
The speed of a material point in a moment of time is derived from what?
From the way.
and Nippu.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №141336
XX: Comfortable probably in the house of foam. You take a cubic of foam, put on the site, cut out any layout within yourself. Tired - melted it, pulled a new one.
YY: Oh, and at the first wind, you fly to the smaragd city and become a towshka.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №141335
Blocking the entire resource that provides access to billions of media files because several of them violate copyright is equivalent to total destruction of a country with its multi-million population by hydrogen bombs, just because there were several terrorists among them. Bravo human rights defenders, there was no such unconscious cynicism even in Hitler.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141334
Yacht forum, discussion of the photo of the female tattoo under the truss in the form of a ship:

REV222: Yes, it’s a good thing!
Lovely kiss me!
Where to?
In the crusade...

Not good for the crawl camera.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №141333
Paper books are printed from files, and copying is not a problem. And scanning a paper book is the job of a low-paid girl per day. This is an obstacle for pirates.
I read more on screen than on paper. Even if the book is on the shelf - it is faster for me to find it in electronic form, the font can be displayed that which will be convenient for me without points, to find the right place - a matter of a few clicks.
A waste of resources on the manufacture of a paper book, delivery to the store, recycling or long storage of excess copies - actually, and increases the price. And all this - so that then it will stand on the shelf for decades in case the owner comes to the fantasy to read it a second time.
I need a text. I can get the text without that cost. If I need a shell of pages, a smell of leather, an autograph of the author, or Leonardo’s personal notes on the first hundred pages, I’ll pay, let the bouquiniers’ shops stay. I welcome a new business - to choose a book, to specify a design option, to pay - it will be printed, wrapped and delivered. Most of the books are interesting to me.
By the way, the author receives a single-digit (rarely two-digit) number of rubles from each copy. I would gladly press the button to delight the author with a penny, so that he receives for his work no less than from the publishing house. It is only a pity that most good authors do not need this for a long time.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141332
XXX: Guys, what can you advise to straighten your back? by Z-

YYY: speak help procedures of immersion for 2 meters in the mineral environment

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141331
Crocodiles Eat Priest Who Shows Jesus Walking on Water
Yyy: It is disgusting. Crocodiles urgently need to be attracted for insulting believers' feelings
Is it possible to pray to crocodiles?
The Holy Spirit, all that.
yyy: I think the crocodiles were somewhat more efficient on the water than the priest, so you shouldn’t rule out their divine principle.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna