— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141150
I am afraid that we are going to the point that in the end believers will insult the existence of atheists and we will all be transplanted.
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[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141149
I recently thought about the fact that sunlight is deadly for vampires. A "moonlight" is the sunlight reflected from the moon. How to live now?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141148
The heating is turned off. I'm looking for a son heater, wife and daughter sewing on their "chihuahua it's also a dog" a hat and sweater

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №141147
Under the Moscow metro. I know, I have seen. There is no red in it.

There are truffles.
No, something attracted so many pigs there.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141146
Regulations on road repairs:

1st Bringing a fresh mark.

2nd Replacement of asphalt;

Three Installing a new channeling.

[ + 26 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141145

Guys, the primitive "your own don't shake up on the passage, don't shake up in the entrance.... and everything will be OK" already simply its illogicity. I am not going through the passage. Most of my acquaintances don’t. One shit is enough for a hundred cultural people - and we will either break through the shit, or alternately clean up the shit.
Yes, the severity of the punishment does not affect law obedience - neither with travel payment, nor with garbage, nor with anything else. Only inevitability affects. Even if EVERYONE (or at least 90%) who is guilty will receive a verbal comment for the first time "remove it, and then the protocol will be drawn up", it will be clean.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №141144
68 years ago, on May 8, 1949, a monument to the warrior-liberator was solemnly opened in Berlin in the Treptov Park. The memorial was erected at the site of the burial of 5 thousand Soviet soldiers who died in the capture of the capital of fascist Germany. The decision was made at the Potsdam Conference, two months after the end of the war.
The idea for the composition of the monument served as a real plot: on April 26, 1945, Sergeant Nikolai Masalov during the assault on Berlin brought out a German girl.
   The soldier was wounded in the leg, but the girl was brought to his own.
     Vučetić prepared two projects of the monument. Initially in the Treptov Park was planned to put a Stalin statue with a globe in the hands as a symbol of the conquest of the world. As a spare option, Vucic offered a soldier’s sculpture with a girl in his arms. Stalin submitted both projects, but he approved the second.
   On the Potsdam Bridge in Berlin, a plaque was installed in memory of the feat of Nikolai Masalov in this place. When they tried to find the same girl, about a hundred German families responded. It was documented that about 45 German children were rescued by Soviet soldiers.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №141143
Not too confident men (and not very smart) often choose the bad intentionally to look smart, at least against the backdrop of their women. As a rule, the side effects associated with such a choice, they do not realize because of their own poor mind.

The question is, should I complain afterwards?
As in Rajkin: Close your mouth, fool.

They will pick for the breasts/letters, and then crush, what I got such a chicken

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №141142
To the word about introducing into the stupor of those who ask you about something. When I was a child, at the stop, an obvious pedophile rattled me, asking if I was thirteen.
He only heard the number and thought he was asking if there was a bus. This is how the forces of idiotism and chaos have again conquered the damned pedophiles.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141141
aaaa: favorite topic of Irish news portals -
It’s like someone was robbed in London.
iiii: ))) ugly and disgusting chicky?
Aaaa... practically! and 😉
Aaaa: Well, understand, we have to get news from somewhere, we don’t have a sheep stuck in the fence every day.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141140
xxx: Well, it turns out that the Chinese control board with the Taiwanese component base and the Philippine display, attached by Russian cartridges to the German plastic by the hands of the Ukrainian emigrant, is stuck in the Slovak cartridge and packed in a Belarusian cardboard... And what to write on it?
YYY: Made in Romania

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141139
In the kindergarten, a girl was running after me all the time, clinging and pushing, and I was always pushed by some guy with whom I did not make friends. As my mother later told me, I liked the girl and so she did so, and the guy I wasn't friends with was in love with that girl and from jealousy he touched me, and I didn't understand what was happening at that moment and suffered from some inadequates.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141138
In other words, do not chase the cat. The cat was cute.

Is there a cat there??? We did not immediately find the accounting section.) Sometimes I want to quote "mama, you always dream of me in an exotic form". Unfortunately, in the case of 8.3 this is not a dream (((. "The best" is the enemy of the good, gentlemen developers. I hope that at 8.4 everything will go back, because, as the famous character said "how to make people good? First do bad and then return as it was". Gentlemen developers, please do everything well and don’t use the prohibited drugs anymore.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141137
She: I’m not going to ask you anything more!
He is :?
She: words incomprehensible from your answers do you know how to walk long from the phone?
He is: for example?
She: well placebo, visavi, belletristic...
He: no problem, don’t ask, I’m not very interested in you either.
She: Okay, I’m going to google.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №141136
by Geektimes
“At the age of 15, I became obsessed with the idea of creating a paper computing machine [...] made of paper, cardboard and toothbrushes.” — After the word “obtain” it is not common to ask “why?” but yet, why exactly paper and not, say, a tree or bone? What is the most accessible material, including for processing?
Reply to
Second: “Why is it paper and not, say, a tree or a bone?”
Probably there was no cemetery nearby.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141135
After a family tea drink, he thoughtfully said: “I seem to have understood what Russian mentality is. Here we have three apartments in the family, a house, two cars, but tea we still drink one bag for two.

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141134
This, which is washed once a week: what is "to collect and disassemble the bath"?
No, I had a shower cabin, but before that the bath was, and it wasn't necessary to assemble it exactly, just get out, pull the curtain and turn on the water.

[ + 38 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141133
In Mongolia are gaining popularity labels on the horse:
"1237 to 1480. We can do it again!"

[ + 36 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141132
Alternative to the gifted:

Citizens, having traveled through Europe, begin to read about how beautiful it is, not realizing that behind this beauty is a bunch of investments paid out of the pocket of the locals. That in the center everything is not loaded with cars, because parking is paid and inexpensive, that cleaning costs money, that the maintenance of all these palaces is worth money, that if you live in a historic building, you cannot sneeze there without obtaining written permission. Fuck the dog, again, you have to clean it personally, otherwise a fine, etc.
That is, the author of this is sure that the shit for dogs is better not to clean, or the scraps will bend?

No to bluff! The author says that if you want it to be beautiful as in Europe - clean up your own shit! Not about Dimon.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №141131
One hour later, another accident occurred at the same intersection. Toyota and Honda went to the crossroads on the yellow light. After the collision, one of the cars flew onto the lawn through a pedestrian fence, which an hour earlier was pierced by the participants of the previous accident.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna