— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97784
Sofi: Vkontakte: "Vladislav Krivolapov added to friends Maria Krivonogova"
Sofi: They found each other!:D

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №97783
I am a humanitarian, I want to cultivate philosophy behind a glass of expensive cognac.
What kind of diploma do I write in C++?! to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №97782
From VK:

Vladimir Ivanov
Hassles are Hassles.)
Yesterday at 11:34 pm Reply
Elena Vlasova
Huskies are the only dogs that eat human meat.
Like 1
Yesterday at 11:42 pm Reply
Sergey Andronovich
Give the dog meat and it will eat it, purple whose meat it is.
Like 2
Yesterday at 11:45 pm to ElizaReply
Vlad Medvedev
All dogs eat meat, any
Yesterday at 11:48 pm to Elena Reply
Eva Antipina
Elena, wondering, where did such information come from, someone specifically offered dogs of all breeds human meat and only hatches refused?)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №97781
An old quote, but still relevant.

The xxx:
I wonder why people who are free from the need to both go to work and communicate with colleagues (say, doing a volume translation in one barrel) ALWAYS switch to the day mode of Count Dracula? It lights - we go to bed, get up for lunch, the cycle closes.
Because in the evening and at night less distractive factors - calls, visits - nothing, respectively, does not interfere with working. This is the first. Secondly, if a person does not live alone, then during the day he is dragged to work, because few people understand that he who sits at home does not work and does not rest, but works. And when you get up with the first snakes, then without complaints – I was busy, I slept, and I slept because I worked at night.

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №97780
Conversation of two witnesses of Maidan:

Oh myth, I jumped up.
Crimea is the border, gas is gold, and now we will pay for coal.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97779
News 1 channel about explosion in Khabarovsk:
It smelled gas and caused an accident. The worker started burning the door to a Bulgarian! At that moment there was an explosion.
A strange coincidence. And the worker did everything according to the rules.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97778
When I was in 2006, after Lordi won Eurovision, I told friends that now for the full success of this contest it must be won by a bearded grandmother no one believed me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97777
I haven’t watched Eurovision. Who has won?
- Gaia Petrovich Hrenova Europe ;)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №97776
Listen, I don't know what company you can deliver to the newspapers from Moscow not very large (a half kilograms), not very valuable and not very urgent cargo) you need to send some che. Not expensive

Post of Russia
It is, if not very important.
WOW: And if it’s not very necessary
It may not be very loaded.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №97775
to this:
to this:
After the change:
I: Let’s go to the girls on the third floor?
Go home, go home, go home, go home.
I: They have three – the tenth size!! to
I will be in a minute.

I also Lëha, and also got such a tempting offer. The friend did not lie, the giraffe was eighth, and the two faners were the first.
The devil is in the details, gentlemen.
The lights of the 1st size, mimimi, had to be taken.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №97774
It is better to sing, not to spit on the pitch. Pedorras are also unhappy people, they love in the ass.
Do you really believe that the Eurovision contest is far from politics? Do you really think that the first places are given to the one who sings better?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Do you believe in pink unicorns?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №97773
From the discussion of the victory at the Eurovision bearded "women":

WENNY KEST: Stop-stop, and why doesn’t anyone remind you that Russia-mother herself put this ugly, disgusting, disgusting Conchite 10 points out of 12? How is it?
Jean Basquiat: It was the gentleman’s secret...the gentleman in black.
Wendy Kest: I am from Donetsk. They are already here. Some people talk about referendums.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №97772
xxx: o, the expression "to fall into 10k" played with new colors
Geologists were lazy to coordinate drilling with electricians and drilled a 10 kV cable

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №97771
The husband forgot a package with things at home, and in order not to return asked to take them off the balcony - now they hang on a tree...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №97770
The guy is calling now, speaking very unclearly, maybe eating. I have to ask him several times. He was looking for a carrier job. He asks another question. I can’t stand it, I say:
Please repeat, you have something with diction, speak more clearly.
Here is a guy like Levitan, clearly says:
Ahvit, I studied Linguistics for 5 years and now I have, shit, what about diction.
He puts the phone.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97769
1: Do it better for me!
2: No, I don’t want you. You have a neighbor with a perforator.
No, with the perforator no longer. There is a music center.
2: More than that. And I have no neighbor with a perforator, no music center, even a neighbor with a TV is already in resuscitation.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №97768
Well, here it all depends on your search queries. When I worked at Rambler, I was surprised to find out that the purpose of the “search porn filter” is not to not publish pornography at all, but only to classify the query as “normal” or “porno” and to make a “quality” release for the second category too.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №97767
xxx: No... no, you are of course stronger than I want to turn and all that, but you have never tried to take the chocolate from me (which is strategically correct if you really have serious intentions) I assume that I will have some reserve and I will fight for it like an ancient titan!
yyy: I will have the opportunity to bite an ancient titan for pop!!! to

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №97766
From Hansa:

RPC is worried about the victory of the final at Eurovision.

That is, the bearded men in the dress are worried about the victory of the bearded man in the dress?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №97765
Two years ago I bought a Panasonic microwave, they made a discount for worn buttons. The film was removed as soon as it was brought home.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna