YYY: That you celebrate your wedding at "McDonalds".
You’re going to be at the wedding ;)
I thought I had claustrophobia.
xxx: (((( until I bought a cable 10 meters and the toilet didn't appear
Wait for the sun
Fuck.I here phone in luzu crashed.Typer three buttons sovssam no work.
and AU!
and burning)
Wait for the sun
I can write hard, I can hide myself. Russians are living.
XHHH: How do you think, heroic sign, that day before Gos. Did the exam remove me from my friends in contact?
From ASI:
The Cat (14:25:35 11/09/2008)
Where are you studying?
N.O.S (14:25:40 11/09/2008)
In four schools
Kitty (14:25:56 11/09/2008)
For whom?
to the student =)
GaSeR: By the way, the modern girl has no chance to find a guy for sex on the internet :D
A friend told me today:
I bought a small gift here - a machine on the radio control. I brought it home and decided to check. The clock for two disappeared until the batteries settled.
I went to practice in the administration of the district, I sit with my friends, I boast:
I: there such educated people work, one employee, for example, "master and Margarita" read 43 times.
In the past 42 years, she hasn’t understood anything.
XXX Attention! Now I will stifle you with my excessive intelligence!
yyy: try it
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx He raised his intelligence above his head
Oh, go here, I’ll beat it on you!
yyy: take it off the palm)
I love my friends! We are standing near the railway station, drinking beer (taken to a small town, where everything is closed long before the dark, did not know where to go). It’s fine and (which is surprising!) quite polite asks to move away, even showing a place where we can move - near the tables are standing. Everything is fine, lovingly. And apparently from this kindness one of his friends gives:
You know why we are especially grateful to you, Comrade of the Police? They didn’t check our passports. We do not have them with us!".
Thank God we had a chance to move to another warm place.)))
X: Did you read MC yesterday?
Yyy: I don’t read newspapers, I’m watching projector perishillton.
Design of the next project:
xxx: on the pss in the block "Articles" headline. What does Marilyn Monroe sleep in? In what, in what. She is sleeping in the grave.
xxx (13:27:08 7/06/2010)
Where to get 9 lesbians urgently?
yyy (13:27:14 7/06/2010)
???? ? to
Harlequinn: this is real, why is it so difficult to find in our time a beautiful face and figure sports non-smoking non-drinking girl with non-standard logic, angel patience and the same ability to dig out at least something good in a guy?
Harlequinn is fucking. It was funny XD
XXX: Gods what a branch of the turtle gave :), so it smells offgenic!
xxx :D
Discussion of photos of newborn children
- on 4 photos too long hair for 5-10 days, as I think
- My comrade was born precisely with long hair and a perfectly decorated cloth.
I was born with hair to my shoulder. ?
I saw a girl born with a cluttered hair.
Judy was named? and ;)
I looked around me. Computer - China, table - Italy, phone - Germany, chair - China, car - Japan, telephizer - Korea.... your way. I was upset, went to the toilet, and suddenly - a miracle - a toilet bathtub - RUSSIA!!!! to
Close the window, it is cold, not a month of May!
- Agha, June, in the Urals, outside the window +8
XXX: How much does it cost to build a website?
yyy: from a bottle of beer *ROFL*
A. For the organization
A bottle of cognac :D
X: Throw, the paraffin was invented by a couple of Finns!!! to
Paranoid is Noah’s wife.! to
y: Oh, and paranoid - a couple of normal such guys!!! )))