— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129893
Wasabi: I liked it! I am Vasabi, not Vasya B!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129892
About clothes and swimsuits:
The girl in an open swimsuit is dressed. The girl in closed underwear is dressed. It can’t be explained – only remembered."
© Jurchenko S.G., School demon 4

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129891
Here is Fig.

And yes, clothes and swimwear are different things. It is a pity that you do not understand this.

If the underwear of the category "to wear to immediately remove" - then yes. And ordinary underwear differs from swimwear in color and material. Or just material. The "principal" difference is only in our heads. It is a pity that you do not understand this.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129890
Olya to her husband: The crane is running.
The room will soon flood.
to fix problems
We need to change the inserts.
The man replied, “Listen, Olya.
I’m a technician for you, right?! to
The next day, the wife cried:
Switching of barrel.
Repair would not bother.
So you got me,
Like your soup that I eat without salt!
I am an electrician, right?! to
My husband came for lunch.
A neighbor came.
The switch repaired
I replaced the plugs.
This is great, no problem!
Tell me what in return.
Did he want this case?! to
Whether I sing or I sing.
Did you sing, Olga?! to
I am a singer, right?! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129889

here here :
About "return to the past to fix everything". I like the movie "The Butterfly Effect". Who did not watch - there the main character learned to return to some moments of his life and do everything differently (in the end his life changed). And every time it turned out to be silly - then without hands will remain, then in jail will sit, then a friend in a psychic will be cared for, and a girlfriend will become a prostitute. A good film that answers the question "what would it be if it were done differently".

"Back to the Future" – If you are careful, you can

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129888
For the Justice:

Eventually, everything went well, anyway. When he thought to go back to his childhood and send the girl, because of which the whole spark was. I think the main idea of the film is: babies are evil!)))

In the original version of the film, he returned to his childhood and killed himself (without being born). All my friends and family are well. And then the end was admitted to be cruel and removed.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129887
Do you not see that year after year mankind is living better and better? If I had a time machine, I would have gone 100-150 years ahead, registered for social support, and lived in a dormitory with a couple of personal robots.

It was in an old fantastic show. All of humanity, without speaking, has rushed alone to a bright future. The future is not to be created by anyone. Everyone looks out of their time machine – and here is an emptiness, not a bright future. And it flies on itself, further and further. The end.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №129886
No, my dear therapist, I’m not going to sun less, sorry. I don’t know how, in my opinion, the sun brings me much more benefit than harm.

Go to the oncologist to tell, entertain the person.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129885
The boring space

On August 11, at 23:30 Moscow time, about 3 hours after the American astronauts Rick Mastrakyo and David Williams went out into open space, the main command-control computer of the American segment of the station declined. Its functions were transferred to the duplicating equipment.

The computer failure did not create any threat to the astronauts working on board or to the people on the ISS. Initially, the possible causes of the breakdown, which NASA called "mysterious", were not announced.

Later, from the text of the radio talks of Russian cosmonauts with the Central Space Administration, it became known that one of the American astronauts turned off the TBU and all the sockets, because he wanted to photograph in complete darkness, but the lights on the instrument panel interfered with him, and he turned off everything that shines, which was accidentally discovered by one of the Russian cosmonauts.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129884
Sorry, nothing helps here anymore.
Y: The next time I need moral help, please be silent. You don’t do it very well.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №129883
And yes, underwear and swimwear are different things. It is a pity that you do not understand this.

Oh, girls are very strange objects, they are embarrassed in the swimsuit, and they are not in the swimsuit)))

Ordinary everyday underwear, without any there are sexy swimsuits is even more closed than some swimsuits. There is no fundamental difference.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129882
She says openly that she is not pleased. But her partner misses it by the ears and continues to do everything like before. So why would she continue to fuck him? For some other plush - apartments, gifts, etc.? to

But you imagine - it happens that they love a person and unselfishly want him to be good. Ignoring their interests.
When such loving women burn out without each other’s attention and just say “stop,” their partners come into much greater confusion and anger than those with whom not so loving all their lives are drawn. They feel deceived, you know?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №129881
Put here the second part of the dead souls. Or at least a reference.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129880
If children walk like this with their parents, the same article. This is unfair, immoral.

You made my day.............
Parents until a certain age see their children naked regularly, the son of 10 years, a year ago he started to lock from me in the bathroom, himself, no one taught him that it is inappropriate to walk naked, felt the gender difference and all, no one bothered when he big-blowed around the apartment, no one specifically emphasized attention, just came the time when girls separately - boys separately. Social services are only available to disadvantaged families.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №129879
Review on July on famous batteries with a promotional picture from "Star Wars" on the packaging:
Normally they work with ordinary light swords, but the Siths are already hard to pull. The two sides did not get involved at all".

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129878
here here :
The spouse A (I do not remember which gender) pressed the toothpaste in the middle, and the second wanted (for some reason in principle) to be carefully pressed out and bended from the tail.

You buy a plastic tube that is straightened after every push and your marriage is saved!

Not a fig. It is badly straightened if not specially smoothed, and the one who presses the tube in the middle is unlikely to be dimmed by it.

In fact, the life of an accuratist and a pig is a hell for both.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №129877
Be careful not to burn.
Gathering courage in his fist,
Give it all to the babysitters.
Do not admit that you are a fool.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129876
The world is going crazy. England has left the European Union. Donald Trump is about to rise to the head of America. Vladimir Volfovich, it seems to be your way out.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129875
Who cares, you say? For example, a social worker may come to check the conditions in which the child is held. Walking without clothes with children up to 16 - this and the article can be quite drawn. If children walk like this with their parents, the same article. This is unfair, immoral.
And yes, clothes and swimwear are different things. It is a pity that you do not understand this.

If you are not a troll and really think so, go to the doctor.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129874
You do it everywhere: on the street, in the park, in the yard, in the country. At home, your kids are running in pants. And you tell them every time it’s good, it’s great, it’s right.

It is 20671.
Relax and breathe deeper, or better sit down and take valerian or cognac to cool up.
Our children don’t run around the house in pants, they run around the house naked in the summer. Totally naked. And that’s good, great and right, because it’s OUR home, OUR family and OUR RULES!
Everyone is dressed in accordance with social norms. And if you want to look around and watch what is happening in other people's houses, then move the closet closer to the window, or it will not be visible. and ;)

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