— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65875
XXX is
Suppose if there was a zombie apocalypse and some of your native became zombies would you decide to shoot them?

I would have lived some.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №65874
My grandmother burned. I guessed the scanword, and on the question: "Ritual feast that causes envy in women and sympathy in men" wrote reminders!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №65873
Dasha: Did you notice my boyfriend has a new daddy?

Hedonia: did you notice that I have a whole new guy?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №65872
Yesterday I was in a cultural shock.
I was on a half empty bus. Everyone is sitting, I stand comfortably with a booklet, clinging to the window. A guy of decent appearance comes in, stands next to me and immediately lets "Sheptune". Quietly but very efficiently. The surroundings of the room were so wide that the eyes were blinded. The man obviously at lunch snacked fermented cabbage with fish, or even worse. And I am so reluctant to change the place of dislocation... I think - well, I will hold my breath, and it will be ventilated... x#y. I breathe, it’s here again. I think: well, the poisonous gas can not dissipate for a few minutes! The second stop is already going like during the First World War in the clouds of phosphene, mla. So, this padla adds slowly... I understand that it’s time for me to change the dislocation. I close the book... and here suddenly comes the illumination: fucking, but this guy is not a meteorism - it is such perfumes!!!! Shut up! The perfume! Therefore, it does not disperse and smells permanently!
Here is the apophysis of misanthropy! I will suffer too, but you will all die! Or does he like it?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №65871
Invisibility for Heat:
xxx: And in general - you can just light up the field with napalm - and go through the middle of the fire - then it will not be visible.
yyy: xxx, invisible movement - burn on the road napalm

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №65870
2008-10-17 14:50 #AA-29314 It should be a site where the losers could tell each other about their lives - how they took their phone, how they burned pelletry, how instead of doing business, they play all day, etc., and where they could self-affirming coming up with different stories, such as how they send girls who climb to them in the aska to meet...

Oh, in vain you said that...

[ + 46 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65869
xleb4anski: what a wonderful feeling when at 12 a.m., at six o’clock, you go in a dark park with a kick training and 10 meters away from you, from a bunch of gopniks to communicate "-ei, you let me call"

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65868
A true programmer should always go to bed at 1:28 or 2:56.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №65867
Listen, explain to me, fool, what is the relationship between a cat and a shredder?
YYY: YYY, it’s not quite time now, it’s an old story... see yourself in Google, YouTube...
xxx: you know, here in youthub I am quite afraid to look for this >_<

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №65866
Who has a terrible vacuum in the eggs after sex?
You have chlamydia, go to the hospital.

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65865
Again about football.
I am not going to blame anyone for anything or say what they are. They are normal, they ride the ball, make passes, hit the gates. We cannot win for other reasons. No idea, they have no reason to play. They fuck in which shirt to play for which country or for which club. Their salaries exceed all imaginable limits, and they only have to run a ball around the field for 90 minutes once a week. They just don’t care anymore, our players are driven only by greed and star disease. That is all. No matter who tries, nothing changes. And no matter how you talk about them here, they are deeply afflicted with you all. Anyone who wrote anything here would answer the question: Getting under $500,000 a month would matter whose opinion. They are business friends, just business. So stop hoping for something. Each of us, from a simple fan, a simple Russian all 90 minutes would run around the field at a speed not less than 30 km / h, to get such a monthly sp, and they are just a poker, in general a poker.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №65864
Makz: Zinedine Zidane, Andrei Arshavin, Wayne Rooney – what unites these two legendary footballers?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №65863
MaD: Nu Olya burned here somehow

Admin from Yuri Calls

Ask questions on the net.

Olya is like that, let me give you a smarter engineer.)

I take the tube, I say: A smarter engineer is listening to you.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №65862
I fought a long and brutal war with one firm – it printed my number in the phone book as the number of the Federation of Heavy Athletics. I was constantly called, demanded athletes and coaches, a mass of ballbesses re-printed this number to other publications. I was stunned when at night I received an English-language fax requesting to meet the Venezuelan national team at the airport.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №65861
Marla Zinger: I’t find any kind, good, good guy.
Marla Zinger: But I have it as always. The sky, the sky, I fell in love with the cloud.
Marla Zinger: My anus is probably a troll
Marla Zinger: Amur Blessed Amur
I am crying :D
You made my night.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №65860
Jem: a girlfriend was invited to a wedding with her young man, with whom she can't break up for six months.
Jem: I never thought a girl could be afraid to catch a bride's bouquet

[ + 20 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65859
In WoT introduces a new award - the Kerzhakov medal. They are given to those who miss one goal more than 15 times.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65858
In our office HR asked to add a question to the electronic questionnaire when recruiting: "Have you participated in MMM2011 or MMM2012?" And when answering "Yes" immediately put the status "Not recommended for admission".

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №65857
Is he so excited to meet her?! to
It starts with "yes" and ends with "this"
The love?

[ + 37 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №65856
By the number of grandmothers in my bus, one can assume that every day someone there reveals the secret of the mega-gamer, fucking!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna