— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №99213
This was not the case with our Russian school.

Approximately that, probably.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №99212
With Picaboo, on the discussion of the last puddle in action:
was reminded. Once started to print some document, and in the process of printing the paper is chewed by the printer. I open, pull out the cartridge, slowly pull the trapped leaflet and here... comes Admin (A). His eyes instantly become the same size as that of the Shrek cat: "What are you doing?and "
I’ve stuck the paper, I get it.
Do you get it yourself?
Yes, and what, can we not?
Yes, I can, but nobody can do it on their own.
Another minute pause.
Do you not use injector?
I use it, can’t I?
A - In the morning it fell, the whole office on the ears, and your offices are silent.
I - So I went the router restarted with suppliers, everything worked.
You are the wrong plankton. You only use the cartridges used to change.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №99211
xxx: I love you
YYY: and I love you more.)
No, your mother, I love you more!
YYY: Yes, I’m ready to go through the details of Lego for you!
XXX: Come out for me!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №99210
Why are you so one-sided?
Someone hit the head of weight loss, and in his head only diets, only the gym - let him, this is his life, the main thing, so that others do not bother with this. The other person understands that when his exchange of leanness can beined by eating all his life only a salad leaf a day, and does not want to go for it - his right.
The same with socks / sandals, wear - wear, don't wear - for the sake of God, your choice
And the fact that you are someone because of discrepancies on these, as I see, very fundamental issues you will not consider as a sexual object, so maybe a small loss?

[ + 21 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99209
I came home after a long break. A cute computer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №99208
From Tabu:

xxx: Maybe to go back to the radio business... to buy parts and tie up some unknown unnecessary stuff...
xxx: Plus there is a memory card Memory Stick Pro Duo without a body, and where to go - I don't know.
Make an amulet.
xxx: + 2 GB to memory? :D

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99207
From the php textbook: "time of completion of the endless cycle – half a minute"
Now I know what infinity is.

[ + 35 - ] [16 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99206
Today P. Poroshenko was stuck for a strange occupation. His cortex stopped in front of the lighthouse.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №99205
In the evening, everybody is already drunk. The girls sit and listen to music and sing, while the boys try to melt the bath. And there is one of them: boys! They started singing Lepsa, this is the last line!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №99204
This is the window I often see after leaving the game. (It only appeared once when the screenshot was taken. It is usually closed):
[Link to the screenshot with the Origin'a broadcast included]
What is it, how to turn it off, why "translation" disappeared from Origin"s settings and who turned this shit on? I do not need it. I want to turn off.

YYY: That is the same shit.

Zzzz: Do you think they are watching you?

XXX: And my bread from the bakery began to disappear.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №99203
"This is a country of dissatisfied by definition. People are born with an acid mine on their face. In summer, s..a, hot, in winter, b...y, cold, always everything is not the same.

Sergey Shnurov

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №99202
and Twitter:

Nigerian footballer Peter Odemwingi has denied the presence of a staff wizard in the national team. "We work with freelancers", - emphasized the forward.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №99201
Why is it forbidden to deny the facts of the Second World War, and to deny the fact of the victory of the Cromanyons over the Neanderthals is not simply permitted, but is recommended by the church and REN-TV?

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №99200
Is it possible to fly faster than the speed of light?
Y: It is quite possible and there is a theoretical basis for this. The question is, is it needed? I think that is the most important question.
Z: It would be interesting to fly. Then they would say, look, this is the guy who fucked a Martian. Although, how lucky they might be to say, look, this guy was fucked by a Martian. These interstellar flights are dangerous.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №99199
by Abraham Taliban
Russia cannot play football.
Anton Soshnev
Ibrahim does not know how to write football.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №99198
Requirements of Brazilian footballers:
French footballers failed to find a common language with hard soap

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №99197
Did you take it, or did you take it?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №99196
My acquaintance, a small and careless man under the age of 65, told a story.
At the end of the 90s, the rise of hooliganism and banditism, it is scary to go out on the street, and even more so in the evening. Our hero, being slightly sluggish, returns home late in the evening on foot. So it turned out that he was met by a company of strong and burdensome copters. Their eyes burned: have fun! Escape late, and they will catch up and break anyway. The resuscitation really fainted... The brain worked feverishly, and suddenly the idea came...
He took a quick step, almost a run, went straight to the hustlers and cried loudly:
The men! How glad I met you! Help my grandmother to hide her body.
Gopniki with the words: “You went to the h*j!” They fled from him in all directions, and the man came home whole and unharmed.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №99195
The wife calls her husband:
Did you touch the navigator in the car?
I looked at the distance between Moscow and Yaroslavl.
Thanks to you, Vadik! I am in Yaroslavl.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №99194
If someone is stressing you, feed them. If not, try it yourself. Not for laughter, just good advice and no diets except balanced moderate nutrition. : *

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna