— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6647
He worked, painted the bridge.
It tells: a car flies at Azzsky speed, without reaching the bridge, flies into the bushes, turns and hangs on the branches...
From the car a wild cry: "Blyajajajaaaaaaa! The vodka has turned!!and "

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №6646
She< - you know Albanian???!!!!! to
? to
On-> There is a little
She< is serious!! to
Where did you study it?! to
On-> in the net
She< – why???! to
He-> *DONT_KNOW* he hurt me

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №6645
What kind of soap do you have?
The Soul to
No, root@localhost...
And who does it to you?
The Demons!! to

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6644
Well, that is an adventure!
krul_dar: - Here we go back - and there will be "adventure", and for now it is JOPA!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6643
Svetlana: The application for Bachitova Gulbalda has been certified by the notary of Negmetova Bayana! I’m going to go crazy about this job!
el’Capitano: the respected Gulball....ggg (spool patztol)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №6642
A story in the universe: standing in a parachute we smoke, here comes under the age of edak 65 singing a pre-potopna song... Approaching the pissuar, the show begins, and suddenly the song breaks and follows the replica: “Forgive me my favorite shoes.”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №6641
Pastor: Well, we celebrated the 150 years of the city... a crowd of a couple of hundred thousand who covered the entire coast with anxiety awaited the promised laser show... who knew that the show would be seen only on television...
GNU: %))))))))))))))))

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №6640
In the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition, people were burned for a fraction of what I had to learn in two days... Matan is the generation of the Devil, long live the Holy Inquisition!!! to

People, you finished the matfak, support the poor, raise the quote to the top!and ;)

You are not the only one who takes the exam on Friday the 13th.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №6639
Don’t look at me like that, I’m scared.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6638
From ABBYY website:

Stop the computer pirates! Pirate activity has become a real plague of the 21st century. Bill Gates alone loses $10 billion a year. It is..."

by Bugaga! Keep that way, comrades!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №6637
<Swem> yet knowledge is power... I am the first copy of my diploma note has already two axes today (8

I read it three times... then I realized that here "os" is not an operational.

Fuck, I read it five times, and if it wasn’t the second line, I’t get X_X.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №6636
I was at the prosecutor’s office this morning.
XXX: The system is disrupted
xxx: found a piece of 15 porn movies... probably the materials of the investigation

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №6635
I build a shop. to myself. I’m so excited that I’m already dreaming of a whore all begins.
I dream that I work in my own store as a salesman. Just for some reason it is closed, and I am standing on the street, and putting the puddles in a canned jar. Parachutes in a bunch, stems with a staple. My master comes - a cast clown from the "House of 1000 bodies", we go into the store, and there is such a wooden throne and around it all kinds of herbs and spices in bags... and here he says to me through the shoulder: "You guys have worked well, you will have to work with me for another 20 months... and you have 3 kilograms of anashi."
At this time, my wife is pushing me, and I opened my eyes and hesitated not waking up and answering this shit: "And go on the fucking, grandfather!"
I don't know what my wife thought, but she went to work before me, and on the table a thousand rubles and a note: "Go out in the evening for a snack with the guys, or buy Novopassit. You will soon be out" :)

Do you build near Tobol in Kurgan? With everyone so...

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №6634
City of Sanchez:
I got a crossword question: which bird puts its own enema using its own clove?
It was Chibi.
Figase nature over the bird joke! O_O

Me and myself:
It is important not to sneeze during the procedure.

The main thing is not to stumble.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №6633
I recently came here to put inets.
It was fun to watch the mattress who sat in front of the black Linux console and waited for the wheel to load.
Prethot said the phrase "you need to replace the wheel of the march, it seems like you are dead."

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №6632
kP: so fuck up, just for the sake of saying "Predest!"

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №6631
serejke:...all girls like girls, and my little that odmin, also quotes a ridiculous tower:(

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №6630
I don’t want to go on the bus, only the plane.
I have not been flying for a long time...
There will be a normal plane, not like in Simferopol.
Maybe it won’t even blow out the window :)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6629
Little Vladimir Putin never greedy and allowed other children to ride their bicycle after the second round.

But I was always in the luggage.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №6628
I am flying in the plane. In front of me sits the GlamCallhouse style defach and tells the scanword. For five minutes, he has been thinking hard, biting his pen, looking through his shoulder. From the whole scanword is solved only:
"Four shells" - "LITR".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna